x---*September Testing Thread*---x 4 BFPs So far!

Yes me too.... My boyfriend thinks I want it so bad that I'm pretending to have cramps.... Men...:roll:
Haha I get all the same reactions you're not alone. This brown spotting though probably is just AF making a slow start so I'm not arguing with him this week xx
I'm out, AF came... 3 days late..... With a vengeance..... Horrible cramps
:afalert: :slap:
Kitana me too. We have spookily similar cycles! Crappy grumpy CD1 for us but a brand new cycle of hope xxxx
Yup Elsa... I think my body is shifting from a 28 day cycle to a 30 day... I'm going to change my cycle days just to make sure I don't get my hopes up just like Yesterday. Hate it.....
Mine seems to be shifting from 30-32 but mine is since a miscarriage so who knows what hell is going on. I'm going to try to have a month of ignoring the whole thing because I felt really desperate about it all this month xxxx
Well my period should have been here yesterday & it hasn't turned up. Had bad cramps yesterday but so far nothing.

All my tests are coming back BFN's (I think. Not entirely sure anymore!)
Good luck next cycle Elsa, I hope next cycle wilthe lucky one! ;)
Can Clomid alter the cycle length Sugarpop?

Yeahhhh fingers crossed for us now Kitana. Plenty of us on this thread deserving of it being our turn!! Xx
Hmm...I've got pink spotting with three days before AF is due. She usually comes in a mad, witchy explosion...am I deluded in thinking it could be implantation bleeding?!
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Ahh CoolNoMore that sounds so positive! I really really hope it is IB. Will be rooting for you for the next few days so AF stays away xx
It could be CNM! I'm still waiting for ov, on CD18 atm and have had ewcm for the last couple of days so hoping ov isn't far away!

Erm, never mind! The witch has got me...specifically, Mad Madam Mim, for any Sword in the Stone fans! Rubbish. Thanks for your wishful thinking, no matter how short-lived :D
Darn that Mad Madam Mim! Please don't tell me you have a giant purple dragon coming out your hooha?!

Sorry coolnomore �� was hoping it was for you cause im in the same boat n was excited someone else thought the same as me!! How long does implantation bleeding last? Ive had it for a day or so but sm also crampy on and off but not like usual cramps?!
Hi everyone,

I am 6DPO on 7th cycle TTC confirmed with FF BBT chart. I hope I can wait until 12DPO to test on 26th Sepember. :-)
*Fairy dust to everyone!*
I am 9dpo, I am not feeling any different to other month. I am trying to wait till the 24th �� Good luck

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