Hi. Can I please be added to 14th December? Hopefully we'll all have some luck with Christmas. This is my first month using opks.
Today marks the start of my 2 weeks wait! I'm going to drive myself mad waiting lol. How's everyone doing? X
Well I'm finally on cd1....slight relief, as didn't want it to be delayed after the ectopic, but it arrived after 30 odd days.

If I go back to 28 day cycle, I will be due on Boxing Day - which means I may test Christmas Day!! If AF is on her way, I will get spotting before that, because don't want to test and it be a bfn, not a good Xmas!

We weeent even going to TTC this month, trying to make loads of plans for next year, which involve long haul travelling and partying. We were going to start trying again next December....however, I'm ovulating when we are both off together (a miracle in itself!), so can't resist sneaking a month in!

Good luck everyone!
Could I be put down for the 10th December please? It'd be a lovely late birthday present for me!! fingers crossed for all of us xxx
Hi first of all good luck everyone.
This is my first time trying this month after coming off the pill. Not getting my hopes up as it took a while for my first baby to come along.
Could you put me down for the 16th ?
Not sure of cycle yet x
3 days until af is due, bfn on a frer. Not looking like this month is for me so waiting for the witch to arrive now. On to the next cycle!

Me too Kumber, stark white on IC today. Waiting for witch to show her face, hope she's quick and doesn't arse about!
I'm hoping that we get our rainbow babies soon ClaireDoll :hugs:

Well af due today and still no show and had bfn on a frer on Sunday so waiting on the witch too

Heather you've been added, good luck. :cheer:

Bummer for you ladies expecting AF :( I hope if she's coming she gets on with it swiftly! Fx for next cycle.
I had a random leaky boob last night, very weird. No other symptoms so fully expecting af on the 2nd. Blehhhhh :wall2:


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