~***September Mummies***~

I'm in the overdue club today but feeling OK about it. Just enjoying some couple time and making sure all the final bits are done for bumps arrival. Still feeling as if I'm just looking forward to my sweep on Friday, no niggles, pains or gunk at all today.

Hope your pains progress into something more BevG, wonder how many September babies will arrive this week?? X
im just glad something is finally happening lol just took some paracetamol and will see how it goes, was timing contractions but my phone was dying so had to put it on charge upstairs lol
Good luck Bev!

Hope the show goes well today Tigger.

Fingers crossed for a September baby week! It's about time! Xxx
Yeah I hope so too ladies!! Feel really heavy down there today but no show or anything so I'm not getting my hopes up x
Show was a bit boring to be honest, but Zulu enjoyed it :-) no rosettes at all. Pains picked up on the way home haha!

Bev I can't believe your gonna have your baby first! I'm well jealous!! Not in a mean way though, hope it happens soon :-)

Pippa, I'm staying relaxed about bring overdue because I know it's gonna do me no good to get worked up about it. Ill stress myself out, ill feel like crap and ill irritate everyone around me... Not really worth it. So I'm just plodding along, getting excited about every pain, every glob of yucky goo etc and waiting till it starts again haha :-D
I'm also excited by the gloop I love checking for it haha even though it can come
Out for weeks before anything happens I feel I'm doing something to get ready its what's keeping me going at the minute
I'm also excited by the gloop I love checking for it haha even though it can come
Out for weeks before anything happens I feel I'm doing something to get ready its what's keeping me going at the minute

You are so not alone :-D the massive bits are the most exciting, and when it's got blood it's even MORE exciting.

How ridiculous do I actually sound?! Haha
Im debating going bingo tonight. Got some fab braxton hicks last time! !
Wonder if it could help lol
mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
You are so not alone :-D the massive bits are the most exciting, and when it's got blood it's even MORE exciting.

How ridiculous do I actually sound?! Haha[/QUOTE]
See now your showing off with ur blood streaks I've not had any blood :( haha I do fe sorry for nat28 I send her random pics of it so she can confirm its defo my plug hahahah
The excitement of bingo might get you going but I would be worried shouting out when get a contraction and them thinking you shouted bingo! Haha :)

my sil got me a pedicure for baby shower and been debating to use it before or after as kept thinking I would be early and will just have to cancel but thinking its what I need, something else to actually look forward to so booking tomorrow.

Hope all these pains keep coming for you girls. No gloop or anything here, keep going to toilet in anticipation but nothing. I would be über excited if I was getting some too like you guys.

Glad your dog enjoyed show tigger thats main thing :) xxx
I want some gloop! Haha. If randomers were to read this they'd think we were weirdos. Massive Sunday lunch time :) xxx
Bubbles and MrsE im sending gloopy dust your way!

Is this sad- I actually put a bath towel under me in end last night incase I woke up and my waters had gone lol!!now that's what I call wishful thinking isn't it
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Pregnot - if they did you might need a bit more than a towel anyway ;-) and yuck yuck yuck to the pictures!!! Why!!!! She's a lucky girl....

To be fair, my blood is probably just from the sweep, she made me bleed then so it's still coming down (or maybe not by now?!)

I'm happy to share may gloop around haha, there's enough of it :-/

Constantstar you should DEFINITELY go to bingo, baby will always make and appearance when you have something fun to do. Same goes for the pedicure bubbles!!!
Just been on Facebook and already had three people ask if any news and updates! Seriously I am not even overdue yet. Two of these were my best friend and sister, you would think they would know I would tell them if I did have any news. Oh no I had baby last night and just didnt bother telling you!!! Funny really. Xx
it's annoying isn't it, I went to the farm
Before and they were asking me there! I wanted to reply with a really sarcastic answer but could t be bothered!
ive not had much gloop at all, just a bit. last time i had loads but that was from the sweep so this time with no sweep its a bit new to me. damn i do remember this pain tho now lol it is getting worse slowly but im not sure what to do cos alyssa goes to bed at 8 and if we havent gone by then its a matter of parking someone in my house with the baby monitor overnight lol. i dont think its bad enough to call the hospital yet so ive eaten tea and done the dishes and hung up some washing. had the tinyest bit of blood on wiping last night but nothing since lol. phones on charge so i cant even time these atm
What's your plan with Alyssa in other circumstances? Can you enact that plan "just in case"?? X
well its either she goes to my mums overnight which is fine but shes never done it before and i dont want her there for days really if its not necessary so im leaning towards leaving it til i cant hack it without drugs which judging by last time is around 9cm dialated lol then going. my brother only lives next door and will sit in if needed as will my mum so if its after her bedtime she can sleep in her own bed oblivious as she sleeps thru the night happily so she might never need know we were even gone but if were not back in the morning my mum would take care of her anyway.
That sounds like a good enough plan then :-)

My "positive attitude" has just well and truly crumbled. OHs grandma would like to buy us a highchair for Xmas, which is perfect as we'll need one. But it's made me have a melt down and bawl my eyes out because baby's currently 8 days late, the pains have stopped this evening, I'm tired, mum won't do a sweep till morning because I'm tired and it feels like a million miles away that baby will be here, not just the 4/5 stupid days it'll be!!
Thanks Tigger, feeling better today, hope you don't have to go to Glangwilli & LO stays put long enough for you xx

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