~***September Mummies***~

Hi everyone! Not got much of a chance to catch up here as wee Ben has got me wrapped around his little finger! That and his mega bad colic.
still i wanted to let you all know that I am thinking of you and want to wish you all the very very best. It is ssoooooo worth it. I just love him to bits. Bex looks like you are next, tonnes of luck and I cant wait to find out the team.
Still not heard anything from Seonaid. FX all is well.
will try to do my labour thread soon. Set a new world record in hospital!!!!!
Morning guys. Having a wierd morning woke up to quite a bit of gloopy water on pad ( reminded me of when my hind waters broke with o) and braxton hicks/ low achiness. Bump looks lower too. No more gloopy stuff I dont think but tmi I keep pooping. Wonder if its a sign or wishful thinking xx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Oooh Constantstar I hope it's signs for you, I think it is.

I dreamt Hayley had her baby! :-)

Congrats to seonaid! Mini mac wasn't that mini :-)

Squiggle is still in situ but I have to walk to the hospital this morning so hopefully that'll kick me off again. Had 3 hours of contractions last night enough to warrant the tens. Which when on boost is tje lushest feeling ever!!!
Ooo constantstar sounds promising, fingers crossed for you!!

Bex hope all goes well at the hospital this morning. You must be really excited!

I have zero signs whatsoever but I slept for almost 11 hours and only got up twice for loo breaks, feel like a new woman! x
Morning everyone.

Good luck constantstar!

I slept last night! Amazing. My bump still feels really heavy though. Hoping someone will come for a walk with me today. My back aches but I think it's the sheer weight now! Worried this baby is a porker :/

These September babies (especially for those who are past their due dates) seem to be awfully lazy.

Hope you all slept well too xx
Nothing seems to be happening here. Just nothing lol. How r u all doing x

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I feel huge today, so much pressure
In my stomach, I can just about walk!! X
You've no idea how much I wish your dream was true Bex! Good luck at the hospital.

I had the best nights slep in ages, only got up twice and got up at 10.30 :-) I too have had lots of milky stuff this morning constantstar but nothing else, hope things progress for you.

Happy Due date Kim hope you're not fed up and coping ok like you have been.

Lets hope some of us get these babies out soon, my daughter will not be able to call herself a Virgo if she doesn't arrive on time lol xx
Hi ladies

Still nothing exciting going on here :-( got woken up a couple of times in the night by backache/uncomfortable BHs then woke this morning with even more backache. Got excited because it was quite intense but after getting up for a wee it went :-( must've just been the way I was laying in the night.

We've come out today for a look round the shops and for OH to get a haircut so I don't drive myself crazy sitting around waiting at home. Feel like an elephant waddling around lol! Lil girl is having a party in my tummy, I try and cherish feeling her move inside because even though it feels like its taking forever for her to arrive it really won't be much longer until she's here and then I'll be missing feeling her!

Oh the dog wasn't right then Ammdaz? That's a shame, would've been a good story :-)

I've decided it's the not knowing that's worse than anything, if someone said you'll go 10 days over then I think I'd be ok cause I'd have a date to work towards, but because I just don't know it's so frustrating.

Hi ladies

It is the not knowing is the worst. Like u say Hayley if we could know the date, would be alot easier to cope with the wait. Dreading next week. All my family in work. Ds in school..can't drive. Stuck in the house. I'm so over cleaning the house now. Just gonna be a bad week mentally if baby doesn't show up soon.

Had some period pains again earlier but stopped now :-(

Amy don't blame u getting out... i'm the same.if oh says he needs to go anywhere. I go for the ride just to get out.. he napping now and ds is in his room as usual..Feel like i'm home.alone anyway xx
Oh the dog wasn't right then Ammdaz? That's a shame, would've been a good story :-)

I've decided it's the not knowing that's worse than anything, if someone said you'll go 10 days over then I think I'd be ok cause I'd have a date to work towards, but because I just don't know it's so frustrating.


No it doesn't look like he was unfortunately! I think MIL was convinced though because she phoned up this morning to check!

I completely agree about the not knowing being the worst bit. I would be much better if I knew a date because I would stop looking for 'signs' until then and just get on with doing things and keeping busy. But as it is I can't get into anything because I kept thinking 'it could be today' so I'm wandering around in limbo!

Naughty sign giving dog Ammdaz!!! My mums cat has been all over me this morning- my own animals don't wanna know me though!!

Know what you mean Hayley, I asked if I was allowed to request an induction on Monday because I could've requested an elective section... Said no, haha! Still, 12 days now max! I'd like to go on my own.

Feeling crappy with a cold today, hoping it'll improve soon. I've also decided I fancy chippy for tea tonight... Will have to ask my OH very nicely :-) it is the cheapest takeaway at the end of the day... Haha!!
Hi guys

We are all so close yet so far!!!

I can't help thinking it won't be long now as had a really bad day yesterday, felt like I had been hit by a bus, and today feel great with a bit of back ache and some discharge/mucus stuff ( not sure as had nothing else to date ) every little change gets your mind going doesn't it
Hi everyone! I'm still pregnant boo!! Haha I'm now 40+3. Excellent. Also sick of sign spotting and waiting. I think everyone's labour is just going to kick off at once and we will have a massive boom in babies! Hopefully today or tomorrow. I'm having a curry tonight. Worth a try I suppose! Xx
These September babies certainly seem to be a lazy bunch, we definitely need a baby boom! Xxx
I'm well up for a baby boom!

Oh was talking to bump today and doing an "announcement":

"This womb will be closing shortly. Please make your final selections and make your way to the exit"

I wish there was an evict button!!!
Hi All

No signs here today either. Loads of pain quite low down and can hardly walk but nothing too major. I really think there is going to be a massive boom and loads of September babies will all be born at once. Hopefully not on Tuesday as DD will be starting reception that day - sods law though right!

FX that all of you in the overdue club get some movement this afternoon/tomorrow - I'm having a hot chilli tonight, not that it will help, I've had curries that have done zilch. So annoying because at this point with DD I went into labour tonight and had her tomorrow at 39 + 1... x
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I'm on my way to ASDA to pick up a spicy vegetable jalfrezi! However, I eat a lot of spicy food anyway so I don't think it's going to make a difference at all!

Feel fine today. I'm all set for the sweep on Monday and wondering if that means s/he'll come on my birthday (which is Wednesday). Even if I lost some plug I might feel like I'm nearly there. Oh well! Hopefully will get given an induction date and then s/he'll come before that.

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday :) xx
How many people do you think have zero signs (no plug, no pains) and just suddenly go into labour (contractions starting or waters breaking)? Apart from hip ache which is just general pregnancy pains, I've had nothing at all. Wish I believed that RLT, spicy food, clary sage etc worked cos at least I could focus on them for the time being. But I think it's all a load of crap so I'm just waiting...

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