~***September Mummies***~

My friends birthday tea is tommo and hen sunday is a lazy day! Then 5 days of working and im off till next sept wooooo

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13

I'm jealous you're nearly done work. 3 weeks feels like a lifetime to me right now x
If it helps Hayley, I've got another 5 weeks till I finish! (Though, to make myself feel better, it's only 16 working days and no full weeks!!!!).

Daddy saved the day! Mole is gone. I also just had the most amazing shower after not being able to since weds morning due to a 48 hr heart monitor.
Oh God 5 weeks! Suppose not too bad with no full weeks, maybe not quite as bad?

Glad you've had a nice shower :) when do you get results from your heart monitoring? X
Monday hopefully, though I'm pretty sure it's all gonna be normal beside I've had zero symptoms like I did have :-)

Are you finding it warmer this evening? I certainly am. Gonna struggle to sleep tonight, specially as I've let woofle into bed for cuddles again!!!!
Oh that's good that you're not having the symptoms like before, hopefully they'll not give you any bad news and it'll be good news!

I'm struggling with the heat in our bedroom but its not too bad downstairs. I've been trying to nap in the afternoons while I'm cooler then I'm getting a bit more sleep xx
I have a giant fan in my bed room :) not up to much this weekend, probably crocheting with my mum in her garden as oh is putting his new work shop up on garden. Xx
Tooo hot!!!! All windows open , all doors open to let breeze through. Im lying here starkers (tmi lol) im just too hot!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
its cooler here in the evenings so i manage fine as long as i open every window and door during the day and put the fan on, had a lovely afternoon nap today with alyssa that perked me right up after my crap nights sleep on the sofa
Agree constantstar! I can't open my windows at night though because the cats will escape and return with moles :-(

Anyone finding their little one wakes up as soon as it gets a bit cooler in the evenings?! It's a pain when that's when I want to sleep!! Haha!

Doggie has stolen most of the bed tonight :-/ thought I'd get more room with hubby being away, not less!! Haha
Ooft I don't finish up until the 16th August. .. I'll be 36+3... all full weeks... ooft.. xx

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The October mummies thread is up, eek, we are one step closer to meeting our babies!

How has everyone's weekend been? We've had a nice time, chilling with family yesterday and playing in the garden today. I've also done a bit more baby washing and pretty much packed my hospital bag!

Back to work tomorrow but only just over two weeks until I am finished! Yay :)

im so so glad i dont have work to go to in this weather thats for sure, were potty training DD so lots of naked bum time here and ive been peed on twice today haha, apart from that ive had a pretty chilled weekend, were in the home stretch now, single figure weeks to go hey!
Ive got 4 1/2 days!! Plus leaving dinner and drinks on thurs night ;)

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
If I count days I only have 4 1/2 as I only work two days a week and got a half day on wed :) soo ready to finish now! Xxx
I've only got 3 weeks left. 3 Mondays! Getting there... Been to my sisters dance recital today and it was all age classes and the little ones were so cute! Baby was kicking like mad especially during tap, think we have found her calling.... Xxx
I've been to a christening today for my friends little girl Florence :) was a lovely day just wish it wasn't soooo warm! And now I'm trying to decide what to eat cause I've only had some buffet today and I know that's not enough but I'm not hungry?? Strange. I can't believe there's an October thread, we're not the newbies anymore eeeek xx
Hiya girls, not been able to post these last few days so have been catching up! Not long to go until mat leave starts for everyone - I have three weeks to go but only 11 days in those three weeks. My middle daughter is leaving her primary school and moving to secondary so we have lots of bits planned. Time goes so so fast, doesnt feel like two minutes ago I was pregnant with her :(
I searched back for my old labour thread when I was pregnant with DD3 - bought back memories! It's funny how your mind distorts these things, I must make sure i type this one up quickly when the time comes so that I dont forget anything :)
Feeling like I might start some baby washing Ammdaz - you have inspired me to start thinking about my labour bag and baby bag - though at the moment I feel like I'm melting whenever I move about so I may wait until the weather cools a bit!
It's very scary we're not the newbies anymore eeeek!
Is anyone else starting to want baby out now? I can't wait hope I have him at 38 weeks
Just cannot wait to get to 37 weeks now seems like ages away though :/
Yeab I cant wait till 37 weeks!! I had o at 39 so this bubba could be early! If she is early she could be in a totally different school year!! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13

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