~***September Mummies***~

Fingers crossed for you Ammdaz. I'll be checking on here during my loo breaks (if I even manage to get to sleep!).

Still uncomfortable but don't think it means anything.

Sometimes I swear there's a snapping sound coming from within. You know when it sounds like you've snapped a bone? Forgot to mention to the midwife. Is probably nothing. Just odd.

Hope everyone has a good sleep xx
I am totally cacking it now about Wednesday!! Am I the only
One, every one seems quite chilled, not seen any mega worried threads lol x
Aww hun ul be ok! Its thr unknown which is hard but baby be here soon!!! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Well this baby must be the comfiest baby ever, she certainly doesn't want to come out in a hurry! Been having mild contractions on and off since about 4pm yesterday. They kept getting a bit stronger then tailing off then coming back. Decided to try and get some sleep and have managed a few hours, still got lots of backache/period pain and mild tightenings so plan this morning is nice shower and freshen up then a good walk! OH is umming and ahhing whether to go to work, my mum is here so may tell him to go as he can get back in five mins if necessary and the way things are going he'll be finished before much happens anyway!

I'm not used to all this, with DS I started having contractions, they got stronger then he arrived, none of this stop start!

Hope everyone else has managed a good nights sleep xxx
ahhh let's hope its today they ramp up again won't be too long now, least your getting contractions so things are moving about :)
Ammdaz hope cheeky baby makes an appearance soon for u! Ive got consultants at 10 30 lets see what be gotta say ! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Good luck at the consultants Constantstar. Let us know how it goes.

Ammdaz I thought I'd wake up to news that you were at least in labour, you must be fed up!! Fingers crossed it starts happening for you today.

Im off to the spa this morning, can't wait!! Feel quite achey and crampy this morning, only a week till my due date!!
Ah ladies, I can't believe I'm still waiting! I honestly thought we'd be going up to the hospital last night! Pains coming a bit stronger this morning, going to stay upright and active and keep fingers tightly crossed!

Good luck with the consultant constantstar :)

Not long for you now BeeSmall! Have a lovely day at the spa :)

Good luck today constantstar hope all is well.
BeeSmall I'm jealous f your spa day, I could just do with some pampering.

Katied don't worry about Wednesday all will be fine and you know you're having your baby very soon :-)

I had a dream Tigger went into labour yesterday...... Hope that its soon.

Got my sweep today :-( so nervous about it and annoying that I have no idea when midwife will show up.
As its a home visit do you think I'll just lay on sofa? Lighting in my bedroom is very poor so probably not the best place to do it.

Ah and Ammdaz I felt sure I'd wake up to your labour thread :-( fingers crossed its today for you xx
Aw.Amy really thought i'd see ur labour thread this morning..Fingers crossed for u today.

Beesmall enjoy ur spa day... very jealous.

Constanstar good luck with ur app.

Hayley fx for u too.

I'm not sign spotting anymore. Last night had some serious period pains with a dull backache. Went to bed early thinking please let this be it but woken up and still feel the same. This has got to be the most frustrating time in pregnancy. Limbo land :-(

Hope u have a good day ladies xx
I should think sofa would be fine for the sweep Hayley although lighting doesn't matter too much as they need to feel rather than see. Try not to worry too much, I didn't find mine too bad, it's just uncomfortable and a little strange!

My contractions are definitely stronger this morning although less frequent. They feel different too, last night they were in my back but this morning I'm feeling them low down at the front and they are actually painful rather than just uncomfortable. Still easily bearable though. I have so much pressure low down, I keep expecting my waters to pop! Xxx
Hope he sweep does something for you Hayley. Sofa should be fine I expect, seems a bit almost odd to have to lead the midwife up to your bedroom to do that... Hehe!!

Amy, hope the pains pick up! I'm a bit jealous your getting some, but on the other hand, I'd be sooooo frustrated that they're just not progressing. They will though, and very soon I think :-) I'm checking for your labour thread now when I first log in!!

I keep waking up really bad tempered that I've not yet had a baby. I'm refusing to go to dog training tomorrow because I can't face all the questions (so hubby's gonna get a lot thinking I've had it!).

Get out babies, your mummies are all ready for cuddles and fed up of pregnancy!!!!!
Hi Ladies!!

WOW is there ALOT going on on here today!! This is soooooo exciting :dance: Ammdaz TONNES OF LUCK that this you are going to go POP and then lil Lady is here, sounds more than promising!
Haylian - good luck too, hope the sweep has the same effect on you as Ammdaz as it seems it is kicking everyone off!
Our September thread is soon going to be full!!!!!

SpinSugar had a really nice offer:

"Hi Ladies, hope you are all well! WE have a August mummies thread, would you like me to make it July and Septembers mummy and babies thread? Or do you want your own thread :smile: xxx"

I think that would be a great idea as we do overlap with August mummies - hihihi thinking here of Umbongo! If everyone is OK with it, shall we take SpinSugar up on her kind offer?

Ammdaz I'm ready and waiting for ur text and need to do your labour thread today cos mine might be tomorrow, will see what consultant says today!! Come on babies!!
Someone have a baby! Thought I'd wake up to some news.

It will be Christmas soon :)
Morning ladies!

I still think something is happening for you Ammdaz and we'll have a labour thread soon. This is only right as you're the first in the overdue club!

Good luck for your sweep Hayley. Put your hands under your bum! It makes it easier for them.

Just made a thread to moan in. Moany mood! Xxx
I was sure I'd see an Ammdaz labour thread today too! Hope this is things moving in the right direction, so strange how second pregnancies are so different. I was the same with my DD,no signs just contractions, to hospital, she was born and home. And she was born by now! I thought they say the second one always comes earlier...

Hope the Sweep goes OK Hayley, and that it starts something for you.

And I hope everyone else is holding up OK - seems a very slow month so far, I can't believe that in the next maximum 2 weeks I will have my baby, just feels like I'm going to be pregnant forever at the moment.

Silly question but where are you ladies putting your labour thread? In Tri3 here or over in Labour and Birth thread? Finally got round to putting the text together with a piccie of Ben!! :-)

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