~***September Mummies***~

aww tigger your mums right, maybe this is baby giving you a break before everything blows up. yesterday mine was so quiet and calm i almost rang the hospital at a few points in the day. i said to someone about it being the calm before the storm and lo and behold today is really the storm lol
Hi ladies, hope you are all gonna go soon!! I'm off to be induced by water break only tomorrow am, will keep you posted :) not long now. I've been a bit quiet on here this weekend as busy busy!! Just off to re pack my hospital bag, DS sleeping already, he's been a tantrum nightmare today :(
Aww tigger you must feel pretty rubbish. Have heard you have a melt down before baby comes and your mum is right you don't want to be tired if the sweep gets you going. Try and enjoy yous pain free night and hopefully tomorrow it all starts for you again. I think you have done so well being so positive for so long to be homes I think it was the dog show holding you together and now that's done it must have just hit you. Get oh to wait on you hand and foot tonight and think of it as a new day tomorrow xxx
Ah Tigger that's so frustrating but she must be pretty sure it'll work quickly so fingers crossed tomorrow will be the day. I'm sick of the 'any news?' texts and I still have 2 days till due date. Definitely going over though, I've had absolutely no symptoms whatsoever. No plug, no change in discharge, no pains, NOTHING!

- now Free
thanks girls, my teething toddler is having the meltdown for me. contractions are getting longer and a bit more nippy but still areound 5 mins apart so no rush yet might get my pj's on after DD is in bed and sit on my ball for a bit
Hows everyone doing?! Bevg any news? Tigger ? Pregnot? anyone else I forgot, with my silly baby brain?
Ive been bingo eas gettinf braxton hickd type contractions every 10 min. They gone now. Won 35 tho bonus! ;)

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Congratulations on the win!!! Hopefully those contractions come back. Hope all you other girls are too busy timing contractions to be on here :) xxx
sorry ladies, ben has bad colic tonight but want to wish you tonnes of luck - sounds like some more of you will be joining us in the aug/sept baby toddler thread. Wish you a wonderful birth and the best lo skin side cuddles xxxxx
how's it going for everyone?
my situation has come to a sudden halt no pains after a full week of them!! I'm still losing gloop but beginning to think its just one of them things after a sweep seeing as so many of us have had it recently.
I'm looking at my calendar and thinking yep I'm going overdue which is makin me feel sad :(

I'm up at stupid o clock itching this hormone rash and if I get one more text of anyone asking If max is here yet I think I will cry.
I know he's coming , I know it could be anytime, any hour , any day but I feel like I've had pain for so long and now all I have is dull period type aches rubbish eh?

ahhh well il live my life through everyone else on here for abit I shouldn't moan as I've still got 5 days until he's 'due' but I just thought he would be here especially having gone into pre term at 34 weeks and for it to stop.

Hope someone else is having big stron painful contractions as I type this 1 more September baby closer to getting mine then :)
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Holy sh+$ lol thi k my waters just gone. Sat up in bed felt like oh il go for a pee and suddenly gush. My underwear is soaking and full of stringy stuff. It seems to have stopped for now but getting pains. Does this sound like waters? ??????

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Yep it does hun zx they smell a bit sweet rhe stringy stuff could be plug zxx oooh exciting good luck xx
Good luck today everyone! I'm so jealous! All my signs have given up! :(! Looks like I'm going to be overdue with no clue aha! Gotta wait till Thursday for my firs sweep too :( xxx
Good luck constantstar!

I have to admit, I woke up about 3.30 am and was having a browse, and I got in such a mood that your waters have gone, sunshines had her baby and I KNEW Bev would be well on her way! I'm over it now though ;-) good luck I hope this is quick for you.

One of my reasons for being "over it" is the fact I've been woken up by a few contractions - but I haven't told my OH yet so that it doesn't "jinx" anything, you girls are the only ones that know ;-) haha xx

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