~***September Mummies***~

Do you have a mobile number? Ours are available all the time because when they're not working, all calls are forwarded to another community midwife. And someone is on call all the time because of home births etc. (I only know so much detail with mum beings on the community! Assumed it would be similar elsewhere!) they only do clinics 2 days a week but are around all other times if needed :-)

Also, even if you just phone maternity, you'll get a midwife there that you can ask!
We just have to call the labour ward. For homebirths they then contact the mw on call. No direct way to contact them. Guess it works differently everywhere. X
Yeah if you're at all worried or paranoid then give mw or hospital a call, they might have a community midwife that they can send round to you to check your BP and urine. That's what they did to me last week after my BP was high. They're so causcious over pre eclampsia tho so I'm sure they'd rather you get it checked. Xx
no swelling here im afraid. got a sweep booked in for the 17th now and consultant just said since my last baby was so big and i had her no problems i should manage fine this time haha. also sweep is booked in the hosp day unit so the registrar can do a 'proper' one lol dont think she trusts my mw to do a decent job of it
That's a good service hayley!
I just printed out some lovely beach photos for my labour wall, they're ace. All Devon holidays we've had. My relaxation place is a beach so it'll help me focus. Just need the labour bit now....
I thought so too, was reassuring to know they weren't just happy to send me on my way.

I've just been daydreaming about having my body back haha, I've put 3 stone on now :-( hoping it comes off again quite quickly xx
I keep remembering I'll be able to sleep on my back or front soon. Amazing. Not that we'll be sleeping!! Oh the irony...

I hope get my old figure back....Eeek.
I bet you'll spring back into shape. I plan on doing lots of walking with pram etc so hoping that combined with the breastfeeding will get me off to a good start.

I reckon I'll get a bit more sleep than I'm getting now haha or if I'm not then at least I'll have a good reason to be awake rather than toilet or heartburn x
My shapes gonna be totally different. I think I've gained about 2 stone, but nothing on my legs/bum, so it's all gonna look v odd!! Everyone keeps telling me how good it is the day you give birth - most amount if weight you'll ever lose in one day hehe!!

Tmi, but I've just had another "must go to the loo immediately" moment that was v loose and more snotty discharge. I wish this meant something but its probably just a side effect from slightly gooey brownies :-(
I've been like that today Kim, had to rush to loo twice now and second time very unpleasant and had lots of gooey stuff too. But I've had it before so not seeing it as a sign. Violets movements seemed to have changed today too, she's still moving around but just doesn't feel as big, I have a feeling she might have moved back to back cause I can't feel her big bum anymore x
I've had a jippy tummy too but zero plug. I also had some BHs and they felt wonderful!! I know you lot get pains all the time but it felt great as not had anything for ages!! It's really cheered me up. Loser!

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I've not had any bad tummy movements today but the biggest mucus loss so far. I had a bad period pain and just made it to the loo, when I wiped it was a massive mucus plug on the loo roll (sorry TMI), it was slightly blood tinged but not overly. Had a few waves of period pains but now nothing. How annoying!

Symptom Spotting is horrible...

I've not weighed myself and don't plan to! With Weight Watchers and Excersise I eventually got my body back to normal last time, I'm trying not to worry about it too much x
Ah I'm jealous! I have had some mucus yesterday and today. Bit that's it. No pains or anything. Boo!! It's my due day tomorrow. Some one please tell my child to get out of me!! X
I want some mucus!! I have zero symptoms whatsoever. Super jealous!!
I've seen no mucus at all, ever and I'm 40+4!! Waaaah! Come on cervix, open up!!
I haven't had any plug either :( aside from dull backache which I had for a short time this morning I've had NOTHING. Oh I got a tummy stitch from cleaning.

Haven't felt as big movements either.

Can't actually believe it's my due date tomorrow. I don't feel like it at all. Oh well. Curry tonight and going to get some pineapple now.
Oooh maybe I won't be on my own in the overdue club anymore! (Sorry....cold comfort for those joining me!) hope we all pop soon!!!
I'm DTD at least twice tonight. And bouncing on my ball like a maniac! I would love a due date baby pleeaaasssee!!! X
No mucus plug here either just lots of discharge. Think baby has changed positions, can feel her almost non stop today maybe it's hiccups ?

Ds home from school now and had a good day... he's shattered. Think he may actually go sleep at a reasonable time tonight lol

Not enough baby action for us sept mummies is there... hmmmm xx

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