~***September Mummies***~

Lol I managed three star jumps earlier then gave up, thought I was going to keel over!! Xxx
That's good news Hayley but sounds like the hospital needs to get their act together a bit!

Sounds very promising about the tightenings, hopefully things are moving in the right direction! You could be the next September mummy!

Great news Hayley and looks like you won't have long to wait, how exciting!! x
You'll be next then hayley! Glad all was well, I'm jealous though!! X
I really don't think anything will come of it, or maybe I'm just trying not to hope too much that it will lol x
Yes it will!! You're having actual contractions! Might not be tonight but bet it's soon x
Wow Hayley! Fingers crossed for you.

Tomorrow might bring some labour threads then! Eep.

My BHs seem to have stopped again and tonight I'm just getting the engagement pains again. Surely if head and shoulders are already in my pelvis nothing else can fit in?! Or maybe baby bouncing on a nerve. Hmm!
I still can't believe the head and shoulders are in?! Your pelvis must be roomy, good sign for labour! I'm finding out if squiggle has disengaged tomorrow, I'm convinced she was fully engaged the other day. Now i swear I can feel the head again above pelvis :-(
My sweep is at 11am. Bit nervous now as worried cervix will be the same. Ho hum.
Good luck umbongo - I'll be checking on here.

I know, I feel like I should be waddling or something. But no. And do I just have a massive pelvis?! I wonder whether s/he's moved out too. When the midwife said it I thought it meant labour would be imminent and I'd get signs (plug!) and everything. But no!
im keen for herto come now lol, everyone i know on facebook thats not off here and was due around me has had theirs pretty much, there are 2 ladies left now and one that was due a week after me had her lil boy 3 weeks ago!
Wahoo. My last day at work for at least 7/8 months. Just took the dog out for a cold and wet walk...looks like autumn is here! I've woken up with bags of energy and now hoping baby bee decides to hold on for a week or so because I'd like some lazy sofa days next week and also my mum and I have booked a spa day/pregnancy massage for me.

Completely pointless post but all of my other posts are miserable and moany so it makes a difference!

Bex, hope sweep goes well today, will be checking for updates at lunchtime!! x
Yaaaay! Enjoy your last day!

I shall update after sweep. More excited now as had liquidy pink discharge this morning when I coughed and pains, on and off since .30am. Not enough to be labour but at least something is happening!! :-)

Rainy here too, autumn has arrived for sure! X
Yep it's very autumnal here today too.

Exciting about the discharge bex, looks like your Saturday prediction could be right!

I've decided I'm going to try not to sign spot today, not going to do anything to deliberately make things happen so no long walks, just going to try and relax and see what happens. We'll see how long I last!

Haha good luck with the relaxing!! I find it quite hard, feel like I should always be busy doing things or bouncing on the ball or walking! Silly, as we should rest while we can!!! X
Ooh i've woken up to an exciting sept mummy thread.

Good luck to all getting pains, discharge and waters xxx
I want some!! Send me some girls.. Share. Ahhahaha no pains or nowt for me! It's very rainy here. I Love it. I feel guilty when I'm not doin something to try and get him out. Xx
I had pains last night but all they were are "I need a poo!" (Sorry) pains. Feel like IBS. Brilliant.

I'm so excited about umbongo though!

She did a star jump last night...
And I'm loving the rain. I still feel warm though! Summer has been a waste for us this year!
Haha maybe that star jump did it. Nearly gave myself a hernia though. Perhaps the clary sage bath?
So much liquid coming out. Bleurgh. Not brown or green though so that's ace news.

I'm eating a fried egg sandwich and a sweet cup of tea. Nomnomnom. Pains are mild. Hubby at work. But it's all good. Got some waters in a pot for the lovely mw to check!
Exciting huh?
Feeling stupidly calm xx

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