~***September Mummies***~

I'm so mad. We were supposed o be taking the dog out, for a nice brisk walk. We only have 1 car key, and my idiot husband has lost it because he can't just leave it on the side when he comes in. So now we have a car we can't drive anywhere. Luckily (or not?) it's unlocked so at least we can get the car seat if we need it....

Tigger - I know what your husband will be spending his morning doing then! Hope you find your keys.

I woke up with period back ache last night that stopped and started! I never feel anything in my tummy. But it probably means nothing. Also when I wiped twice last night there was a small amount of snotty stuff. Nothing since. Obviously.

Trying to spend some moments today to make sure baby is moving ok.

Can't believe I'm 9 days over and my body isn't doing anything. What a laugh.

I'm moaning! I mustn't moan. I'm trying to be positive.

We'll have babies soon xxx
It's the being in limbo that I can't stand. If someone told me my baby would be born on 1st October Id be absolutely fine with that, even though that'd make me 2 weeks overdue. It's the fact that I can't really make plans and I'm bored of sitting around. If I knew I only had a few days left I'd enjoy every second of lazing around on the sofa all day. Wish I had a crystal ball!!

Any pains Tigger or have they completely died off? My husband NEVER leaves his keys at the front door either, it drives me mad! We have a little bowl that mine are always in and he can never find his. Seriously how hard is it to open the door and put your keys straight down?!

- now Free
No more pains for me :-( hubby found them, they'd fallen out of his pocket and down under the sofa... At my parents house!!! He was gonna be in so much trouble!! We only have the 1 car now too, and the little git has a bad habit of stealing my house keys when he's lost his... And then loses them too!

I hope everyone's having a lovely day :-) xx
He sounds like a man!

I'm sure your pains will start up again. Perhaps false labour gearing up for the big start? Xxx
due date today yay
absolutely nothing to report tho lol all set for sweep on tuesday. bored of being pregnant now i feel way too full
Any sweep ladies had any pains - nothing at all for me out the ordinary just usual period cramps I've had since Monday :/
Just been having the odd braxton hicks and odd period pain. Its all tappered off! Damn it. Still loosing plug/ discharge stuff through out the day randomly. gunna have a hot curry again tonight! !
Sweep on monday again too so we shsll c .. x

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I've lost lots more blood goo, and had the odd contraction this afternoon but nothing regular and timetable or painful enough. Ramp up to something, please!!!!

Had a slightly unnerving request from my mum, they're really busy on labour ward today so she said if she can't choose someone she trusts (because they may be tied up) would I mind if she looked after me! I have to say yes to that because I won't want someone she's not sure of looking after me! Mums a good midwife and I wouldn't mind, I'm just more concerned about what other people could say as they've made comments already about "I hope your mum isn't delivering you".... Ahh well!!
Hi Girls! Lovely to come on here today and see a couple of September babies arriving - finally!

I had a bit of leakage yesterday and strong stomach pains that lasted all night. Called my midwife this morning and she said to pop in to see her instead of sitting in triage. She's had a feel, did bp and tested urine. Baby is happy, I'm all fine except she thinks I have cystitis - ouch! She thinks stomach pains were related so told me to get cranberry juice and lots of it. I've gone through 2 cartons already and already feel better, relief!

Hopefully I will be able to get through my job induction tomorrow, OH thinks he will start to arrive once I'm home and Chelsea are about to kick off on sky - the things men think about! X
Pains have got quite regular now. Gonna keep an eye on them and see what the deal is! If its the same as yest then theyll disappear soon!.x

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Fingers crossed it's started for u constanstar... frustrating when they just fizzle out.

Glad the cranberry juice has helped.. bloody painful.

Tigger i wouldn't worry what ppl say... when it comes to it i'm sure u be more than happy for ur mum to bring baby into the world xx

I have so much pressure down below... really feels like somethings going to pop lol x
Pains are back!! Had a couple in the bath, worse than yesterday but nothing regular :-( still getting loads of gunk!!

Complained about the gunk and my mum said you can get a mucusy show right through labour that's really bad and even just stringing down on your legs.... Yuck!!!!!
Pains are back!! Had a couple in the bath, worse than yesterday but nothing regular :-( still getting loads of gunk!!

Complained about the gunk and my mum said you can get a mucusy show right through labour that's really bad and even just stringing down on your legs.... Yuck!!!!!

She's right.... i didn't get my show until I was at the hospital and it continued through labour... it wasn't nice... xx

Hope things kick off properly for you soon...

These September babies really are lazy.... in saying that i'm not moaning Serena is still a snoozer for now xx
My pet hate of the night is people that already have children that make comments like 'ah you're so naive, just you wait, your life will never be the same' blah blah blah.

I'm 26 and married, this baby was very much planned and myself and my husband are very much aware that our lives will change and we are fine with that...aghhhhh some people are so annoying

- now Free
Nope alll gone again!!! Frustrating! !!!!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
How is everyone getting on today?? I just keep getting all crampy and uncomfortable and had a massive rant at oh as he cleaned chimney and used blu tac to put sheets up. Surprisingly took a blob of paint off with it! Great!

How are all you overdue ladies doing? Hope not getting too stressed and sending you all lovely labor vibes. Come on babies!! Xx
I've been having serious back pain since lat night and regular contractions, had paracetamol havent slept tried to get a couple f hours in this morning woke up in agony got moving losing my
Plug all day and serious cramps and back ache

It's not stopping and getting worse I rang me she said to hold
Off as long as I can people go in at this stage and end up going home I've tidied hoovered washed polished and sprayed te whole house to keep moving but they are getting abit much now so I'm
Trying to rest with birth ball

Been like this since 10 am this morning no let up yet I know from
Thursdays sweep I was 1cm dilated and soft cervix so I'm really hoping this gets going more intense over the next few hours
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