--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

Welcome ladies and congrats.

I'm 7 weeks tomorrow. Can't wait for tri 1 to be over, I hate this anxiety xx
Our due dates are very close MRSS! Keeping everything crossed for some sticky babies!.. the early days are just awfully worrying but it really helps to share stories/symptoms. I'm cramping too, with lower back/bum pain! I have moments where I absolutely convince myself that AF is going to arrive.. xx

I hope we see lots of rainbow babies come December!

I had the bum pain last night too and sat with a hot water bottle against my butt. It's so so worrying! I've felt that way about AF so many times, especially as I'm on progesterone pessaries, they make you even *cough* wetter than normal. It makes me beyond paranoid!

Helen, I thought I'd brave it on here. So glad you have too!

Thank you lulu. Think we'll all be relieved to get to tri2 xx
I'm on the progesterone pessaries too! I never used to track cervical position but having to use these has kind of meant that I'm now doing it by default since getting my BFP.. this is another thing that's making me paranoid! Every time it decides to move I think it's a bad sign! SOOOO pleased to be surrounded by some fellow stress heads :lol: xxx
:lol: that you definitely are Emma haha!! Oh god I've been doing exactly the same with my cervix. I've never even acknowledged the bugger before either!! I was so convinced I was out because I can feel how low my cervix is. I even asked my hubby if he thought I had a prolapse :lol: xx
Phew!! Mines gone low too and I thought it was meant to be high?! I just want to hibernate for the next couple of months and wake up when this early phase is over! It really helps to know others are experiencing the same thing though, so thank you xxx
So weird how many of us are having similar situations! So, in contrast to you ladies however I have to use the progesterone pessaries (warning tmi) in the 'rear door'... a treat I tell you :eh: :oooo:... I've been told to do it this way as they recommend it for quicker absorption, but I must admit it does mean I don't have to worry about the effect it has on the old fufu! It also means I can keep track of CM and any bleeds as real and not as an effect of it. Maybe worth a try if any of you get any 'irritation' ;)

So here's a question - how are you all feeling about the 'xmas baby' thing? I know some people (myself included) got so desperate I couldn't give a ** when it is, others love the idea of a xmas baby and others don't like the idea of it being around xmas... would love to know your thoughts?

GF91 - that's a real toughy with your friend. I think def tell her by text. As an aside, if shes had problems she must have the toughest job dealing with pregnant ladies every day so she'll prob be really understanding. It's hard though.
I wouldn't mind having a Christmas baby!!!

I'm 99% sure I'm going to get induced though which will mean the middle of November for me. I had Obstetric Cholestatis in my last pregnancy and I'm 7 weeks tomorrow and already itching. There's a 90% chance it'll come back in further pregnancies. So upset. Won't show up in a blood test for weeks, but I know 100% it's back xx
Welcome​ everyone! This will sound incredibly cheesy but I heard recently that there are more rainbows in April than at any other time of year so maybe it's a good sign that we all got our bpfs in April since so many of us have had previous losses.

I'm quite excited at the thought of a Christmas baby although i do already feel sorry for them all. As long as you celebrate birthdays and Christmas separately though it's fine - no joint presents! Would be really tough if they were born on Christmas day though (I'm due Christmas Eve so it could well happen)!
What's everyone's thoughts on the progesterone? I definitely feel better being able to 'do' something and really hope it makes a difference this time around..

If I could choose my preference would always be for a spring/summer baby, like I had with my little boy.. but you're right, if you've been TTC for a while and/or have had difficulties or losses in the past the ideal scenario kind of goes out of the window! I do like the idea that in the winter you can snuggle up indoors and shut the world out to a certain extent!

Lulu, sorry to hear you think you may have OC again, is there anything they can do earlier on in pregnancy to manage it? I half expect to be induced too as I had intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) with my son.. but too scared to even think that far ahead yet! Desperately want to get past these early days with no problems..

Emma - there's nothing anyone can do to make it more manageable. Medication eventually and loads of cream. I'm hoping that it'll be easier when I'm a big whale as it'll be in the colder months so itching shouldn't be as bad. I was heavily pregnant with my son in the summer so it was pretty horrific. I'd get about an hours sleep per night, sit in cold baths and just cry up to 10 times a day xx
That's a lovely thought joey - I hope that's true for us all having rainbows!

Emma I've felt so much better being on the progesterone but tonight is my last night on it and I feel like I'm having a breakdown. I'm so worried something is going to go wrong now!

Lulu so sorry to hear you had that before, I've seen woman with it and it looks so difficult to cope with. I really hope it isn't as bad this time round! I was due in September with my son and the heat was horrific, never mind for you!

Helen it's funny. I've never ever wanted a Xmas baby and now I couldn't imagine wanting anything more. I think it's magical and will forever make Xmas extra special!

GF91 - I would also message her. Having been in similar situations I would appreciate a text to let me know and give me time to process it, then congratulate you :)

Can I ask you all about work? I've been off while getting egg collection and egg transfer. I'm now terrified of going back to work. I work in a really busy ward and do 12.5hr shifts often with no break. My anxiety is through the roof at the moment and I'm worried I make myself so much worse going back to work quickly. How are you finding it and are any of you off at the moment? Xx
Lulu- bless you I really hope you manage to escape it all together or at least until later on in pregnancy.. I guess that's one benefit of a winter pregnancy/baby!?

MrsS Can you not ask for more? I'm not sure what happens post IVF; do they only give you a small supply to cover your luteal phase? My understanding with this pregnancy was that after my early scan I can choose whether or not to continue with the progesterone and aspirin (which I definitely will) but that's because of my previous losses. I'm sure if you said you're very anxious about coming off of it they would give you a longer supply? It can't do any harm? I'm off of work also - I work in a lab with potentially abortive agents so my anxiety is through the roof too! I do plan to go back on restricted duties next week though and part of me thinks keeping busy will be a good thing? Xxx
I don't think I'll be able to get more, I have none as of tomorrow and I'm not likely to get any. It says on my letter for a fresh ICSI cycle pessaries to stop when instructed which for me is tonight. I keep telling myself that must be for a reason and if something is going to happen then the progesterone would just delay it anyway! Unfortunately there's no such thing as restrictive duty in my work, you either take patients and manage your workload or you're no use lol. I'm having such a meltdown tonight, my anxiety is horrific. Think I need to just go to my bed xx
Welcome all newcomers! I don't know how you ladies who have had a previous loss manage, I haven't experienced this and still ridiculously paranoid. I hate that the cramps of the uterus stretching feel identical to AF!

I really wanted a Christmas baby when I set out on TTC #2. I'm due 19th December and due to previous emergency section, it's likely I'll be having an elective section at 39 weeks(ish). My brother is born on Christmas Day and used to have a separate 'early birthday' when he was younger.

Pregnant lady hormones well and truly kicked it the other night. My hubby world nights, so always comes to bed later than me. Well the other night he went to bed first. It was at my parent's house where the bed is only a double and I'm used to a king. He was snoring and literally taking up 3/4 of the bed. My back was hurting and I couldn't sleep, so I just lay there and sobbed!!

At the moment, I think I'm going to wait till my 12 week scan and save my money as I know a reassurance scan wouldn't change the outcome, but who knows- I may totally change my mind in 3 weeks.

Hope everyone is going well! Xx
MrsS, hope you feel better soon. If you're really anxious, is there anyway you could take some time away from work?
Are any of you struggling with your backs? All this stretching is taking its toll on my back already. I have a curved spine and I had an epidural with my son so I wonder if those aren't helping or are contributing to the pain. Going to have to purchase a pregnancy pillow!

7 weeks today! It's draggging xx
Yes, a lot. A few months ago I had a problem with my back going into spasm with the muscles on my left side about half-way up. It only happened once, but had to take a day off for it. In this last week, it's happened twice and then I get soreness and twinging most of the time. I had an epidural and spinal block when I had my little girl as well.

I totally agree with the dragging. 5+4 today! I was only 3+5 when I got my BFP!
I was 4 weeks when I got my BFP. These past 3 weeks have felt like 3 months haha xx
Morning all!

I think I will joey, I'm going to see my GP on Monday. My anxiety about everything is just awful! I phoned the hospital about stopping the pessaries and the nurse said my body should be doing it all naturally on its own now so I shouldn't have any reason to worry. Really hope she's right!! I've tested again this morning and getting really dark lines on cheapies so feeling reassured slightly!

I'm only 4+2 :lol: going to be the longest first tri ever!! X
I hadn't thought much about when baby would be here when ttc anytime would be great buuuuut I've had a few pretty negative comments about it like from my mum and the nurse at the Drs office.

Compared to last time around we've told quite a few people and now I'm ive convinced myself that I've jinxed it and something will be wrong.

Hope you are all having good weekends

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