Yay, I'm actually excited about this!
I'm still waiting for AF to show after the ectopic, due end of November, so hopefully I will be testing around Christmas!!!
Will let you know exact date when the witch shows xx
Sorry for your loss lea! :hug: Just let me know when you know, no rush. :)
Argh just had had a missed call from Clearblue about their trial. Tried ringing back but they aren't answering now :wall2:
Aw that sucks Charlotte! Maybe they'll call back :) Fxx!
Yeh they called back! They sending some stuff for me to fill out then some more questionable and hopefully I will be doing it next cycle unless I get my BFP. Xx
Yay! You've got a lot going your way this cycle, hopefully that good fortune will lead you to a BFP! :cheer:
Just waiting for AF.. 16DPO and I got BFN yesterday, not testing again until around 18DPO if the witch doesn't show up between now and then. I don't feel pregnant and I've had cramps that made me think AF was imminent. I think my body is just playing tricks with me because of this pneumonia business and the antibiotics I'm taking to treat it. Apparently both illness and these antibiotics can mess with your cycle. I haven't wanted to see that crimson tide so badly.
Aww sweets. I hope you have some answers soon xx
Can you put me for the 5th please. I'm on CD2 or month 2 TTC baby #3 after a MC in Aug. Can I ask you ladies something kinda confused. My first AF after the MC was very heavy and painful but had no clots. As I said I'm on CD2 and passing clots about the size of a 50p. Have any of you experienced this?xx
Got you down for the 5th. Good luck! :cheer:

I can't say I've experienced what you're describing, sorry I can't be more helpful. Hopefully someone else knows what you're going through.
Sorry to be a pain paining the butt Salley, AF was late do you mind changing my date to the 10th? Did you test again?
No problem hon. All updated. :) Good luck!

I didn't have to test again, went to check cm today and got a glob of crimson instead (kind of gross, so sorry for the tmi on that one) very relieved to get AF today.
13th for me please for the moment, I might need to change it depending on opks, last 2 cycles have been 33 days after almost a year of 27/28 days, so I'm hoping my body decides to go back to the shorter ones again lol x

Can I have the 1st please should be 3/4 days late going on my last few cycles

Thanks for that Salley

I feel your relief!when I got AF yesterday I was never so pleased to see it!my cycles have always Been 28 days but this one was 34 for some odd reason! It's so exciting to even be on a train I've been waiting for 4 years to ttc! Blowing baby dust in everyone's direction for that festive bfp!

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