~***September Mummies***~

Wow constantstar, good luck!

And Tigger, how exciting! Know what you mean, I'm so excited for everyone but jealous I couldn't go naturally.

Going in at 11.30am. It's a bit weird as I always expected to go in in pain! But no, I'm totally fine and comfortable.

This is our week ladies xxx
Babies popping out everywhere!

Good luck constantstar, how are things going now

Ooh tigger I like having a little secret! :) hopefully they step up a gear for you. Is your mum coming round to give you another sweep today?

Good luck mrse. You may not be going in with pain but you will be coming out with a baby! :) xx
Thinking of you today MrsE! Hope it's quick :-D

The pains have been coming every2-3 minutes for about 30 seconds, since about 8am.... I can still do stuff though, they aren't VERY painful yet :-( mum said we'll see how I go, no need for a sweep if its starting anyway (I owned up and told her and hubby) so I've been told to keep busy and keep moving!!
Hi ladies, just checking in on you all! Looks like these babies are popping out everywhere, so exciting!

Congratulations to all of you who have had your little ones, I promise I will get round to updating the front page very soon, just a bit manic here trying to get used to having two little ones!

Good luck to all of you who are on your way, sounds like there are loads of you! I look forward to hearing some more baby news :-D xxx
awwwww tigger how's it going?
Anything from bubbles today?

I just went the loo and was shocked by what fell out of me still no more pains/signs though so won't read too much into it, tried to get a docs appointment for this itching nothing until Friday unless I want to que up at 7.30am in the morning for open surgery which il have to do now :(
they said it should go when he's born but I'm getting zero sleep with it and its making me very angry and upset now plus its all pussing where I've scractched it raw!

Anyway enough of my moaning where the rest of these September babies?
Hello waters did break and had baby il.do a sep thread soon x

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I knoe im a bit shocked pregnot all happened quickly lol xx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I was wondering about you earlier constantstar :-)

My pains haven't let up all day but they're not enough for me to be in labour apparently :-( I've just woken up from a long nap, still going, but still same. Hopefully they'll go up a gear later. Not allowed my sweep now because mum doesn't want to stir up any blood that makes the drs take extra precautions :-( this stupid baby isn't going anywhere is it!!!
I'm still just sitting here with nothing. Had three massive pains last night and one this morning but were just Braxton hicks.

Pregnot where is your rash again? Cause I have what I thought were stretch marks right at bottom of bump when it dropped and its all gone red raw, blistery, bumpy and really itchy and sore. My mum said she had it with her first and got cream off midwife and I'm seeing mine tomorrow so going to ask her. Hers was all over but mine is just at bottom. My bump is so low I'm nearly kicking it!!! Haha.

I did congrat you on your thread but congratulations again constantstar.

Tigger well done for having a nap, sounds like you will be needing that tonight ;) xx
My miserable morose attitude paid off, mum just came and did a sweep. 4cm and fully effaced already, yeahhhh! So all this pain ISN'T for nothing. Just need strong, regular contractions for it to bloody well do something now.

She's a bit concerned because of my discharge and because this baby is now 9 days overdue, I'm likely to have meconium in my waters. Hope not. Baby seems happy anyway...

Get a move on and get out baby!!!!!
Whooo hoooo tigger its tonight I just know it!!

bubbles my rash sorted on my bump but is now all over my arms back and legs :( the docs gave me oilatum :/ and piriton but nothing works waste of time I'm going back tmro

rghhh bubbles we need a plan to get our babies out!! Lets think of one

had some mega aches this afternoon just getting in bath now - bought a new coat, pair of boots, dress , hat etc etc cheer myself up got home put it all on and I love it!!!!!

Feelin happy now :) can't wait to wear it all!
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Hope it's tonight Pregnot, they've started to bloody hurt now!!!! Got some brownies baking so that'll cheer me up when they're cooked :-D
Woo tigger tonight must be the night! Good luck!

My close friend is now 5 days overdue so don't really want to have baby before her as think it would just really upset her. Hoping she will have hers soon so I can have my turn! ;) when people ask me my due date I just ignore them as say baby will be here by 5th October. Easier to think that way.

My oh just asked if he can go on motorbike track hour an half from house and two house from hospital on Saturday. I was like no! I will need you for my due date melt down! And apparently he has droppe hints he needs a medal for getting me through this pregnancy and I shoul have listened to his hints and pre ordered the new grand theft auto game to arrive tomorrow. I don't think so! Xxx
Oh my goodness it's all been going on today! Congratulations to September mummies that had babies today, I can't believe they've all come at once. Tigger really hope tonight is the night, keep us updated!! x
Come on tigger!! Just been taken up to delivery for water break! Bloody typical! Put my pjs on and was ready for bed!!!
Pregnot I wish!! But we will see lol!! I just have no idea how its gonna go, I might not even contract/dilate much.... if I don't make progress and dilate fast enough then ill be having a section in the am I reckon! Send me dilation and contraction vibes!! Trying to stay positive but it's up to my body now :)

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