~***September Mummies***~

I think Tigger said it but it really is meant to be a small percentage whose waters actually go. You wouldn't think it from this forum though! I thought mine were trickling last weekend but I did that test and concluded I was just weeing myself a bit (haha - hope no one is eating, sorry).

Hope you're riding the waves of pain soon!
Hope all u over due ladies get ur baby cuddles very soon. Have a feeling the weekend will be a busy one on here.

I'm having a feel sorry for myself day again. I'm not allowed to drive so stuck in.. fed up of cleaning. Only.ends up messy when oh and ds come home anyway. Have battered my bank balance today online. Got all ds bday pressies ready in case i go early. Ordered his cake. Bouht some more baby outifts. Also been xmas browsing online... god i'm bored. xx
Yes, I've read that about waters too. One good sign was that I was woken by pain before the waters went.
Might go to ikea later, walking around will help, although wearing a nappy is a bit grim!!!

My mw agreed that waters smell of sperm. She said the placenta does too!

I'm hungry so having lunch, then might nap as feeling tired. I should be needing energy soon fx! Xx
Yes, I've read that about waters too. One good sign was that I was woken by pain before the waters went.
Might go to ikea later, walking around will help, although wearing a nappy is a bit grim!!!

My mw agreed that waters smell of sperm. She said the placenta does too!

I'm hungry so having lunch, then might nap as feeling tired. I should be needing energy soon fx! Xx

You didn't ask her to sniff it did you? Hope you don't live to far from ikea! :)
Hahaha no, she said she'd smelt them before!! I did have some in a pot though, I think she was impressed with that!!

Pains still mild, but every 8 mins which has to be a good sign x
Wow more Septembers mummys popping eek! Good luck girls!
Ive got backache today but I reckon thats me trying to wash my hair In the bath and not being so agile anymore haha!! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
MIL's dog has taken a shine to me today, he doesn't normally take much notice of me but he keeps wanting to sit on my lamp and nudging my tummy. I've had such a depressing lack of signs that I'm taking this as one to cheer me up! After all my cat knew I was pregnant before I did so I do believe animals have a sixth sense about these things. MIL and I have both said we'll be a bit freaked out if I do go into labour tonight though! Xxx
So excited for you Bex, you'll get to meet your baby really soon. Fingers crossed its ASAP so your hubby has more time with you and baby before going back to work x
Seems to all be moving in the right direction umbungo, Exciting Stuff!!

MW appointment was a bit of a let down, all is fine, he's still 4/5 engaged after 2 weeks so no change really. I told her I'd lost a bit of mucus but she didn't seem too phased. Just booked me in for 2 weeks time when I'll be 40+4 so she said she'll do a sweep. Policy is to go 10 days over here before induction so I've got up to 24th September for bump to arrive otherwise its bye bye birthing centre.

Hope everyone is feeling OK, it is such a weird feeling just waiting for baby, I worked up to 24th December and dd was born on 29th December last time so I've not experienced this waiting feeling. All very strange and I can only imagine it increases the closer you get to/past due date. The weeks do seem to fly by though so hopefully we won't be too emotional or waiting around for too much longer xxx
Seems to all be moving in the right direction umbungo, Exciting Stuff!!

MW appointment was a bit of a let down, all is fine, he's still 4/5 engaged after 2 weeks so no change really. I told her I'd lost a bit of mucus but she didn't seem too phased. Just booked me in for 2 weeks time when I'll be 40+4 so she said she'll do a sweep. Policy is to go 10 days over here before induction so I've got up to 24th September for bump to arrive otherwise its bye bye birthing centre.

Hope everyone is feeling OK, it is such a weird feeling just waiting for baby, I worked up to 24th December and dd was born on 29th December last time so I've not experienced this waiting feeling. All very strange and I can only imagine it increases the closer you get to/past due date. The weeks do seem to fly by though so hopefully we won't be too emotional or waiting around for too much longer xxx

Thanks. It's still regular tightenings but not that painful. Weird. Guess it's something though!! The waters are pink now as have blood in but rang hospital and they said it's normal after a sweep. Phewf. I guess when it starts properly I'll really know about it so I shouldn't worry!!

Btw Amy, you don't have to accept an induction at 10 days over, it's up to you, whatever the policy. Just saying. Xx
Oh really?? I really don't want to be induced as that does mean being tied to the labour ward when I really wanted to go to the birthing centre. Something to def think about if it gets that far, Thank you! X
Totally your choice. I rejected induction until 43 weeks. They bring you in for twice weekly monitoring and scans instead to check everything is okay. Chances are you won't need to worry about it anyway, but good to know you have a choice! They don't always mention that! My mw supports my choice, if they don't, go direct to SOM (supervisor of midwives) xx
Well I've had my nails done and my eyebrows tinted so I'm ready for labour lol.
Has more period pain but its gone again now :-( COME ON BABY!!! Put me out of my misery.

All sounds good for you Bex, you must be excited that stuff is happening x
Fx for you hayley. I think mine might be long and drawn out but I'm happy as I trust it will happen! Best to just chill out I think. :-)
Just had the yummiest fish and chips ever!! :-)
I'm so knackered tonight! My varicose veins keep getting worse. Feel like my period is about to start.

But I'm having an ASDA pizza so I'm looking forward to that. Praying I get to sleep tonight.

I had sausage and mash for tea it was yummy!! I DTD and went for a walk on the beach in the rain which I love. Been ball bouncing this afternoon. I'm having a bit of back pain and periodyness but nowt exciting. My leg is really swollen today. It hurts. I'm having a Chilled night just watching tv and my sister brought me a cake from my fav place ever! It's my husbands late grans birthday so it would be nice if he made his appearance then! Bex you need to stop feeding that baby such yummy food s/he won't wanna come out!! I've also had my brows and lashes tinted and threaded! Hahah. Need to shave my legs tho if he does come tonight. Xx
I've had the most active baby tonight, to go from reduced movement to this is crazy. Just been bouncing on my ball for an hour so I hope that moves things along.

Off to bed soon to "try" and get some sleep, wish me luck.
Hope you're all ok xx
Good luck hayley! I'm going up to bed now too. Had tightenings and pains all day but still mild. Hope to either sleep well or be woken by the real deal
Hope we see your labour thread soon too hun.

Sleep well everyone else. Hope you're all well xxx
Of course I lie down and pain feels worse now....i think lying down makes it feel worse as you're still!

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