~***September Mummies***~

I want signs!! Damn it lol. Im up again with heartburn grrr xx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I want signs too! Actually I just want full blown labour lol and my baby girl here! I'm wide awake, think that's my sleep done for tonight. Xxx
Hey girls hope you all ok and not spending too much time sign sporting. Woke this morning to think baby can not come early now, why? Because the neighbours have decided this is a good time to replace their chimney! So loud! A newborn in this would be bad. It's a second home and they had loads of work done but were not happy with the new chimney. Hopefully wont take them too long but as the renovation took months and months with these builders I'm not hopeful.

Got midwife this morning and really hoping baby is little engaged mainly as is more positive news that head is past placenta and more positive vibes placenta won't effect vaginal birth :)

Will be looking at any news all for labour threads all you poor over due ladies. And updates for little mac!

Meant to be 28 degrees here today ;( xx
Morning ladies,

Feeling very grumpy today, as per usual I've not slept been awake with awful hip pain, no matter what position I laid in.
Aso got an awful pain in my bum again when I stand/walk was bent over double in the kitchen so God knows what that's all about. Just another lovely symptom I suppose! Got midwife later so will ask her, if its the same one as last week I think I'll cry lol.

Got to chase the company for a refund on my bed today too :-( sent an email on Monday but I'm not surprised to say it seems to have been ignored. Going to order the new one though cause delivery should be next week now so hopefully te bed saga will soon be behind us. Never again I tell ya!!

Morning all

I'm so frustrated and feeling down. Got mw app this afternoon. Really want my baby now. Don't think watching that mw programme has helped. Seeing everyone cuddling their babies :-( my boy has taxi to and from school now, so not even needed for school run anymore. Wow i'm a miserable.cow this morning.

Hayley hope u sort the bed situation out. Shocking how u been treated... Do u have a bed now ?

Bubbles.i'm trying not to spot signs as i think until those pains come and there no doubt.it's happening.. it's just a let down when nothing comes of it.

Hope all u over due ladies labour starts soon.xxx
I know how you're feeling Sunshine, the waiting is very frustrating, I spend most my days daydreaming about having her here finally and being able to tell everyone etc.
I've stopped seeing anything as a sign cause its just a big let down when it's nothing.

I do have a bed yes but it's rubbish and so low I can barely stand up from it, I have to roll haha. Very pretty sight.

Having a wee little reminisce. When preg with ds I went into labour at this stage (39 weeks) looks like she not following her bro at thr moment!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Oh no my settee is low and a struggle to get up lol hope u get ur new comfy bed soon.

I keep daydreaming about her being here. I find myself in her nursery all the time just sitting in there. God the last few weeks are so frustrating arrghhh. Everyone telling me to enjoy the peace while i can but i've had enough peace i want my baby.

sending labour vibes ur way Hayley xxx
Morning. I had a lie in til.9am! Amazing! I needed it as took ages to sleep, was really hot and had these pains. Not bad enough to be exciting, I think I probably imagined they were coming in waves, it might have just been squiggle moving awkwardly.I don't trust my judgement anymore

Sweep tomorrow, holy crap this week went quick, surprisingly!!

I hope we get some more Sept action soon, preferably starting with me!!! Xx
Well I'm now in the over due club. And I hate it. My sweep didn't give me my baby :-(. I've had crampy pains but nothing exiting. Lost a bit more plug. For god sake why did I convince my self he would be here by now!! Foolish woman. Unbongo can it go you then me like straight away after you start? Pleeeeeaaase?? I ha a lie in today first time I've been brave enough to stay in bed since the break in. Next door are having loads of work done so it's drilling galore.

What's everyone doing today? I was hoping to be in labour. So I have 0 plans. Walk my dog and tidy up just for a change! Xx
Awww Amy, welcome to our pretty exclusive club! You still might start, sweeps can take 48 hours.
You'll probably still beat me!
I think I'm going to make a, jewellery board like I made the other day, it'll keep.me busy, have to go out to the shops.

It's best to keep as busy as poss, trust me!

In other news it feels like head has disengaged?! Wtf! I hope I'm wrong! It's usually not first babies that pop in and out.

Morning ladies,

Hayley - I get bum pain a lot! It's to do with engaging pains. I got a few of those and vaginal pains yesterday (had really intense ones last week) yet baby's head and shoulders are meant to be in my pelvis?! I think baby must be bouncing it's head on my cervix. Fun times!

So I'm officially in the overdue club today. It feels very exclusive. I think I slept better last night and I've only just woken up properly (mainly because I had a nightmare about husband cheating. All my nightmares are about that. Awful.)

No signs, just feel like I need a poo but nothing happens :( - haha. Oh and I'm exhausted. I've manically been reading "signs and symptoms of labour" but it's to no avail. Haha.

Hope everyone has a great day and we get to see some babies soon!

Must have been something in the air last night, I've had the best nights sleep I've had in ages too. Actually feel like I've slept and have woken up refreshed. Going to make the most of DD's last few days off before she starts reception on Tuesday, off to see friends with kiddies and have a cup of Raspberry Leaf Tea at each of them.

All those in the overdue club, I'm sending lots of positive vibes your way, I have a feeling its going to be a crazy weekend and we'll see lots of September Mummy's getting their babies. Fingers Crossed!

I've joined you with the giving up sign spotting, just going to make plans and carry on as normal until he decides he wants to make an appearance. Maybe the midwife tomorrow will be more positive.

Enjoy the sunshine today ladies! X
I feel like poo today. Went to bed early at about 10pm, woke at 2.30am for my wee break and that was it - couldn't sleep. Drifted on and off on the sofa from about 7 till half 8 till hubby got up, so I've had a max 5-6 hrs sleep :-( I've turned into a bloody insomniac and usually my best skill is sleeping.

I'm bored of being pregnant now.
Having a wee little reminisce. When preg with ds I went into labour at this stage (39 weeks) looks like she not following her bro at thr moment!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13

I keep doing this too! Ds was born at 10.07 at 40+2 which is about now! So I would like to know what this little one is playing at!

Welcome to the new members of the overdue club, it's not a very fun place to be!

On a more positive note my little man was very brave going to school this morning. We had a bit of lip quiver when we dropped him off but no tears :-) I'm very proud of him :-)

I'm off on a long walk now, it's the only thing that ever gives me any hint of pain and discomfort!

It's a bit like sign spotting before you get your BFP, isn't it?

Amy - sounds very positive for you! I'd like a bit of plug too! Sweeps have a 48 hour window so you're not out of that yet.

My sweep was booked for Monday at a children's centre with two random midwives as they said the midwife (my actual one) at the surgery was fully booked. My best friend works at saud surgery and said she'd change it to going there if she could. Anyway, she did. I really didn't fancy a sweep in the cramped room on a random sofa while Baby Club is happening next door.

Tigger - some days are worse than others I think. Since Tuesday I've felt fine and less uncomfortable which everyone is taking as a SIGN that I'll end up being induced. Great.

All the family are so excited and manically checking their phones, texting me etc. so maybe they'll be bored of that by next week.

And I keep getting excited that it must be soon but then remember what I have to do and I get really nervous. I'm waffling on.
My sign spotting when we were trying concluded with me saying I had early menopause!! I was just about to book a doctors appt. Ha.

Good luck to everyone. Maybe a whole heap of us will pop on the same day! I still have Saturday in mind. If this sweep tomorrow does nothing I will be peeved!

I'm still not nervous about labour. Bring it on! X
I think it's just the unknown and I'm not very good with pain (I'm pathetic really). And yet I've opted for no pain relief!

My best friend (and the one who'll do my labour thread) keeps saying Saturday too. I'm not sure. I think I'll have this sweep on Monday as I have a fear of things like that (had a bad smear which resulted in lots of things probing down there :( ) so it just makes sense that I'd have one.

Anyway, I have only managed to have a shower so far. Must get on with it!
Bex I keep thinking baby might have disengaged too. Got midwife in an hour so will find out then. Hope blood pressure behaves itself today, trying not to think about it! x

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