~***September Mummies***~

boring at times is mat leave althought I only technically been on it for a week overdone all my jobs so all I do is spruce up house everyday

I don't feel like going to far from home or from
My oh at the mo and walking dog is painful and my horse is down the field with all his friends so I can't go in and see him I get so bored as Im not one to sit about watching tv - in fact my idea of hell would be I sit downstairs watching tv all day haha
maybe try finding little things to occupy your time like cleaning out draws, washing woodwork? haha all the exciting jobs
I did all the cleaning type jobs in my 6 weeks off so every skirting board in the house is shining!! Haha. Have a few kitchen cupboards to sort so might tackle that later. I'm so convinced that I'm going overdue now...boo!!
Im sitting in car park of asda eating my extra large big mac meal!! Nomm. Pushing the trolley abd walking has put so much pressure in my stomach! So il just sit here and eat this nommmmm

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I've been asked twice today "how many weeks left" haha... Minus figures!!! Also went into OHs work and one of the older ladies reckons within 36 hours because I have that pissed off look!

Is it wrong to be mad that when I complained at my OH for being grumpy he said it was because he hadn't slept well last night because I hadn't slept well and kept waking him up?! Arsehole. How do you think I feel!!

Looks like our sept baby boom is starting anyway girls, so good luck :-D
Haha that's the 1 thing at the minute that's pissing me off about my oh Kim. I ask him why he's grumpy and he's like "I'm tired" and I don't wake him up, he sleeps through! I want to punch him lol.

Hope these sweeps are successful for everyone today, I've decided I'm going to talk to mw about induction if they send me back to hospital for high BP tomorrow. I can't keep going there every few days for 5 hours at a time. It's just making me worry now, especially as she's still defo quieter than she has been still. If they're so concerned then let's get her out already. It's not what I want but it's making me really paranoid now. Hopefully it won't come to that and the sweep will work but if not then I'm going to discuss it xx
Still no signs for me :(

My advent calendar is now mocking me! Due date said Congratulations. +1 said Relax. Today +2 says Eat spicy food!

Hubby says today...

Ah well sweep on Friday 13th!
I've had no signs for a few days now, I'm hoping for a spontaneous labour now lol.
So annoying cause I've had signs for the last 3 weeks and now nothing

oh that would be nice, im so full and sick of heartburn now id do anything to have her get out
I've had no signs for a few days now, I'm hoping for a spontaneous labour now lol.
So annoying cause I've had signs for the last 3 weeks and now nothing


Me too!!! V irritating!! My sisters back from her holibobs and coming to see me in a few hours - hoping his/her auntie Ellen can persuade them it's time to get out hehe!!

Michelle, hope Friday works for you! Feels like your so calm and relaxed and not sign spotting at all - I want some of that!!! Apparently you have to be REALLY pissed off to be ready for labour haha

Bev, maybe before Friday for you? If the massive baby you have growing in there puts enough pressure on stuff it could kick it off? (Wishful thinking!!)

Hi ladies! Hope you are all well and cant wait to see you all on the other side when your time has come! Where do we go from here? I would hate to loose sight with you after all we have been through! Anyhooo, labour vthread will be done real soon when I dont have to do it one handed!

Just give you a good giggle, here is my due date picture!!!!!:whistle:

Ps. What about starting a Sept Mummies Thread in the next section? Where would you recommend?


  • Due Date Bump.jpg
    Due Date Bump.jpg
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Hi ladies! Hope you are all well and cant wait to see you all on the other side when your time has come! Where do we go from here? I would hate to loose sight with you after all we have been through! Anyhooo, labour vthread will be done real soon when I dont have to do it one handed!

Just give you a good giggle, here is my due date picture!!!!!:whistle:

Ps. What about starting a Sept Mummies Thread in the next section? Where would you recommend?

Hehe your pic made me giggle! Definitely mustn't lose sight of each other, I'm sure we will all be catching up in the baby and toddler section v.soon, a September mummies thread sounds like a great idea for when we've all popped :-)

I'm finally getting some signs!! Not sure if they are real signs or just where the sweep has stirred things up but I've had lower back ache all day and a heavy periody feeling. Been getting irregular tightenings for a few hours but they are just uncomfortable rather than painful. And finally lost a bit of plug! Would've thought if it was labour it would've kicked up a notch by now but keeping my fingers crossed anyway!

Sounds good Ammdaz I'll keep my fingers crossed it kicks up a gear :-)

5Element a September thread in the next stage sounds like a great idea. I'd love to have a designated thread like this one to keep up to date with everyone :-) xx
That's a nice idea 5Element. Would be a shame.to lose.touch. I have some of u on fb but not all. That pic made me laugh lol x

Amy sounds positive... let's hope this is it for u now xx

I'm.getting excited to see all these babies.. including meeting my own of course lol xx
Ammdaz, sounds v good, I reckon not long at all. I have consultant at 12 tomorrow so hope to get a date for a water break(that's all my induction can be) this week as not letting me pass 40 weeks. It could even be for weds!!! Eek!!!
I'm up for a sept mummies thread!! Whoop, finally! But haven't managed to get v involved in this one I'm afraid!!
Yey Ammdaz, all sounding good!! Fingers crossed something happens for you tonight. I've been really restless today, need to keep busy!! Got a spa day and pregnancy massage tomorrow with my mum, can't wait for a bit of last minute pampering.
You guys are all getting so close! So exciting. I keep getting told how close I am but then I think well there is about 11 girls before me on forum to go before me! (I know baby's don't believe in taking turns but I'm hoping mine will be polite:))

Hope you have a lovely day beesmall and enjoy the freedom while you can :)

Ammdaz sounds very promising, fingers crossed tonight will be the night...

Good luck for your appointment Minchin :) how exciting that you could be starting off very soon!

Spa day sounds lovely BeeSmall, hope you have a lovely time.

Well I'm definitely getting tightenings. They are a bit more frequent but not very strong or long. Please let this be this start of things! I'm going to be gutted if this turns into nothing!


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