My MIL said my SIL was originally given a date of 13th for induction for her twin girls but she said no so they changed it to the 14th so I don't think they would force us in on that day. I'd rather wait until the Monday to be honest, even though its more waiting!
I'm keeping everything crossed (except my legs unfortunately

) for a good sweep for both of us.
My OH is working tomorrow and bless my mum, she's so worried about me going into labour all on my own that she asked if she can come with me to my appt (although not necessarily in the room!) I think she's got visions of me staggering out from the sweep in full blown labour and not making it home! Which would be nice in a way but pretty unlikely I reckon! Anyway we can have a cuppa and a catch up after and I'll be glad of the company because I go a bit crazy stuck in on my own lately.
I've been quite lazy today, feeling so tired for some reason so I'm taking it that my body needs to rest and have just had a nice long nap on the sofa. It's very unlike me to give in and sleep in the day but I couldn't keep my eyes open! Feeling a bit naughty because I've just sent OH out for kebab and chips for tea

feel a bit guilty for not eating better, especially as I seem to be craving lots of naughty things lately but no food that we've got in the house was interesting me! I've done a great job at stocking the freezer to make our lives easy when baby girl arrives but I was so sure she'd be here by now that I've kind of neglected to get many meals in for before she's here, oops!