Team Blue

Nice to see u hear Olive! It is weird knowing Bumpateer is a little lad now after so long?

I struggled to wait to 22 weeks, u have willpower!!
Nice to see u hear Olive! It is weird knowing Bumpateer is a little lad now after so long?

I struggled to wait to 22 weeks, u have willpower!!

Ah hun it was tough! They wouldn't tell us at 20 week scan. But it's been nice having a wee surprise further into pregancy too I suppose :) xx Nice to be here :hug: xx
Are you telling everyone at home Olive? We told our parents but otherwise its still a secret in general
We've told everyone Star. I don't think I would have been able to keep it quiet! Although I don't think we'll share his name, once we decide (except on here probably!).

OH is looking in baby name book as I type lol x
Bought him these tonight :) x



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Ahh cute!! Lovely bits olive. We were going to keep our little mans name quiet but my mum has told everyone so no secret any more!! We are going to call him Harrison Patrick Nolan!! Patrick is hubbies middle name and his dads and grandads name too!!
We have our little lads name picked (Eli James) but we are still callin him Pip until he arrives. This is just in case we think of a different name we like more or he doesn't look like an Eli when he is born!

I really like Ryan James but DH doesn't like Ryan :(
Lovely names ladies! OH is still looking at book and writing down his list! lol. Although I'm very pleased he is :D

Pos - got it in H&M £4.99 couldn't resist! I think it was 1-3m, but they had it up to 18m.

Anyone recommend any good shops for boys clothing? I find that there is less choice for boys and I feel a lot more picky!

Love the 40 licks t-shirt! I've gone star mad, lots of blue baby grows with white stars on and matching hats. Someone even gave me a newborn t-shirt that says Baby Starfish! Total coincidence I think. But mainly I'm not buying anything because i have been donated so many clothes! My husband is one of four and all his siblings sent us binbags full! I kid you not, I have filled an adult size chest of draws with just the 0-6 months stuff.

We still havent settled on a name yet either, I had several for girls but none really for boys. Very annoying as I feel I should have a name I have always wanted and loved, but nothing really springing to mind!
baby gap is good for boys laura. i might have to go and pick up that tshirt from H&M! xx
Thanks hun. Was looking at baby gap online yesterday :) Some lovely stuff. Love the hoodies. Liking some of H&M and Next. It's much harder for boys I think. I soo want a pair of vans.

Star - I love star things. My neighbour gave me some neutral babygrows and a few have stars on :)
when i found out i was having a boy i thought he was hard to shop for as well, in a way not as exciting as shopping for a girl but now i love it! i got a few nice bits from M&S as well, in fact now i have way too much stuff and i'm planning on sorting through it all at some point this week and seeing whether or not i can take some of it back and exchange for bigger sizes. i only have up to 6 months at the moment but i really think i have too much!

vans are so cute! not sure i've seen baby ones, have you?xx
I was excited about shopping for a boy and went out and brought a trilby, a flat cap, dungerees, lots of baby Ralph and my OH wants to get him an Arsenal kit (think it's a little chavvy but he can wear it when he takes him out!!! might encourage him to take him out lol)

My MIL has got him some GORGEOUS baby Ralph shoes too :)
I dress my boy like a girl so I'm ok lol he wears all old fashioned clothes he will hate me when he's older but never mind, he has never wore a pair of jeans and he has over one, people some people love his clothes some people hate them but I like him being different xxxx
I dress my boy like a girl so I'm ok lol he wears all old fashioned clothes he will hate me when he's older but never mind, he has never wore a pair of jeans and he has over one, people some people love his clothes some people hate them but I like him being different xxxx
I love the outfit in your DP!
Got to share this little buy with you all!

£4.50 from Next! Love it!
Ah very cute hun Rachel! :love:

Pos I'm sure I saw baby vans on here ages ago and cooed over them. Will need to check!

Let me know if you see any good buys. I'm sure I'll get into the swing of it at some point! There seems to be more boys stuff I don't like than do like iykwim.

I picked up this in Asda earlier lol,default,pd.html I didn't realise it did up though like in the pic. It looks more like a hat with long sides if that makes sense!

:) Love the hat !
I bought some Elmo slippers from mothercare at weekend (completely pointless for a newborn but cute!!!) they are lovely I couldn't resist !
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Aaah I love seeing what you are all buying your little men! :love:
I haven't bought anything for ages lol getting shopping withdrawal


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