~***September Mummies***~

Yey good news Chrispin :)
Exactly the same news as my mw appointment today!
Is ur next mw appointment the 24th?
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All good news on your apt :-) Ronnie is a great name! X
Yeah 24th is my next one. Cant believe how fast its going now! I like having these closer appointments it just keeps little goals there to look forward to and to know everything is good so far relaxes me for the next few weeks. X
Yea I know what you mean it's like something to look forward too isn't it haha
I think I go to every 2 weeks after my next apt, that will make things go so fast I think x
Having appointments close together is so much better for counting down the weeks! I thought we were supposed to get one at 31 weeks but she said she doesn't need to see me till 32 weeks but after that it'll be every 2 weeks. Exciting!!

I had my 28 week apt last Wednesday and she said they'd call if there were any problems with iron levels etc. do u think I would have heard by now if there was?
Good question actually, I had mine last week too and not heard anything. I'm sure they say a week but not 100%. I've got to have an extra apt at 31 weeks as BP was high at my last apt x
Just had 28 week mw appointment, his head is down! Hb fine, measuring 28cm. Had bloods done too, anti on fri then whooping cough nxt mon! Not looking forward to the injections iv heard the anti d really hurts :( xx

I had all my injections really close together too! Don't worry about the anti d, I didn't think it was actually that bad. Before she did it the mw kept saying this is really going to hurt but apart from a bit of a sting and a dead arm for a few seconds it was honestly fine! Xxx
I had my whooping cough jab last Wednesday, it got very red hot and angry but it's calmed down now. I have to admit I only noticed it when I poked it or maybe slept on it - wasn't that bad though!! X
Got 28 midwife appt tomorrow at 9am and then they booked me in 9.25 for whopping cough! My arm will be killing having blood taken and then being infected with vaccine haha. We like names Rosie or Annie. :) xx
Just noticed an October mummy come over. We are not the new kids any longer, scary!! Xxx
Just noticed an October mummy come over. We are not the new kids any longer, scary!! Xxx

I know, I noticed that too! Eek we're not the babies of the class anymore haha! And I'm sure soon there will be an October mummys thread... I can't believe it's been a month since I joined tri 3, I've got a feeling the next few weeks are going to go scarily fast, I really need to get a bit more organised xxx
Just noticed an October mummy come over. We are not the new kids any longer, scary!! Xxx

I know, I noticed that too! Eek we're not the babies of the class anymore haha! And I'm sure soon there will be an October mummys thread... I can't believe it's been a month since I joined tri 3, I've got a feeling the next few weeks are going to go scarily fast, I really need to get a bit more organised xxx

You only need to get nervous when the November mummies thread pops up ;-) xx
Just noticed an October mummy come over. We are not the new kids any longer, scary!! Xxx

I know, I noticed that too! Eek we're not the babies of the class anymore haha! And I'm sure soon there will be an October mummys thread... I can't believe it's been a month since I joined tri 3, I've got a feeling the next few weeks are going to go scarily fast, I really need to get a bit more organised xxx

You only need to get nervous when the November mummies thread pops up ;-) xx

This is true but I bet that doesn't take long to come round! Xxx
How's everyone coping with the heat? I'm so not. Feel poo!!

I'm also getting pissed off with people and their comments on my size. Yesterday someone stopped me in work to say "your huge". Cue big awkward silence. The to ask me if I was sure there wasn't 2 in there, and then tell me I was catching up with someone else in work who's 5 weeks ahead.

Now today, I've had 3 people comment on my size - 1 saying she thought I might be in line for the silver penny because she thought I'd be due in the next few weeks!!!!!

In other news, my nephew born at 26+2, is expected to be home in 4 weeks, after just 9 weeks in hospital! I'm in shock a little. Hoping we can make it to London to meet him early August, as I'm a bit nervous being so far from home late on. I'm quite conscious they'll need time as a family to bond after everything though :-)
Ah that's brilliant news tigger, glad he's doing well.

I'm finding the heat hard while I'm at work! It's not too bad at home but having to be dressed smartly for work and being on my feet is pretty horrendous!!
aww wee lil man going home thats so nice.

ive been shockingly hot at night but ok during the day, cant escape the heartburn, had it bad last time too but DD hasnt got lots of hair so i think thats a myth lol. were pretty sure were gonna go with Poppy Isabelle now for this baba, i cant wait :)
Tigger that's excellent news on your nephew! And ignore what people say about your size, I had a good old rant on here not long ago cause someone said I was massive! I still don't understand how people can think its ok to say that! Your body is doing a wonderful thing and you have a full blown baby in your belly now so you're bound to be showing it. Try not to let it bother you and ill try to take my own advice ha.
As for the heat OMG I'm suffering big time! Actually thought I was going to cry at work today, was so uncomfortable and couldn't for the life of me get cool :-( sat in front of the fan now where I belong :)

Bev that's a beautiful name!
Im working until 7th sept, 2 weeks before due date but im gradually cutting my hours down and only work 3 & 1/2 days anyway so hopefully i will last with being a hairdresser and on my feet alot. Xx

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