Welcome all newcomers! I don't know how you ladies who have had a previous loss manage, I haven't experienced this and still ridiculously paranoid. I hate that the cramps of the uterus stretching feel identical to AF!
I really wanted a Christmas baby when I set out on TTC #2. I'm due 19th December and due to previous emergency section, it's likely I'll be having an elective section at 39 weeks(ish). My brother is born on Christmas Day and used to have a separate 'early birthday' when he was younger.
Pregnant lady hormones well and truly kicked it the other night. My hubby world nights, so always comes to bed later than me. Well the other night he went to bed first. It was at my parent's house where the bed is only a double and I'm used to a king. He was snoring and literally taking up 3/4 of the bed. My back was hurting and I couldn't sleep, so I just lay there and sobbed!!
At the moment, I think I'm going to wait till my 12 week scan and save my money as I know a reassurance scan wouldn't change the outcome, but who knows- I may totally change my mind in 3 weeks.
Hope everyone is going well! Xx