xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

Completely unrelated to pregnancy but here is my aforementioned kitty. She's called Robin and she's so cheeky, love her to bits xx


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A little handheld fan think we will all need one!

I need to buy bits for me next and nappies for baby.

KWarbee- I went for the pink lining bag blooming georgeous it's huge it was on special I wish Id invested when I had DD! OH isn't really bothered about it which is good. I'm not girly so it's a bit out of my comfort zone but if it fits everything in im game lol

Sign up to boots parenting club and you can get a free changing bag too :)
Love your kitty she's so cute :)
Hers ours she's called Jynxs she's not a cuddly cat unfortunately she'd rather play cuddles are on her terms only lol


Get my whooping cough vaccine today :) another needle off the list lol
Thanks Angela! I can't see the picture you've uploaded unfortanately, I think it's my computer playing up. Ours has a split personality! One moment she is so loving and affectionate and the next she will start slapping you and trying to nibble on you. She's a tortoiseshell :)

Thanks for the tip about Boots, I'll check that out! Yeah, the pink linings ones were just too girly for me. I've read such great reviews about them though. I'm hoping to find a plainer version with the same amount of space and pockets!

A fan is a very good idea, I'm going to add that to my list!

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Aww lovely cats :)

Ladies I am exhausted today just got DS to have a sit with me and watch cbeebies with pillows and blankets
Today is by far my most tired day yet
Once DS has his nap I think I'll be joining him

Anyone else exhausted? X
Ingridika I like that style bag! I'm with you Kwarbee on the pink Lining bags...too girly for me! I have my eye on nova harley bags, they are handbags essentially! Some of the pacapod and storsak bags are nice too!

I have just done a shop for cleaning products at asda to save us when the bub comes!

Went to the surrey baby crap! But had been to the London one so was expecting a bit much of it I think, probably better if you still need to get big stuff!

Need a steriliser and pump, any advice? Want as natural teet option as possible! X
Bonze, I got Tomee Tipee steriliser. It came together in a starter kit. I havent used it yet, but it has good reviews! Is big though... We decided not to buy pump as of yet, in case I cant breastfeed..
Well managed to get a bit of sleep not much and now my hip is killing me :(

Was going to ask ladies
Have you all got baby chair / swings?
Wondered what you brought?

Hope your all having a good afternoon x
Ingridika, yes :) we finally decided to go for the Rialto+ Oak bundle from Mamas and Papas. I wasn't 100% happy but I just couldn't justify spending loads on a set when that one is very good quality. Have you got your furniture yet?

I've seen a plum storsak bag that I liked but it was £100+ and my OH won't let me have it! Boosh, I really like that pacapod one though! Not seen that one before and I've heard really good things about the pacapod bags.

Bonze, I went for the Tommee Tippee electric steriliser starter kit. Great reviews and was a good price in the sale. Worth looking at?

Laura, hope your hip pain eases soon! We went for this bouncer:

I did a lot of browsing on loads of different websites and the reviews for that one were always great. Decent price and looks lovely.

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Hey girls.
I've noticed people in other months saying stuff about seeing things on other people's facebooks.
Anyone fancy buddying up on fb? Not sure how it would work as don't really fancy writing my name for all to see on here.
Just thought it would be easier to keep in touch once babies are here, especially for pics (also, I'm nosey and find it strange that I have no idea who I'm talking to).x
I am friends with my amazing bump buddy 'Boosh' on facebook. She is simply wonderful has given me soooo much support recently, not just about pregnancy stuff either. Im happy for people to add me. Jenny Windsor

If you're the third trimester pic I've added you. If not, I've added a random :/
Hi girls! I think we could set up a private Facebook group? My sister did it with her mummy group from here when they all had their babies!

No one on Facebook knows I'm pregnant and I'm keeping it that way until the baby comes!

Cotbed went up today, I'm so so so happy with it and it was a bargin!

Thanks for the steriliser tips, I think we will go with that one and wait on the breast pump incase I can't bf! I getting really excited about this baby coming now! X
Jenny ive added you :) crawkey - privats message me your name and what your pic is and ill find you on fb xxxx

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