~***September Mummies***~

The only day I don't want him to come is Friday. So he probly will rock up then! It's my husband brothers birthday. And he was a nightmare child lol!! So everyone said if he comes then ill have a mini him. I feel like crying I was really really thinking positive yesterday that it was going to tart last night. And I just slept. Dissapointing! I'm also not nervous about labour I have no idea why... I'm shocking with pain. Think I'm just so desperate to meet my baby now! These last few weeks since 37/38 weeks have dragged so much! My car is also broke so I'm trapped a bit. Great. I'm on a propa downer today!
I hate people and there signs and there feelings. Like ooooo it's going to be tonight. Swines. X
I think it's just the unknown and I'm not very good with pain (I'm pathetic really). And yet I've opted for no pain relief!

My best friend (and the one who'll do my labour thread) keeps saying Saturday too. I'm not sure. I think I'll have this sweep on Monday as I have a fear of things like that (had a bad smear which resulted in lots of things probing down there :( ) so it just makes sense that I'd have one.

Anyway, I have only managed to have a shower so far. Must get on with it!

Well I'm having a homebirth so gas and air is as good as it gets. I'm terrible with pain usually, won't be fighting this pain, we need to welcome it... Every surge brings your baby closer :-)

Don't fear the sweep, speak to your mw, mine was really lovely and talked me through it as I was worried. It made it much better. It doesn't hurt like a smear, just breathe deeply and focus on something else.

Beesmall, good luck at the mws. Fx baby is still engaged. Don't talk to the mw during BP, reeeeeeeelaaaax and breathe.

Meanwhile I feel really really sick today! Don't fancy eating at all but forced cereal down. Feels like it wants to come back out :-(
The only day I don't want him to come is Friday. So he probly will rock up then! It's my husband brothers birthday. And he was a nightmare child lol!! So everyone said if he comes then ill have a mini him. I feel like crying I was really really thinking positive yesterday that it was going to tart last night. And I just slept. Dissapointing! I'm also not nervous about labour I have no idea why... I'm shocking with pain. Think I'm just so desperate to meet my baby now! These last few weeks since 37/38 weeks have dragged so much! My car is also broke so I'm trapped a bit. Great. I'm on a propa downer today!
I hate people and there signs and there feelings. Like ooooo it's going to be tonight. Swines. X

I've had days like this. Try and have a walk. Make a list of things to do. Remember baby will be here eventually. That's a fact!! I'm a week over tomorrow and it's gone so quick!
I told friends not to text and logged off fb, it's really helped.

Our babies will Soooo be worth it, don't worry xxxx
Sounds like a few of us are on a downer today, and Kim if even you're bored of bring pregnant there's no hope for the rest of us :-).

I've decided tomorrow night will be ideal for labour, then hubby gets 2 days over weekend before his holiday and paternity start at work. I really don't want her to come on 9th cause its my nephews birthday and sister in laws birthday and I want her to have her own birthday lol I'm 17th so if she's not on time I reckon she'll give me a birthday treat, I don't mind sharing my birthday cause I'll make it all about her anyway. Everyone has forgotten about me this year I think anyway haha people normally ask me what I want etc and now all I get is, ooooh baby baby baby :-)

I'm having a bad day girls. Just had my first SVT Episode since the early days of pregnancy, heart rate shoots up to about 170 and have to go to a&e if they last longer than an hour... Stopped after 25 minutes luckily. Feel like poop now though. I'm not even tired its soooo irritating :-(
Oh no Kim we don't want that rearing its ugly head again. Hopefully it was a one off and it goes away as quick as it came.

I'm glad I've got midwife today, baby V is very quiet again. Don't like it!! She's moving but not as much x
Oh no Kim, sorry you're having a bit of a rubbish day :-( at least you didn't have to go to the hospital. I hope you feel better very soon.

I walked for over an hour this morning. Hasn't done much apart from given me backache.

I really wish I hadn't got it into my head that this baby would be early, it's making going overdue so much harder. But I just really didn't expect to still be pregnant by now! And no matter how hard I try to be positive and get on with things I just feel so bloody fed up! I feel like I'm in limbo and just constantly waiting. I wish my nesting urge would come back to keep me occupied but I think that's well and truly been and gone. Now I'm just keeping on top of the main housework, everything else feels like too much effort! Sorry to moan again!

Cheer up you lot! I'm making small ducks to decorate the bathroom. Cutting and laminating. Feel sick but not miserable.
I just cried at cowboy builders, how pathetic!!!

Take it easy Kim, that's not nice the SVT is back!

Chin up ladies, can't be long for all of us now :-) xx
Well after my stroppy morning I went for a really long walk with the dog and walked to the shops got a few bits and bobs. Done some star jumps as my friend is sure that's what started her labour and now I'm watching a film bouncing on my ball. Come on baby!! I've warned my OH to be prepared when he comes in from work to be jumped. Got my doggy a nice new bed so she doesn't feel left out! I've also cleaned my kitchen and done some washing. Not feeling as fed up now! Xx
Good work Amy!!! :-) walking always puts me in a better mood. Bit hot here today though xx
A few people have said star jumps to me, I'm that desperate I might give it a go too!

I'm feeling in a bit better mood now. Just picked up my little man and he's in a super good mood, I think he is really enjoying school which is such a weight off my mind because he was a bit wobbly at nursery so I thought he might struggle for a while. He's putting such a big smile on my face with all his stories of what he's been up to! I'm melting though, it's so hot again. Supposed to rain and be cooler tomorrow, maybe this baby is waiting until then so I don't have to labour in this heat!

Last day of summer today, what a F-ing waste of good weather it has been as I've hated it!!

Maybe I'll try star jumps... This ball isn't doing anything!!

I'm glad your DS is doing so well Ammdaz.. Yaaaay!

I should do the washing up... Snore!! X
I've just got back from a long country park walk and picnic with friends and kiddies. Epic Fail! The drive home seemed to last forever, I was sweating, sun cream dripping all over, sweaty in creases I didn't know I had, changing gear was a mammoth task! Got straight in an ice cold shower with dd when we got back, now in our pjs already watching barbie films. It's 30 degrees here now, way too hot to do anything but laying here on the sofa isn't very productive... Oh Well! X
30 degrees? Yikes!! Nowhere near as, bad here.
I just remembered I have aquatums tonight. Hopefully hubby will mow the lawn while I'm out!

Still can't believe I'm a week overdue tomorrow. Madness! I really thought it would happen this wk!
Ugh kim that sounds awful. Hope you're feeling a bit better now.

Mw was fine, blood pressure was behaving itself and baby was still engaged - only 1/5 though, same as last time. Got an appointment on my due date (17th), really hope I don't need it but 99% sure I will!!
Good news about the BP beesmall!
I will find out if squiggle is engaged or not tomorrow. I'm sure she was fully engaged and then it changed last night. Grrr. We shall see.
Fx you don't need your next appt, I didn't think I'd need this sweep tomorrow...bah x
Well I've just got back from my apt, BP was high again and as I mentioned baby has been quite quiet they're sending me back to hospital with talks of induction :-( I'm sure it won't come to that but better to get checked I suppose.

I'll update you all later when I'm home xx
Hello Ladies - I hope everyone is feeling ok? Those in the overdue club - you've obviously made a lovely home for baby and they are quite comfy! No signs for me, so I think I'll be joining you on Sunday. Kim - take it easy! Lie down with a chocolate bar or three!
Think we all need think happy thoughts! This month we will have a baby :)

Still have a few bits to do. I've been washing baby's things this week. Washed my reusable breast pads. Put 4 pairs in - got 2 and half out! The washing machine has eaten 3 pads! I'm fuming! What am I going to do with the half?
Today I decided to wash my white nappies and reusable wipes. After the pads I decided to wash all my wipes in the mesh bags that came with the wipes. Guess which nerk didn't fold back the velcro laundry tabs? My mesh bags look like I've had them a million years! :( Just waiting to see how many scratch mitts I've got left in the wash that's on now!

Going to alter the nursery curtains now. I bought a set from Mamas and Papas. Opened them, washed them then realised they are 15 inches too short! Grrr. I've managed to get some similar coloured fabric that I'll just add on the end. Not sure how professional they are going to look. Im only a novice on the machine!
Ah Haylian that's crap. Hope everything is ok at the hospital x
Hope you're OK Haylian - FX all is OK.

You sound very positive and productive MrsMisa, I had my spurt a few days ago, now I'm a hot sweaty sofa bound mess. Hope it's cooler tomorrow x

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