~***September Mummies***~

My green book says 5 days in the fridge - but don't put it in the door! 2 weeks in freezer compartment of fridge and 6 months in the freezer.

Yes that's pretty similar to a few things I've been told so I'll go with that :-) Thanks.

I'm sat here watching hubby try to figure out the car seat haha it's so funny. He thought it would be really simple until I told him how complicated they can be and now he's straps and buckles everywhere :-)

I've been to Toby Carvery for tea and just been to morrisons, my head is totally boiled now so I'll be heading to the shower shortly. Can't wait for cool weather...... I know I say that a lot lol.

Cooler after tomorrow Hayley, autumnal weather beginning soon I think!
:fib:It bloody better do! I hate being too hot and that's all I've been for the last 3 months :mad:
Little Pinocchio popping in?!

Haylian, last time with DS we didn't even have a tricky car seat and I kept asking oh to work out how to fit it. He didn't!!! When we left hospital with lO ( I'm dark and pouring rain) we couldn't fit the bloody thing, tried for ages, i was fuming!!!and I had to sit in the back holding on to the car seat for dear life. Only two min drive but not ideal!!
I've been asking hubby to mow the lawn for a fortnight.... Apparently he's doing it tomorrow... Why don't they do things when we ask? I hate nagging!!!!!
So weird not going back to school, I'm a year two teacher/senco and finding it hard to let go lol!! Popped in this pm with my lO and he loved exploring the school (no kids in just inset)
Ammdaz glad your lO enjoyed the day.
Shall we do each others labour threads then as umbongo suggested? (Thanks for the offer umbongo :). ) might be easier to do each others, shall I pm you?
I take it you're an Amy too then?!!

Beesmall - u didn't want to start your mat leave on sept 1st? Suppose every penny counts yeah?


That sounds like a good plan to me :-) yep I'm an Amy too! Xxx
I've been asking hubby to mow the lawn for a fortnight.... Apparently he's doing it tomorrow... Why don't they do things when we ask? I hate nagging!!!!!

I've just had to nag my OH too, he's been decorating and doing odd jobs round the house but he keeps leaving piles of tools and his dirty decorating clothes everywhere! Not ideal with an inquisitive four year old around! I'm trying to keep the place tidy so it's easier when LO is here but it's impossible with him leaving his stuff everywhere! Anyway I've moaned and he's tidied up now! Men! Xxx
Glad it's not just mine! I was saying how I had a deserved rest day today and got told it's not as if I've been doing anything strenuous on other days!! I had to list all the cleaning, weeding etc that I've done!! Plus anything is strenuous at 40+5!
He soon regretted saying that! Ha
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That's exactly what I was trying to avoid Minchin, I asked him to do it Saturday but we got home really late, it's been 4 days since then and he'd still not done it so had to nag.

My hubby has also been supposedly cutting the grass for the last 2 weeks Bex........ Nothing! Grrrrrrrr x
It's going to rain Friday so it has to be tomorrow!!! I'd do it usually but probably not a good idea at the moment!
I've been nagging mine for weeks! I was having a conversation with bump other day in shower asking her if she thought she would get here before daddy mowed the lawn and we both agreed it was very likely haha! Xx
Funnily enough the one thing my hubby doesn't need nagging to do is mow the lawn. He did our back garden tonight, i think he must secretly enjoy it! Everything else, emptying the bins, getting out the wheelie bin, putting them away, tidying up, I have to nag and nag to get him to do anything. Men!!
My OH loves mowing the lawn! I have to nag him not to do it so often! Xxx
It's usually my job! I miss doing it!
I just fell asleep for an hour on the sofa with the fan on. Had wet hair so feel freezing and grumpy now. Finally having our soup.
Random question, how long can you leave a urine sample for before going to the midwife? All of my appointments have been in the morning so I've always just used my first wee of the day and taken it along. Tomorrow my mw appointment is at midday and I'm going to work beforehand. Would it still be ok to do my sample at 7am and take it or will I need to do one just before I go in which case ill need to come home first. Hope that makes sense! x
I always do my wee first thing regardless of what time the midwife is. It's the only time I can guarantee ill pee enough to be able to get some in the pot haha!!

My hubby's good with mowing the lawn - I'm not allowed to do it, never have been. He's said he wants to do it tomorrow so it's all sorted for when baby gets here.

Had doggy training tonight (agility, so lots of running - OH does it and I sit and watch!) and had lots of "ooo how long do you have now?" It's quite funny to be saying "Saturday" rather than x number of weeks! Got lots of good luck wishes, might be the last time I see them before baby!!
I'm a bit bored of no signs....need a little something tonight or tomorrow even if it's only a false alarm. Sciatica and an upset stomach most certainly doesn't count. Bah.

Glad you enjoyed dog training Kim, I said I hoped not to be at aquatums again last week...now I'm going tomorrow. Boooooooooooooooooooo! Xx
Isn't an upset tummy a sign? (I've been reading up on these signs that I'm missing out on!)

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