~***September Mummies***~

my oh has hayfever really bad atm so im stuck in the house and he KEEPS CLOSING ALL THE WINDOWS!!!!
not only am i stuck with sleeping on the sofa but i have to be all sticky andhot too
Sod that Bev, I'd make him suffer rather than you!!! (I also ate all of hubby's chocolate AGAIN tonight - I'm a truly awful, uncaring, selfish wife... Haha!!)

Got my first ante natal class tomorrow, I'm quite excited. My mums managed to get all of the days off so she won't be teaching them which is a bonus - would be a bit awkward.

Think baby's doing somersaults today - bloody hurts!! Baby's definitely getting stronger though!!

Hope everyone's all prepared for this scorcher of a weekend...!!! Xxx
We have our first NCT class tomorrow, I'm excited! No idea what to expect! Hope yours goes well, Tigger x
some people have no tact do they?
I was at the farm last night and stretched a woman shouts ohhh look at your stretch marks!!! then proceeded to ask let me see your tummy in front of everyone- I was like no?
she said ohh go on I love lookin at pregnant tummies I thought no you just want to embarrass me in front of people

I should have shouted at her ohhh take your wig off I love looking at bald heads and see how that made her feel ( she wars a wig btw :)just really annoyed me it did as if I'm not already consious of them already you know what I mean?
Good luck today beesmall!! Stupid how excited "classes" can make us eh?!

And Pregnot... How RUDE!!! I don't think people think through what they're saying sometimes?! Was she much older?? I show no one except my OH, my mum, my sister and the midwife my tummy!

well she's only late 40s early 50s maybe
Stupid woman
well she's only late 40s early 50s maybe
Stupid woman

This seems to be the age group they become particularly rude, from experience I've had anyway!! It's like they forget tact for about 20 years, but then they stop being nasty about it after 60/70!!!
Omg pregnot I would've been mortified and told her where to go. As if someone would do that in front of people....... Even not in front of people it's so rude to ask that!

I'm well fed up today, it's too warm and I've had hardly any sleep :-( really want chocolate too but not bought any so I don't gorge on it *sigh hope you ladies are handling it better than I am.

Im too hor. I cant settle. Making me grumpy :(

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Some people are so rude :( Personally am getting fed up of the 'oh my god how are you going to carry that for another 10 weeks. comments. I'm hot, puffy, tired and grumpy! and being a bit ratty with my girls for which I feel awful :(
and it looks like the heatwave is here for at least 2 weeks!!
I've got a new thing for bread! French stick to be precise. Could eat a whole stick. Better than chocolate I suppose but not by much. Only put 7lb on so far and have an awful feeling this 3rd Trimester might turn me into a whale! I MUST operate self control........ But it's so difficult haha.
Hope you're all doing ok xx
I've got a new thing for bread! French stick to be precise. Could eat a whole stick. Better than chocolate I suppose but not by much. Only put 7lb on so far and have an awful feeling this 3rd Trimester might turn me into a whale! I MUST operate self control........ But it's so difficult haha.
Hope you're all doing ok xx

I loooooove fresh bread, of any sort. We're supposed to be having sausage egg and chips for tea, but hubby has to get the chips from work as we're out, so to stave off the hunger I ate 3 penguins. Fatty!!!
Haha I like your style Tigger! We're having beef brisket on French bread with oven chips for tea. I've hardly eaten today which isn't good so feeling a bit woozy now. Got ice cream for afters too, clotted cream and honeycombe! I'm absolutely giddy about it ha x
Ice cream is my favourite, and that sounds amaaaaaazing. All I want to do is eat lately!!!!
I'm the same, I always want to be eating something. Even after a meal I could sit and eat more stuff x
I'm eating for England at the minute lol. I try to be good but sometimes I start eating something and I just can't stop. They had the party packs of twiglets cheap in tesco the other day so I bought a couple and munched my way through nearly a whole pack in one go :shock:

One thing that really bugs me though is when I'm at work, I have to take quite a bit of food in with me to get through the day otherwise I get lightheaded. Most of what I take is healthy stuff but I do take a choccie bar to munch in the afternoon if I'm hungry and all the other girls in the office think its ok to comment every time I eat my chocolate! 'Oh there goes Amy on the chocolate again' or 'oh yes that's right you sit there and eat your chocolate in front of us when we are trying to be good'. Grr! It's not like I sit there eating 10 bars a day! And I only work two days a week and I'd say I only actually get round to eating a choccie bar half those days. The other day one of the girls even said 'bet you've got a chocolate bar in your bag, go on you eat it if you want to' hmm as if I need her permission! Xxx
I tell you what Amy.. I'm in THE worst mood ever tonight, if anyone dared speak to me like that I'd be sooooo rude. One thing I hate is people commenting in what I eat!!! Somehow makes it worse if your only there 2 days?! People are just morons.

My hubby bought more snickers ice creams home.... Yay!!!!
I know it drives me mad! I'm getting less and less polite in my replies I tell you!

Aww you've got your hubby well trained, wish my OH would bring me more goodies home!

Start eating all his goodies, he'll soon get the hint ;-) xx
I am loving mars ice creams, had a box of 6 on Saturday and they're all gone already (hubby did eat half haha) Definitely can't buy more, they're waaay too good to resist x

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