~***September Mummies***~

Nothing here im afraid. Honestly had them timeable yest and then they just stopped!
Not looking forward to if I have to wait till next fri to get induced :/ silly thing is that im also worried abiut snoring the place down in a shared ward. I sound like a squealing pig on a train! Omg!!
Lets hope second sweep monday will get it all moving!
mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I've got irregular contractions still. Hubby's annoyed as he wants to go to a dog show tomorrow (as do I) so we need baby to hold off 24 hrs or so!

Our first wedding anniversary tomorrow, so were having a nice meal tonight as we'll be out all day tomorrow, I'm quite excited :-)
How annoying for you. Really hope the second sweep starts things off all guns blazing! :) I am sure the snoring will be ok, I am taking ear plugs into hospital with me just in case so people should be prepared! haha :) xx
Aww would be nice if you had baby on your wedding anniversary though? But then you dont want to be in pain for your meal. Sounds like a lovely day planned, maybe baby will finish it off nicely with start of active labor as you get home and you have baby by morning? :)

All these september babies do like to have long long labors, hope mine doesn't follow suit.

Just dtd, can not believe men still find heavily pregnant women attractive, but then OH was just all over my tits, think he is getting the most of them before they are squirting milk at him lol. Was hoping as I stood up after my waters would just break... wishful thinking!! xx
Haha bubbles I know what you mean!! I keep being told by my OH how small my boobs look in comparison to the rest of me, he gets his hands on them and he's like "oh my god they're huge!"

Hopefully the second half of the September babies will be a bit more proactive in making an appearance!!!
I am not holding out hope with all you ladies going over made me realise how many do go overdue. Could even be an october baby so will have to migrate over to their thread. lol. I don't think it helps that my mum goes on about how all first borns in our family are early, she will def be early, I would bet money she will be early. She actually said £5 she will be here by tonight so she owes me money now!

Hope you all have a lovely evening. OH is now lighting woodburner before he takes crazy collie out for walkies. What kind of dog have you got tigger? xx
Haha tigger my husband says that about my boobs looking tiny compared to my bump but close up they're bloody huge!!

I've had a nice relaxing day, it's so nice having my husband at home as he's been working such long hours this week at work. Took the dog for a long walk and I felt fine. I'm sure I should be feeling more uncomfortable by this stage, think I'm destined to go 2 weeks overdue. Even then, I still would only have 16 days to go and I'm sure I can live with that. Feeling much more positive about it x

- now Free
getting annoyed now, still no letting up but not getting worse either :/ feel stuck
I think when you don't focus on due date it's easier! I'm more focused on Thursday now and I don't mind being overdue!

We have a Labrador x cocker Spaniel. He's the most loveable amazing doggy in the world!!


Pains have kept up but they aren't getting regular or more painful so I'm hoping we make it still hehe!! Both hubby and my mum think we won't. It's over an hour from home though, but should be fine haha!!

You girls do sound lovely and relaxed about things, I think sometimes other people's stress can increase your own and make it worse!
Hope things start progressing soon Pregnot, how annoying to be in pain but just not enough.

It's my due date today and I managed to make it through training without my waters breaking, whoop! Baby has been very active, quite a bit of pressure but I'm all set for my sweep on Friday - don't feel like I'm going to pop any time before then.

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I'm ready to throw things, hubby's just deliberately come upstairs with his :censored: puppy dog eyes with the sole purpose to make me feel like shit, knowing how low I'm feeling already! They take the piss about how emotional & grumpy I am then deliberately antagonize me and either can't understand why I get upset or laugh in my face. It really has gotten to the point I don't want to see anyone & the only understanding one is my bloody 4yr old. So now I'm in bed, in pain, in tears & bloody hungry & feeling guilty because of OH when I've got nothing to feel poxing guilty about
Well that's it nothing more for me must just have bet. The sweep getting things moving abit - ahhh well 10 days to go until next sweep as I doubt il have him by edd
Still no baby and ready for our doggie show!!

Doodles I hope your feeling better today! I'm risking a birth in glanwilli today by going so far from home hehe, unlikely though.

Pregnot, unfortunately, the sweep seems to have set me into contractions that lead nowhere. Having another tonight so hopefully that will get me contractions that DO go somewhere! As they say, it's all good practise. Our bodies must be total dunces though having to practise this much.... Haha!! X
wish my mum was a midwife right now tigger haha any chance I can borrow yours I promise I won't tell anyone :)
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Tigger gl for ur show today ;) . Everyone else come on babies! Pregnot and doodles bless u both!
I can't believe how much snotty gloopy stuff I keep loosing. My baby must have built a fort around herself?!? Its minging ;/

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
So I'm officially joining you all being overdue :(, how are you all so positive? And managing to keep up your spirits? I'm in so much pain that I'm virtually housebound and its driving me mad! Just want my little girl! Xxx
Awww pippa I'm not overdue until Saturday but I think il get there , I can sympathise with pain though I can't do much of anything its absolutly crap!
I just hope these babies start popping out soon because I am losing hope even though I'm
Not due yet! Keep thinking Christmas will be here before my little baby max!
hey ladies, ive now been joining you in the endless pains lol, nothing else much going on tho. no real gloopy gunky stuff, had pains since 10pm last night, regular ish theyre going between 4-6 mins apart and 30-40 seconds each now and just starting to get a lil nippy, contemplating paracetamol soon, also contemplating what to do about tea too tho haha

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