Team Blue

Everyone's buys r gorgeous!
Welcome all the new team blueys

Here is orlando's cotbed woohoo

Lucky Orlando, looks like he's got a nice big room! I'll have to turn my clothes room into V's nursery, it will be heartbreaking, but has to be done.
Lucky Orlando, looks like he's got a nice big room! I'll have to turn my clothes room into V's nursery, it will be heartbreaking, but has to be done.

Ive had to do the same, i was planning on turning my small spare room into a walk in wardrobe..... thankfully i didnt start it, i was just prepping for ideas then my BFP came along.... goodbye wardrobe and hello nursey.

a little bit of a sad and very happy time mixed together.

Lucky Orlando, looks like he's got a nice big room! I'll have to turn my clothes room into V's nursery, it will be heartbreaking, but has to be done.

Ive had to do the same, i was planning on turning my small spare room into a walk in wardrobe..... thankfully i didnt start it, i was just prepping for ideas then my BFP came along.... goodbye wardrobe and hello nursey.

a little bit of a sad and very happy time mixed together.

I will have to go through the sad process of buying a wardrobe and cramming all my clothes in it. I have no idea where the shoes will go, because those need a room of their own :wall2:
Olive posted a link to a place that did loads of wall stickers. She helped me decide on a theme. I've decided my little boy is going to be an astronaut. Here are a couple of ones I'm looking at:

I have to admit I was a bit thrown yesterday because I was convinced we were gonna be team pink. Now I'm starting to get excited again,

Where is the link Olive posted? In this thread or another one? x
Bought this for baby V today :cloud9:


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Thats soo sweet, were is it from? Im going for a beatrix potter theme so sommat like that would be lovely!!
Thats soo sweet, were is it from? Im going for a beatrix potter theme so sommat like that would be lovely!!
I bought this from Jarrold's in Norwich, but they're all over the interwebs as well:

I adore Beatrix Potter, what else are you getting for your theme? x

(I got this for the baby before we even started TTC: At least that's what I told OH, it was really for myself!!)
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I want to get the little man a set of the books and an ornament as well, I do a bit of cross stitch so was going to do a piccy as well. Not sure what else as he has a really little room and dont want to crowd it ya know??
Well our other theme is stars so that is what is on the walls but want a few little accessories. I also want some really nice toys such as wooden trains and tin soldiers if you knwo what I mean, really old fashioned. Cant see em anytwere so might have to look in antique shops (there not for him to play with just look at!)
Well our other theme is stars so that is what is on the walls but want a few little accessories. I also want some really nice toys such as wooden trains and tin soldiers if you knwo what I mean, really old fashioned. Cant see em anytwere so might have to look in antique shops (there not for him to play with just look at!)
I like the way your mind works :D I'd go mad on the antique/vintage theme, but I can't help but think a baby would like big, colourful things to catch the eye...? Not quite sure what babies like!
Yeah his actual toys will be the normal tacky bright noisy things but his decorations will be really nice stuff that he can keep!!! Dont want his bedroom to be too stimulating as I want him to learn that his room is sleep and downstairs is for playing!!
Look what I got 2nd hand for 99p and £2.50 delivery.... 7 newborn vests!!
Don't see the point in spending more money on newborn stuff just incase he's big!



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