~***September Mummies***~

Aww Hayley that's a bit rubbish, hope everything goes ok at the hospital.

I'm struggling with the heat today too Amy. It's supposed to be cooler here tomorrow but rain too.

Good luck with the curtains MrsMisa :)

I'm being naughty tonight and having pizza and chips from the freezer. OH is at work so it's just me and the little man and I can't be bothered to cook a proper meal just for us two! I have to say the pizza tastes goood!

I have already got baby's christmas present! I decided ages ago I would get her a jumperoo and amazon were selling them really cheap the other day so I thought I may as well grab one and save myself some money. It arrived today :) can't believe I'm going to have two little ones at christmas this year, it's going to be so much fun!

Good luck Hayley, whatever they decide I hope it all works out!

Thanks for the giggle Michelle - I laughed at everything that's gone wrong for you today. That's REALLY mean of me, but it's quite funny!!!

I'm not overly impressed with my OH. We'd decided we'd ask the inlaws to try to keep out of our way when they come stay after baby - they live 200 miles away so they have to stay really, but it's a lot to ask of us. They told oh they'd stay in a b&b but we've said no to that - feels wrong. My mum and dad have offered to have them stay with them (they're only next door) as it'd be better for me and Jim, so he just phoned his mum now. The way he words things makes it seem like he's come off the phone, spoken to me, I've said "tell them they're doing this" and then he's had to call back. He also doesn't see why it'd be any issue having them stay if we set up a tv etc in another room.... We only have 1 bathroom (though an extra loo) and we'd have to share EVERY meal time with them, and our bedroom is right next to the spare room and study where they'd be getting "out of our way" which would be disturbing for both them and us! Bloody men don't think things through!! They're still gonna annoy the crap out of me when they are here but it is their grandchild!!
Oh dear tigger. Men are often useless and don't understand. Have a feeling oh mum is going to want to spend few days here as soon as baby born and i told.him if she asks it's no. Come.for the day fine but can't cope for longer. She will be no help and smokes constantly. I know their excited but it's the last thing u want entertaining whe ur getting to know ur newborn.

Good luck at hospital Hayley xx

Hope ur curtains work out mrsmisa

Amy pizza sounds good to me

My.belly is so hard right now i can't move..oww
Good luck hayley.

Mrsmisa your day sounds classic...It's the kind of stuff I'd do! When making brownies the other day I spilt raw egg, flour and put bags of choc chips down in the spilt egg...i just git in a right mess! And yesterday I dunked my phone in water and it was broken for ages.

Good work on an easy dinner ammdaz, got to be done sometimes. I had chicken salad, same as lunch! As was out at aquatums til 7pm. Did a really good work out. No class next week so that's my last one!

Agghh to inlaws tigger. So glad Dave's won't stay. They're still coming on Monday...one good reason to into labour Sunday, to tell them no! I think having people stay will be a pain with a new baby. It's going to be hard enough us having step daughters. We're supposed to have them next weekend as it's the wedding, but potentially I'l still be pregnant! So no way I want them here if I am, or if I've just had squiggle!! We shall see I guess.

I think I'm pinning too much on this sweep tomorrow. Wouldn't surprise me if cervix is identical to last week, wgichwill be depressing ! As it's really been a very, very non eventful week!!!
Bex i really hope ur cervix is starting to dilate. Baby can't stay in much longer. It isn't possible... good luck.

Forgot to say my mw app went ok. Heartbeat was good. Bp fine. 4/5 engaged and my urine no longer has glucose in it. She making a home visit on 18th day before due date.. Really hoping she here then... I'm really starting to panic that baby will come on ds bday.
Yay for him mowing the lawn bex! Hope your sweep goes well tomorrow, your cervix could've changed a bit without you noticing, fingers crossed!

Ah Kim you don't want to have to be worrying about looking after the in laws when you've got a newborn. Men can be such wimps with their parents sometimes! And some times I think they just don't think! I'm quite lucky that I get on fairly well with my in laws but they have annoyed me a bit. They are going away on the 19th, they have a caravan so are away in it quite a bit, and the other day the told us they might stay away for three weeks! I can kind of understand why they want to, OH's sister expects them to have her two girls so often, especially during the holidays so they are worn out and want a break now the girls are back at school. But it means that they are only going to see our new LO a handful of times before they go off for ages and she'll change so much in that time. They won't like it if when they come back she cries at them because she doesn't know who they are! It's always been the same with them, they do so much for OH's sister and the girls, even though they admit it gets too much for them but they won't say no to her. And then we feel we can't ask them to have DS because they are too tired and need some time to theirselves. I feel sorry for OH really, I think he gets a bit hurt by it :-(

Sorry that turned into a bit of a rant lol! I'm back bouncing on my ball this evening, not that it does anything I'm sure! The notebook is on so I'm going to watch that!

Bex i really hope ur cervix is starting to dilate. Baby can't stay in much longer. It isn't possible... good luck.

Forgot to say my mw app went ok. Heartbeat was good. Bp fine. 4/5 engaged and my urine no longer has glucose in it. She making a home visit on 18th day before due date.. Really hoping she here then... I'm really starting to panic that baby will come on ds bday.

I know how you feel, as you know I spent ages worrying my LO would turn up on DS's first day at school but she didnt and I'm annoyed I wasted so much time worrying about it now! I know it's easier said than done but try not to panic about it too much, the chances are slim baby will arrive on that day and its beyond your control anyway. What will be will be and you will manage with it somehow. Glad the appt went well xxx
Ha ammdaz, 3 weeks is nothing! My inlaws won't see squiggle more than once every 6 months I doubt going by what they do with the other grandchildren! Family just isn't that big a deal to them I don't think. Totally differ to my parents. I know my hubby gets so annoyed with their lack of interest.

Glad mw was good sunshine :-)

I just had a string clsry sage bath now getting some period pains and tightenings. Nothing much though tbh! Run out if raspberry leaf tea tablets now too. Bah.

I know Amy i need to stop worrying about it. Like u say it's out of my control but really don't want them to have to share a bday. Seems unfair somehow.xx
I know three weeks isn't long in the grand scheme of things but its just a bit upsetting that they are going away for so long when she's so small considering they spend so much time with their other grand kids :-(

Ooh bex, tightenings?? I'm jealous!! Xxx
Nah, don't be, it's nothing now. Better get on the ball! Makes my legs ache though.
Gah I got excited then! My ball does nothing for me, I've given up xxx
I'm wondering about my ball too. Baby hasn't engaged any more in 2 weeks and I've used it pretty much every day. Not convinced it does anything but I suppose it improves posture compared to slouching on the sofa x
ive ran out of RLT too lol, had my nightly clary sage massage of bump but nothings going on for me. odd twinges on and off today so i think shes headed downwards but no snot or interesting pains really
On my ball now and bump went rock hard. It seems to give me BHs but that's it.

Come on! We need more sept babies!
We really do need more September babies! Can't believe we haven't had a bit more action! Xxx
Holy crap!! I just tried a star jump and my inner thighs nearly ripped in half. Insane pain! Never again!!!
Hi ladies

So went to hospital and went through the usual, bloods, wee and BP testing. Assessment unit closes at 5.30 so had to gomupmto triage, waited nearly and hour and nothing was mentioned about the reduced movement or being out on a trace etc they just kept saying we're waiting for your bloods. So I had to ask them what they were planning on doing about her movements slowing and then they were like "oh right you're supposed to be having a trace" well yeah that's what I was sent for?? Anyway just like last week I started getting really bad period/ back pain in the waiting room again but thought it must be the chairs.

Got put on the trace and I was having contractions every 4 minutes, some of them I felt quite strong so was quite surprised. Baby started moving typically so there were movements recorded everywhere which I'm happy about. Dr came in and said he didn't think it'd be much longer before full blown labour kicks in as the contractions onnthetrace were quite good ones, I was relieved that I wasn't in agony haha. Still getting the big waves of period pain no back pain which have got a bit stronger since I got home. Chances are they'll stop in the night but its good that Dr thinks things are moving?

Anyway bloods are fine, urine was fine and BP was fine all before I left so back home now with a cuppa then off to bed.


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