Congratulations Mumbear. I'm also due 19th December if I go off when I ovulated.
My boobs are so sore. I get some waves of nausea, but not frequent. Usually at night, which was like last time. I've had a lot of cramping which I also had with my first pregnancy. I hate the cramping because it feels like AF cramps, but I know they're normal. Most of the time though I feel normal.
I did another digi yesterday! I've now done 6 tests! Oops. It's now at 2-3. It was 1-2 on Tuesday. Been at my parents house 4 days now and haven't accidentally blurted out 'I'm pregnant' so doing well! Haha.
I wasn't tracking ovulation as it was our first month and I hadn't got organised so my due date is off my last period so I imagine it'll change when I have my scan.
Is anyone booking at early one? I'm going to book one for 7/8 weeks
I'm having major caffeine withdrawal, I'm a big coffee drinker but I've switched to decaf and got a major headache!
We told parents today just because should anything happen my in laws would be asked to care for my baby boy while I'm at Drs/hospital so it made sense to keep them in the loop. My boy was my rainbow baby so I'm trying not to get too excited but I hope this is a sticky one.
It's tempting to book an early scan to see. I'm not sure how much they are in my area. May have a look. We're a bit on our own. All my family and friends are in the Lakes and we live 2 hours away. We are near to hubby's grandad who is 87. The best solution we have if we need someone immediately is hubby's best friend who lives here too. He knows I'm pregnant as hubby likes to have one person he can talk to about it.
Morning ladies, happy Easter! Any nice plans today? We're heading over to my in laws at around 11, then onto my parents, then back home to start preparing dinner.
My nausea is being a pain in the butt this morning, typical.
Both of our parents know, but don't want to get excited until 12 weeks. We've had 2 scans and have another at 7+4, that'll be it until 12 weeks xx
Today will be spent still battling caffine withdrawal, I went to bed at 8pm last night as I couldn't stand the headache any longer and I've still got it. I'm exhausted and starving too and I had gastric bypass surgery a few years ago so being hungry is not a good thing for me ��
With my first I had 4 private scans one at 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 16 weeks for gender and a 3D one at about 22 weeks. Won't be having that many with this one but I think I want to know th gender with the one, I'm not to sure.
Touch wood no nausea yet but it might be a bit early yet, because of my surgery I can't be physically sick so morning sickness last time was just wrenching constantly and it was exhausting.
I had some pink discharge earlier. Seems to have eased off now. Apparently it's normal and I shouldn't worry unless it turns into like a period. I have a cyst on my ovary so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it xx
I just posted on your post Lulu, I think it might be from the internal scans as I'm sure I've heard they can cause slight discharge. If the hospital were worried I'm sure they'd have asked you to come in.
I completely get it, My boy was my rainbow baby (4 mc) so my whole pregnacy I was a mess but it was actually not a bad pregnancy - I hated pregnancy though. What happened after 26 weeks?
Aww see I loved my pregnancy (until 26 weeks). I got a condition called Obstetric Cholestatis. It's a liver condition and there's an increased risk of still birth so you're induced early. You're high risk of getting it in further pregnancies. It was awful so I'm dreading getting it again xx
Hello! I've played scrabble and watched a film! It's just wet and horrible here, so haven't left the house. Hopefully the pink discharge is nothing. I had a bit of brown spotting with my last at about 5-6 weeks which freaked me out. I've just checked and a 6-16 week scan is £45 round here. I'm torn between having one at 8-9 weeks or just waiting it out and using that £45 for the baby. We have no baby stuff! We were so sure we didn't want another that we gave EVERYTHING to charity. So have to buy it all again. Oops.
I had a relatively straight forward pregnancy until 37 weeks. Just had the usual nausea, back ache etc. Then found out I had preeclampsia and polyhydraminos and was induced. It's one of the reasons I decided I didn't want another. Just going to keep an eye on my blood pressure and hope for the best. Delivery didn't get rid of my pre-e either. Still had it for about a month after the birth. I think I have a 20% chance of reoccurrence, so 80% chance of not. Fingers crossed. Really hope you're the 10% that don't get it again Lulu!
Can I join too? Based on when I ovulated I'm due Christmas eve which is quite spooky as I spent Christmas eve last year in the maternity ward miscarrying. Also had a chemical last month so feeling very anxious and time is really dragging. I'm only 4 weeks today but tested on Tuesday as I was feeling so awful (nauseous, gassy, shattered, sore boobs etc) and got a faint positive which is getting much darker. Hoping strong symptoms so early is a good sign but I'll be calling my epu in a week or so to see if they'll scan me early given my history.
Well my pink discharge hasn't returned. Midwife thinks it's completely normal but I do have a scan next Wednesday anyway. It's odd though because apart from the usual first tri niggles and my sore boobs, I actually don't feel pregnant at all. Even though I've had 2 scans already lol xx
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