Seems to all be moving in the right direction umbungo, Exciting Stuff!!
MW appointment was a bit of a let down, all is fine, he's still 4/5 engaged after 2 weeks so no change really. I told her I'd lost a bit of mucus but she didn't seem too phased. Just booked me in for 2 weeks time when I'll be 40+4 so she said she'll do a sweep. Policy is to go 10 days over here before induction so I've got up to 24th September for bump to arrive otherwise its bye bye birthing centre.
Hope everyone is feeling OK, it is such a weird feeling just waiting for baby, I worked up to 24th December and dd was born on 29th December last time so I've not experienced this waiting feeling. All very strange and I can only imagine it increases the closer you get to/past due date. The weeks do seem to fly by though so hopefully we won't be too emotional or waiting around for too much longer xxx