xXx . ~ + < * * July mummies 2015 * * > + ~ . xXx

Sitting here doing pelvic floor exercises.

(you're welcome)
8 week countdown till i leave work! Sounds quite scary! Then im a mummy!!!!!!


I keep forgetting ;( oopsie! Ill be peeing everytime i sneeze after!lol

Hope you all had good weekends. Not long till all july mummies are over and we are reunited :)

I'm 9 weeks next Monday (9 weeks of work) got another holiday week this week and 1 in may!! Although talking to my friend yesterday it may be a struggle as I'm due to finish on 26th June and I'll be 38+1!! Got midwife appt today-need to book in whooping cough jab!! X
Hope all goes well with midwife twinkle
I have midwife today too not seen her since 18 weeks and will be 29 weeks tomorrow :0

Midwife is at 3:20pm late one today
Also got anti D :(
But be happy to hear babies heart beat I hope
Ooooo that reminds me need to get a wee sample oops

Hope your all ok today x
Should midwife be able to tell me which way round bubba is if I ask? X
Yes laura she should be able to :) I know later on they can

I'm at the midwife tomorrow also have to book a whooping cough vaccine. Also hoping she can confirm that my glucose results were fine.
Not looking forward to the blood tests lol I'm such a wimp.

Off shopping later Morrisons have the pampers newborn nappies on for £3 at the moment so I'm going to get a pack :)
That's a fab price Angela :)
Hope your appointment goes well tomorrow

You know it's only 2 and a half years ago since my first but I can't remember a thing lol
Will I end up having bloods today as well then?
Do you have to ask for whooping cough vaccine or is it a must in pregnsncy now?

Think my little boy might have chicken pox :( time and spots will tell x
MW told me on Thurs bub was head down.
Of course by my scan on Fri she'd flipped again and was bum down with her feet in her face.

They still move around for a while yet, especially subsequent babies which tend to engage a whole lot later than first babies.

Heading off now to go get my anti D as they didn't have any in last week.

So fun getting continuously stuck for this that and the other... Xx
Hope you get your anti D lacey and it's not too stingy
Not looking forward to mine :( x
Yep another rounds of bloods :(
I was told last week she briefly said whooping cough vaccine is next time and Id have to make an appointment so I will probably book it tomorrow (I don't mind them injections how weird am i its just bloods and antithetic I don't like lol)

Oh dear hope your little boy is ok what a time to get chicken poxs
Thanks Angela
Wow I have a lot to look forward to today
Anti D Injection
And everything else

Waiting on call back from doctors for little one see if they can confirm it for me
He is getting more spots so want to get them checked incase its something else
No problem hun I only know as I asked so I can have toast before I go as I usually feel like I will pass out lol
It's been 3 and a bit years since I had my DD so I had forgot hehe
I'm hoping these bloods will tell them if i need iron tablets as I did with my DD
Hope it goes well hun
Amazing how much you forget isn't it lol
That and baby brain doesn't help at the moment lol

Got midwife at 3:20 and then back to doctors at 5 with DD for spots check x
Still none in... :( went all the way down the docs for nothin.

Ah well. Back tomorrow, I guess. Xx
Oh that's annoying lacey
Hope they have some tomorrow x
Just got back from midwife
Babies heartbeat was lovely to hear
Measuring 28cm so just average
Had bloods done which took forever and I will definitely have a bruise from lol
Then followed by anti D in the leg..... Ouch!!!!!

Had sugar in my urine so if I have it again when I see her at 34 weeks will have to have GTT done

All was ok I think
Baby is head down at the moment but told she has lots of room to move again yet

Also got to go back this week or next to get whooping cough vaccination by nurse x
Midwife was good. They didn't have my appointment booked in,but luckily someone hadn't turned up. I was in there for some time just chatting with the midwives. They've said that even when I move if I want to I don't have to change midwives I can just continue going there,which is good!! I had bloods taken,blood pressure which was perfect,urine test was fine,heartbeat was 150bpm,measuring 29cm. I talked about movement and they said not to worry to much as baby won't be in a pattern unt 30weeks but if I'm ever concerned to ring!! Talked about breast feeding and pain relief and birth plans! I feel a bit more prepared! I told them that I'm not very good at sticking to plans,her suggestion was to plan in the things that I can control like who cuts the cord,whether I want skin to skin,if I want baby to have vit K (what's that and what's it for?? Something to research tonight), if I want an injection to deliver the placenta (not heard of that either-another thing to research!!) I also booked in my whooping cough vaccine for Friday!!

In other news-I also got the deeds of the house through and I've sent them off. Yay!!! Anyone who has been through this process before what happens next?? Last time we got to this part and then we were about to get the keys and the mortgage company pulled out-I'm nervous!!!!x
Vitamin K is a blood clotting aid. If not given, babies can bleed out, sometimes externally, sometimes internally (such as in the brain), as their blood is so thin.

You have the option of not having it, but I would suggest speaking VERY thoroughly to a medical professional before going with this choice.

Or, you can have it given to baby via injection or oral drops.

Downsides of injection: it's sticking a needle in a baby which seems kinda cruel given that they've just entered the big scary world (but not really cause like, they don't even know).
Plus side of injection: one jab there and then and done.

Downside of oral: it's administered in three doses of drops. One around birth, one a week later, and one a month later. Missing one of these doses could result in delayed bleeding, so, pretty much pointless. And there's already a LOT to remember in those first weeks.
Plus side of oral: no nasty needle.

DS had the jab, and DD will have the jab when she arrives. They already get pulled and pushed and poked and prodded for different tests etc, one more needle ain't gonna hurt, then I can forever-forget about it.

Glad your appointments went well guys xx
Saw consultant today. LO is still a little on the big side but not comparatively bigger, just continuing on the same line. I mentioned that he'd said the GTT was a possibility and asked whether he still thought it necessary. He took that as me wanting it, and booked me straight in. Not exactly what I meant, but after trying to make him decide and him clearly not wanting to, I decided to go with it. So i have that next week. I don't mind. One more level of reassurance. Quick scan while there and all was fine. MW next week, along with a pretty busy social week, so could be heading into 30th week exhausted. Will be looking for rest periods between now and then.
Ho hum.

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