~***September Mummies***~

I think a lot of people just go into labour. To be honest, a lot of what I'm feeling and "signs" I'm getting are me reading something into nothing...! I've had bits of plug for the last 8 weeks or so, the period pains are probably excited exaggeration that I've had lots of anyway, and he Braxton hicks tightenings are just me paying more attention than I did before!
I booked a spa day and pregnancy massage for Tuesday with my Mum so happy for the baby to wait until Wednesday but after that I will be in a bad mood until s/he makes an arrival! Haha.
Ammdaz you're right about September babies being lazy Serena did not want to come out in a hurry lol xxx

Ooooh Bex is squiggle going to make an exit skin side xx whoopxx

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Naughty September babies! Congratulations again Seonaid, Serena is gorgeous! I will update the front page for you when I can steal iPad away from DS lol, only on my phone at the moment.

OH drove us home from shopping cross country round all the bendy bumpy roads, I think he's getting as desperate as me lol! It gave me some cracking Braxton hicks but they stopped when we got home. So back to the bouncy ball for me, bouncing harder than ever, I will get this lazy baby out!

My baby doesn't fit in my tummy today. It literally has zero room and I think that's frustrating it. Also, Sammy has just decided he wants a cuddle, and wants to sit on top of my bump rather than my lap - v bizarre!!!!
Come on September babies!! They're definitely a lazy lot x
My baby doesn't fit in my tummy today. It literally has zero room and I think that's frustrating it. Also, Sammy has just decided he wants a cuddle, and wants to sit on top of my bump rather than my lap - v bizarre!!!!

It feels like my baby doesn't fit either. Her movements tonight are really hurting me, she honestly feels massive bless her! I keep expecting her to pop the waters or something! Getting some quite uncomfortable BHs too although sometimes its hard to differentiate between what is BHs and what is her stretching herself out! Both hurt right now! Xxx
Eeek just seen some baby announcements! ! Congrats. Cant wait for mine to be soon but think im a bit back in the q lol!

Tonight for dinner I ate a vinadloo, sag alloo madras hot and rice. Come out baby!!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I'm just about to tuck into a Chicken Tikka Massala. I'm too soft for a Vindaloo! You're very brave :)

Still no sign :(
We're going for a spicy curry tomorrow. I don't believe for a second that it'll induce labour...it's just a good excuse to get my hubby to take me out for dinner!! x
Ohhh sept babies are on thier way aren't they !! Tho not as quick ad I'd like I can't believe we're all going to be mummies this month!!

I'm too excited :) max feels huge now and getting quite abit of pressure down there so hopefully midwife will tell me some encouraging things on Wednesday we can but hope eh
Lol I agree doesnt seem to have done much apsrt fron making mr need a the loo pmsl! ! 3 days till due date
. Got consultant on Tuesday (39 + 4) and midwife (40 +4) . We shall see what consultant says but midwife said im booked in for a sweep that day but will obv see what consultant says xx
mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Well it's my due date and I have no baby :-( have a feeling today will come and go and I'll be in the overdue club tomorrow.
Feel totally gutted about it, I didn't think I would but now it's here I really do lol. Had a few tears this morning and get to face my whole family today at my nephews birthday party this afternoon which will require a huge amount of patience as I have quite a full on family :-( all in all I think today will be shitty.

Hope all you other ladies are coping ok xx
Cheer up dude, baby will get here... Eventually. I'm rather perky considering I'm now a member of the overdue club, and I've had to tell about 10 people that asked at church today that I don't have any weeks to go, I was due yesterday haha! I'm just focusing on the fact baby will be here in 2 weeks.

I had a lovely bath last night, with my music blaring, and singing REALLY badly (but v loudly - hubby was not impressed!!) and it put me in a much better mood!!!

I also have a proper stinky cold that's just going down into my chest, so it'd probably be better not to go into labour now, but... Meh! Xx
Aww Hayley, due dates are difficult days, I was a mess when I reached mine! If its any consolation I actually felt a bit better the next day, even though it meant I was overdue in some ways it wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

Well I'm still here obviously. 5 days over now, getting a bit ridiculous! Was really uncomfortable yesterday evening so was half expecting to wake with contractions in the night but nope, nothing! Got mw and sweep tomorrow, going to walk there and back as well in an extra attempt to get things moving. For some reason for the last few days I've been imagining 40+6 to be the day she arrives, to the point I'm not even expecting anything to happen before tomorrow. My predictions have been completely wrong up to now though so we shall see!

Hope everyone else is having a nice day. We're having quite a lazy Sunday xxx
Come on comfy babies!! All the mummies are waiting!!
I'm feeling full of cold too :( and DS up half the night with cold and laboured breathing :( he's full of beans today but I am not!! Eh just taken him out to park and I'm chilling for a bit then lots of walking this pm we off to some fete
It's a mare all this waiting. I do have a question for you all. Are BH felt low down? I was woken four times last night with the top of my bump in a kind of spasm and have had some lower back ache for the past few days. Down below feels a little achy but not much. Never had period pains so not really sure what its all about. Baby was back to back at mw on Thursday if that helps.
When I get BHs my whole bump goes rock hard but it's particularly noticeable at the top. It's sometimes accompanied by mild pain low down and in lower back but mostly just feels like pressure xxx
Hmm, not sure I've had proper BHs :/ I just get lower back ache sometimes. I've only ever had dull period ache in my tummy but not noticed it tightening. That was weeks ago though. Trying desperately not to symptom spot!

Did you say you've got a sweep tomorrow Ammdaz? Me too. Good luck to both of us! My fingers are crossed I'm 2cm HA HA. But I'm really worried my cervix is still closed and everything. Get an induction booked too which I've been in two minds about. Hmm xx
Yep I've got a sweep tomorrow, eek! Good luck to both of us! Not sure what to expect as I didn't need one with DS. I'm also hoping she says I'm 2cm lol but scared she's not even going to be able to reach my cervix or something! I think I'll get an induction date tomorrow as well. They induce at 12 days over in my area but that's next Sunday so not sure if they'll do it at the weekend. I hope she doesn't say Friday 13th, I don't think I could do it that day! I don't like the idea of induction, I'd be worried about it taking ages and having to be away from DS in hospital for longer. Having said that I won't turn it down because I'm so fed up as it is and am worried baby is getting a bit big in there! Xxx
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