~***September Mummies***~

I feel the same way about induction so we'll probably accept the date. Ours is 13 days I think. I also don't want Friday the 13th haha. Do you think they'll accept our no's? I'm worried about how long it could take too. I guess we just need to keep everything crossed for a good 2cm sweep.

I'm a bit nervous about the sweep too as it's sore down there. It has been for ages :(
My MIL said my SIL was originally given a date of 13th for induction for her twin girls but she said no so they changed it to the 14th so I don't think they would force us in on that day. I'd rather wait until the Monday to be honest, even though its more waiting!

I'm keeping everything crossed (except my legs unfortunately ;-)) for a good sweep for both of us.

My OH is working tomorrow and bless my mum, she's so worried about me going into labour all on my own that she asked if she can come with me to my appt (although not necessarily in the room!) I think she's got visions of me staggering out from the sweep in full blown labour and not making it home! Which would be nice in a way but pretty unlikely I reckon! Anyway we can have a cuppa and a catch up after and I'll be glad of the company because I go a bit crazy stuck in on my own lately.

I've been quite lazy today, feeling so tired for some reason so I'm taking it that my body needs to rest and have just had a nice long nap on the sofa. It's very unlike me to give in and sleep in the day but I couldn't keep my eyes open! Feeling a bit naughty because I've just sent OH out for kebab and chips for tea :oooo: feel a bit guilty for not eating better, especially as I seem to be craving lots of naughty things lately but no food that we've got in the house was interesting me! I've done a great job at stocking the freezer to make our lives easy when baby girl arrives but I was so sure she'd be here by now that I've kind of neglected to get many meals in for before she's here, oops!

yurk i feel horrid today, baby is too big for my bump and i feel stretched out to the max and so sick from heartburn that i upchucked. on the plus side shes moved down a lil cos my pelvis is starting to get achey, still feel pretty fine tho lol. midwife on thursday at 39+6 and sweep next tuesday at 40+4 so hopefully wont go far over that, DD1 was born at 40+4 after a sweep :)
I've got my sweep on Tuesday and I'm so nervous about it, I hope it works for you both cause that'll give me some faith that it'll work for me :-)

I survived the birthday party! It wasn't as bad as I thought, I always feel as for dreading seeing them sometimes cause they're all just so excited and want her to be here just as much as me so I should just suck it up and just let them be really cause they only want me to be out of my misery.

My midwife has already got me booked in for a 2nd sweep on Thursday so we'll probably talk induction then. Starting to think more and more she'll make her appearance on my birthday (17th) I really hope it's not that long but if it is I think it'll be quite nice to share my birthday xx
I feel knack reed today too Ammdaz, also had a nap this afternoon!! Couldn't keep my eyes open!! Looking forward to some positive sweep news soon, I've got one on Thursday, kind of hoping I won't get that far but I know I likely will.

We've got a dog agility show to go to on Sunday, and I'm so desperate for baby to not come Friday/Saturday/Sunday so we can still go! Just got back from a nice brisk walk, I haven't even got a Braxton hicks from it but baby's going mental on me anyway. Has been all afternoon!

Not sure what to do for tea tonight :-/ had a beef dinner at lunch time so just want something small but am a little stumped for ideas!!
I had a sweep Friday and had a few positive signs since, not having another though it wasn't pleasant lol x
My MIL said my SIL was originally given a date of 13th for induction for her twin girls but she said no so they changed it to the 14th so I don't think they would force us in on that day. I'd rather wait until the Monday to be honest, even though its more waiting!

I'm keeping everything crossed (except my legs unfortunately ;-)) for a good sweep for both of us.

My OH is working tomorrow and bless my mum, she's so worried about me going into labour all on my own that she asked if she can come with me to my appt (although not necessarily in the room!) I think she's got visions of me staggering out from the sweep in full blown labour and not making it home! Which would be nice in a way but pretty unlikely I reckon! Anyway we can have a cuppa and a catch up after and I'll be glad of the company because I go a bit crazy stuck in on my own lately.

I've been quite lazy today, feeling so tired for some reason so I'm taking it that my body needs to rest and have just had a nice long nap on the sofa. It's very unlike me to give in and sleep in the day but I couldn't keep my eyes open! Feeling a bit naughty because I've just sent OH out for kebab and chips for tea :oooo: feel a bit guilty for not eating better, especially as I seem to be craving lots of naughty things lately but no food that we've got in the house was interesting me! I've done a great job at stocking the freezer to make our lives easy when baby girl arrives but I was so sure she'd be here by now that I've kind of neglected to get many meals in for before she's here, oops!


That's good to know we can say no to the 13th!

I'm really tired today too, despite getting up at 10.40am! I've had two reasonably good nights so hoping tonight is too.

Let's hope all our sweeps work! Can't believe I'll be 5 days over tomorrow! Scared about how big s/he's getting!

I'm the same with eating. We didn't get a proper shop so we didn't have to throw loads away if baby comes so it's been take aways and rubbish. Could so go to bed but want to watch X factor and CBB. Xxx
Do you think mw would go ahead with a sweep if my BP is up again? Starting to wonder if I'll end up with another visit to the hospital if my BP is high again and they won't give me a sweep. X
I'm scared about how big my LO is getting too MrsE! She feels big to me when she moves and I'm a lot bigger than I was with DS and he was 8lb 9!

Hayley I would've thought they would still go ahead with your sweep because if your BP is up if anything they will be more keen to get baby out sooner. I might be wrong though! I suppose it depends how elevated it is.

Yeah, I agree with Ammdaz Hayley. But I'm not 100% sure.

My cousin went over by 10 days and her baby was 6lb 7 so there might be some hope. I'm not too sure though! Eep. Xxx
My oh was 13 days late and was 5lb 12 and bex's baby was a little un so they might not be too big... You never know :)

At least the weather has got cooler now :)

Will be crossing fingers for all your sweeps to work. I want more babies popping out as need the excitement before its my turn :) xx
That's what I thought but wasn't sure if they'd want to monitor me again before they did anything, hopefully it won't be up but I'll have probably worked myself up over the sweep so have a feeling it will be high again x
My area must be really tight then lol my midwife hasn't mentioned anything about a sweep and it will only be offered once I'm overdue to 41 weeks :( well disheartened that I could be pregnant for another two weeks! I bloody hope not! My care has seemed pretty shit though to be honest, no talk about birth plans or anything really! Seeing my midwife again Thursday if nothing has happened by then :( x
It's the same in my area. She's changed her days to Mondays so I just happen to be 2 days short of 41 weeks.

I can't get back to sleep :( think I'm worrying about the sweep: how far back cervix is going to be, how much it'll hurt, what if I wee on her? So yeah. So much for a great night's sleep.

Good luck to you ladies having your sweep today. I hope it's not too painful for you! Babies soon :)
That's pretty much what I'm worrying about MrsE, I'd like to think as I'm overdue that my cervix will have dropped and softened but worried its going to be really painful.

Hope you all get on ok.

I didn't get to sleep till 1am and was up in the night and have been awake since 6.15 so I can't see me doing much today

Good luck to all u ladies having a sweep today... these september babies are in no hurry. We made them too comfortable.

She feels too big for my belly now. Time for her to get out lol xx
Good luck girls. I wouldn't worry, I bet the midwives have been pee'd on loads before haha!! I haven't got mine till I'm 40+5, just the way clinics fall, I'm hoping I won't need it though!!!

Woke up about 4 with v bad period pains, but they're so constant they can't mean anything. Had a big lot of discharge before I came back to bed at 7ish though, so they must've been doing something!!
Ugh I wanna sleep sleep sleep! Waiting for mil to come get ds. Got to do food shopping then sleeeeeppppppppppp.
Consultant tommo. See what he says. He thought I would of popped before due date but that not till thurs. Still time haha x

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
It's my first official day of maternity today...even though I've had 6 weeks of summer holidays! Feels so weird though as all my friends are at work. Even my Mum is out with his friends today so I'm just at home on my own. I have a few jobs to do but potentially I have 3 full weeks of being at home before baby arrives (that's assuming they'd induce me 2 weeks over) so I don't want to do them all today. Feel really restless, don't particularly want to just sit around watching tv all day. Took the dog for a walk this morning and was getting loads of braxton hicks but apart from that, no signs. One of my friends had her baby girl this morning, so happy for her but so jealous too!!

We are nearly a third of the way through September, how quickly has that gone?!

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