--x--December 2017 Snowflakes Thread--x--

Oh don't the after pains were horrific for me, I never even knew about after pains, no one had told me about them. I had a really positive labour with my son. I was induced on the Saturday and didn't have him until the Wednesday so it was very long, but I wasn't in a lot of pain, I didn't cry once or scream haha. Definitely won't get that lucky again. Feeling a bit nauseous this morning. Got the crackers at the ready. I'd forgotten how yuck the first few months are xx
No nausea over here which I'm thankful for, mind you I didn't get any nausea with my son either..just the tiredness and sensitive boobs at the minute :/ and to top that all off I have to go to work :( boo!!..i have noticed my skin has become more drier and I've got a terrible break out here and there..i really don't remember how bad the first few months are and now I'm reminded :lol:
No nausea over here which I'm thankful for, mind you I didn't get any nausea with my son either..just the tiredness and sensitive boobs at the minute :/ and to top that all off I have to go to work :( boo!!..i have noticed my skin has become more drier and I've got a terrible break out here and there..i really don't remember how bad the first few months are and now I'm reminded :lol:

I'm only feeling nauseous when feeding the dog or picking up after him out a walk, only thing I have to contend with is bloating, wind and minor backache when sitting on floor with kids part of me thinks I'm having a boy already but we shall see

I got no morning sickness with my son, just nausea for the first 12 weeks or so. Are any of you ladies getting really dehydrated. I'm drinking a crazy amount of water xx
Even though I am suffering from the mother of all chemical pregnancies..im still going to see you alright in the this thread :)
Thanks harley..absolutely distraught I cried my eyes out in work and ended up getting the week off! But as my OH has said "rip it up and start again"..hes raring to get going again but I just can't put myself through that again..as much as I want another baby I just help but worry doubly the next time it happens which will drive me berserk :/ cannot win thesedays!!
Oh Sebbie I'm so sorry to hear that. I also had a chemical in December, I was devastated. It will happen for you xx
Hi everyone I'm new here. 6 weeks 1 day pregnant and this morning have been having lower abdomen pain which feels like mild contractions accompanied with brown soft stools. I last had this on Saturday which lasted on and off for about 5 hours. I haven't had any bleeding or spotting with it only white discharge comes down not a lot. Does anyone think this is a clear out or maybe leading up to a early miscarriage. I had a miscarriage in 2015 but didn't get this. Had a loss of symptoms that's how i knew something was wrong and stomach felt heavy. But not this time. Anyone please help.
Sorry to hear Sebbiesmum! x

Hope it's ok to be added on here. Got my BFP for our 2nd on Sunday. From
1st day of AF, the doctor will date me at 13th December, but I know I ovulated at CD21 (long cycles) so I think that puts me at 19th December. For some reason I'm really nervous, maybe because I found out at 12dpo. With my first, the CBD was already on 3+ when I tested, because I just thought I was having a 40 plus day cycle! I just feel a bit paranoid, I'm on constant knicker watch!!

Babyno5, I had AF type cramps with my first all the way through the first trimester. It was all the stretching. Even had a bit of brown spotting which was my body clearing out. Hope all is going well for you!
Welcome Joey. This is my 2nd too. I'm much more anxious the time around xx
Sorry to hear Sebbiesmum! x

Hope it's ok to be added on here. Got my BFP for our 2nd on Sunday. From
1st day of AF, the doctor will date me at 13th December, but I know I ovulated at CD21 (long cycles) so I think that puts me at 19th December. For some reason I'm really nervous, maybe because I found out at 12dpo. With my first, the CBD was already on 3+ when I tested, because I just thought I was having a 40 plus day cycle! I just feel a bit paranoid, I'm on constant knicker watch!!

Babyno5, I had AF type cramps with my first all the way through the first trimester. It was all the stretching. Even had a bit of brown spotting which was my body clearing out. Hope all is going well for you!

Updated to here..congrats on the bfp!! Have put you down for the 19th! If anything changes I can move you

I miss being pregnant so much at the moment with all these bfp announcements! :( OH is raring to try again so I suppose that's one saving grace the loss hasn't put him off!
I really hope you get your BFP soon Sebbiesmum! Best of luck. Xx
Welcome Joey. This is my 2nd too. I'm much more anxious the time around xx

I don't know why I am. You'd think having done it all before we'd be more relaxed, but I am literally just counting down and keeping my fingers crossed till 12 weeks and praying all is ok. I think it's because I really wanted a December baby and it seems a bit too good to be true!
Aww I know exactly what you mean. We've had 2 early scans already and having another in 2 weeks. It's nice having the reassurance but it doesn't make me less anxious at all xx
I'm 4+3 today so 7-8 weeks away from scan if all going well. Though as last AF dates me at 5+2, I may get a scan appointment a week earlier! It's worse that the 2ww!
Hi can you put me down for 3rd December please? This will be my 2nd. My LB came nearly 9 weeks early back in 2014 so am hoping we get much close to due date. Am alot more anxious this time. Didnt have much symptoms before my positive result and only last few days have i started to feel sicky!! So 12 week scan cant come quick enough!!

Sorry to hear sebbiesmum hopefully be good news soon x
How are you all feelings ladies? I literally have no symptoms other than sore, heavy boobs. Nausea only comes if I haven't eaten in an hour or 2. I'm seriously irritable though, poor OH. 6 weeks tomorrow xx

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