~***September Mummies***~

Very indecisive about what to eat in this weather :-( got no fresh salad in and the local shop had rubbish stuff, but feel too hot to have a proper cooked meal! Help x
I'm making hubby cook me turkey burgers as we speak!

My car seat came today, I love it :-D so exciting getting baby purchases!!!
Ah how exciting! What did you go for? I've been and bought bibs and a bouncer tonight :-) xx
We have a primo viaggio, from mamas and papas. My sisters boyfriend gave us a travel system and this is the only compatible car seat but I love it!! It's gonna have our teeny tiny baby in, in about 2 months!!!!

How's everyone doing today?

I'd like to do a mini poll: what's everyone's favourite ice cream/frozen treat?

For me it's a snickers ice cream every time... Yum yum!!!!
I"m currently loving Lidl choc/vanilla cornetto things cant stop eating them...

I'm battling this heat on the South Coast just now and to top it all off my wisdom teeth are playing up in a HOOGE way.. had to take yesterday off work they were that bad.... went in today and had been told it was ok to take codeine... it battered me and made me feel ill but on the plus side lol no tooth ache haha...

Wondering if anyone else here knows if their baby is breech just now? xx
Ah that sounds lovely Tigger :) and OMG 2 months!! I never thought if get this far I'm amazed every day that I have. Keep getting serious waves of excitement now :-)

I would have to say a good old magnum, white or almond. But to be honest snickers are amazing and I could eat a whole box right now. I've put some chocolate in the freezer in the hope it lasts longer lol, we will see........ Xx
I'm on holiday at the moment and I'm eating ice-cream and ice lollies for fun. Yesterday I had a tiramisu ice-cream cone, a twister, a pink champagne magnum lolly, and a chocolate big milk. They're new, like a massive choc ice on a stick :)
Ice-cream is amazing here, just in this town there are at least 5 shops just selling ice-cream. All different flavours, even smurf flavour. And at 30p a scoop it would be rude to say no! :)
I'm on holiday at the moment and I'm eating ice-cream and ice lollies for fun. Yesterday I had a tiramisu ice-cream cone, a twister, a pink champagne magnum lolly, and a chocolate big milk. They're new, like a massive choc ice on a stick :)
Ice-cream is amazing here, just in this town there are at least 5 shops just selling ice-cream. All different flavours, even smurf flavour. And at 30p a scoop it would be rude to say no! :)

Pink champagne magnums sound amazing!!!
It was lovely. The chocolate was painted pink, and it had pink swirls in. I'd bring you one back but it would melt. I'll eat one for you instead :)
are any of you feeling baby move more recently?
max has been moving non stop for the last few days its cute but I do wonder what on earth he's doing in there!
Those ice creams sound amazing!

Pregnot, I don't think she's moving more than usual. If I've noticed anything it's that the movements are just that... More like movements rather than kicking. It's like she doing somersaults in there :-) x
It was lovely. The chocolate was painted pink, and it had pink swirls in. I'd bring you one back but it would melt. I'll eat one for you instead :)

I appreciate the thought!! Sounds yummy x
I'm also loving ice cream but my favourite pudding is creamy strawberry yoghurt with more strawberries in. Low fat muller just aint cutting it at the moment!!
We got any nice plans for the weekend ladies? My auntie is home from Australia so I'm going to see her. She's very opiniated though and not sure my patience will hold out if she starts talking AT me about things rather than TOO me haha. God feel like all I do is moan lately! Hope you're all doing better than me at the minute, I blame the heat xx
We are meeting the other couples from our NCT class for breakfast before our class in the morning and apart from that we have NO plans which is so lovely for once!! All I want to do is sleep.

Really struggling with the heat today, am slowly melting at work! This time next Friday my maternity leave starts! Can't wait.

What's everyone else doing with their weekend?

Bee x
Haha sounds like a lot of people in work with haylian! Talking at me about he baby and how nothing will be the same again...I'm sure it'll be lovely to see her though.

No plans this weekend, had a busy one last week so just feel like doing nothing :-) as for lollies, whites lemonade ones are the best!! Lol xx
I'm doing very little this weekend! Got my second antenatal class tomorrow, which I'm bringing my sister (who's adamant she never wants to be pregnant because the labour bit sounds so horrendous, haha should be fun!) to because hubby's away at a festival.

I was having a really nice day till I just came home. Let the dog out of his crate and he went nuts sniffing the corner by the door, moved something to see what I think might be a mole. Luckily it ran into the toilet and I shut the door. Unluckily my dads just got in the bath so won't be up to save me for a little while yet :-( I wish I was a big girl and could sort these things myself - I hate my cats at times! This is the 3 rd mole in as many days they've brought home. How?!
My friends birthday tea is tommo and hen sunday is a lazy day! Then 5 days of working and im off till next sept wooooo

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Oh no I freak out when my cat brings a dead bird in, never mind a live mole! Thank God your dad is coming xx

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