--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

So sorry to hear Sebbiesmum.. :( i hope you get some rest and feel better soon.

Its so scary this early in pregnancy but feeling much more relaxed than last time. My first pregnancy was so stressful since we had ivf after trying for ages and was so scared of mc and everything but this time since it happened naturally i feel more relaxed for some reason. My scan is 90 pounds since i go to London!! So expensive..

I am 6 weeks and have absolutely no symptoms which makes me think something might be wrong.. I remember i had horrible morning sickness with my girl but cant remember when that started.. Scan i when i am 9 weeks so hope all is good. I have also booked the Harmony test for when i am 10 weeks since i am 39 and higher risk of DS.

Have a girl already but dont mind either a boy or girl. Think if i get 2 girls they will be so close in age and have so much fun together but would be nice with a boy as well :)
Maria, good luck with your tests.

I keep panicking about the pink discharge I had on Sunday. It definitely didn't have any sort of bright red in it and I've had nothing since and no pain, so everyone's reassuring me that it was normal but I can't help but worry. It's really going to drag until our scan next Wednesday.

I'm kind of appreciating my nausea when it comes haha. I wake feeling very nauseous but I force myself to eat. Last night we popped round to see my mum and she'd home made these gorgeous smelling potato skins, well I took a bite and instantly started heaving. I don't know why!!! Luckily spat it out before I had to be sick but was definitely heading that way. Luckily she knows I'm pregnant, else that would have been awkward xx
I felt fairly rough last night. Stomach was just uncomfortable and I couldn't get back to sleep! My mum made her cottage pie yesterday evening and it was amazing! I could have actually eaten the entire 3 person serving. I go from not wanting anything to eat to feeling like I could eat a week'a worth of food in one go!

Will you find out the gender with the Harmony Test, Maria?
Hope your scan comes around quickly Lulu. It's a good sign that there was no red blood or pain and there's been nothing since.
Good Morning Ladies I'm due on the 18th of December! very excited, scared nervous I have two girls 6 & 5 so its been awhile! My eldest daughter was a December baby too :)
big hugs sebbiesmum, don't blame yourself xxxxx

I still have bad pains and now have discharge but its not coloured so got no idea what is going on. I'm also in a pickle with work as i'm currently trying to go part time, I just can't manage full time with a 7 month old. But I don't know whether to tell them i'm pregnant, I don't know if it will help or hinder my case. I'm in a bit of a mess to be honest, i've come of my antidepressants which isn't helping.
Joey - I'm the same, sometimes I just can't stomach anything, the next I'm eating 1 thing after the other.

Jaylou - welcome and congratulations!!!

Mumbear - that sounds so stressful. Was there any reason you've come off your antidepressants? I think I'd tell work personally and just pray they were understanding and supportive xx
There's a risk of heart and lung defects for the baby so I stopped them. I'd rather struggle that risk the baby, I did the same last pregnancy. I think I'll tell them I've always been honest with them so fingers crossed they'll appreciate it
Oh really? I never knew that. I'd do the same. Good luck lovely, let us know how it goes xx
Hi ladies,
Please can I join in? Baby number 2 due 21st December! By this point with DD I had terrible morning sickness- however only having a few waves of that sicky feeling currently- however, that can all change!
Looking forward to getting to know you all & going on this journey together xxx
I will not find out gender Joey since it will be a surprise this time around :) just hope all is well with baby..

Will only be 15 months age diff between my children since my daughter is 8 months now.. Anyone else having 2 this close in age? Freaks me out a bit!! :)
Welcome GF91 and congrats. Same as me, I'm only getting nausea in waves. Was exactly the same with my son though, I never actually got sick with him.

Maria, my son will be 2 and a half. I'm really scared to be honest as this age is so difficult. Give me a newborn any day. The tantrums are unbearable some days xx
MariaIsabella - i'll have the same gap as you, my son is 8 months next week.
Lulu - yeah and that's the one deemed safe for pregnancy. The one I was on when I fell pregnant with my son was a lot of aggressive and a very high dose and the doctor freaked out when she saw thats what I was taking, she weaned me off in about 10 days and it should have taken 3 months so just thankful I don't have to do that again.

I woke up feeling very sick and tired this morning, I'm on my own in the office which freaks me out as I faint a lot when I'm pregnant. I'm booking my scan for a few weeks time but its the day before or after my birthday and I don't no when to do it.
Jesus Hun, well done for getting through that. Must have been hard. How many weeks will you be for you scan?

Have any of you got your first midwife appointments and 12 weeks scans through? My midwife appointment is May 4th at 9am and scan is May 30th 9am xx
I've not called my GP or midwife yet. Still feels too early and last time I booked in for an early scan as I was bleeding then had to phone to cancel which was a horrible call to make so I'm trying to hold off until at least next week. I'm way behind most of you though, would be 5 weeks today based on my lmp, but only 4w 3d based on when I ovulated. I'm excited for you all getting scans booked though and looking forward to seeing all your scan pictures!
i spoke to my doctor yesterday to register the pregnancy and she said i'd hear from the midwife when i'm 10 to 12 weeks which is last week of may. The private scan will be at about 7 weeks 4 days, will there be a heart beat by then? I can't remember how early my scans with Robin were, 6 and 9 i think.

I have the ravenous need to eat everything feeling mixed with I'm going to be sick feeling - not a great combo! Whats everyone up to today? I'm obviously working really hard at work *whistles innocently*
I know what you mean Joey. We have to self refer here so the early you get your details in, the better and more organised everything is.

Mumbear, you should definitely hear a heartbeat. I'm in next Wednesday when I'm 7+4 so I'll definitely let you know what I see/hear. I'm with you on the eating front, I feel really really nauseous today but forcing myself to eat as I know it'll be much worse if I don't. I only work part time so I'm off today, going to look around a few nurseries for my son xx
How did you get on looking for nurseries?

In my area the midwife likes to see you for booking in between 6-8 weeks so I'll give them a call on Monday. Going to call my epu then to and see if they will let me have an early scan. It's strange how different areas do things so differently, it's a bit of a postcode lottery but I'm lucky as I don't need a referral here for the epu
We only went to look at 1. It's a little out of the way, the other 2 we've been to see are walking distance. I did really like it though, there was great outdoor space and Luca's very outdoorsy.

Same here, you don't need a referral for the epu.

Rowing with my fiancé this evening. He's just really irritating my hormones, everything he says I just want to tell him to shut the hell up. Really odd because we're never usually like this haha. I'm too stubborn to sort it out, just going to go to sleep haha xx
Phoned my doctor this morning to register my pregnancy- but I live in a small village where everyone else is about a million years old so I had to actually go in and see the doctor- & for some unbeknown reason he's booked me in for a scan... tomorrow! I'll be 5 weeks exactly, so I'm not sure what will be seen? Have to go on my own as we haven't told anyone else that we're expecting so DH needs to stay at home to look after DD! I had no concerns about my pregnancy at all until he phoned me to say I had to go for a scan tomorrow.... crapping my pants now!! Xxx
Wow, that's very fast! I wouldn't be able to even see my GP for about 4 weeks! They should be able to see the sac but doubt there will be anything else at 5 weeks. Sounds like you'll be well looked after though! Good luck and let us know how it goes x

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