~***September Mummies***~

I have patience :-D (sort of....) hubby said he thinks baby will be here by Thursday, I doubt it! I feel really... Damp this evening. But I'm not sure how well my pad would absorb it (tena lights) because its designed to mop up liquid so it might just be a bit sweaty/dischargey if that makes sense?

Leaving the playlist a little late aren't you Bex!!! Glad to hear its all sorted though. Anything else left to plan/sort out?? X
Well the music was accessible but decided to pick and choose some for my mp3 player so it's easier to carry it round the house when I'm in labour. I need to print out some beach pics to put up for labour. Maybe squiggle is waiting until literally everything is ready. Haha.

I get really damp but I assume it's sweat....lush!!
Omg Tabbi has had the baby! That midwife who was so blazay about it will have a lot to answer for now. Sounds a but scary for her so I hope she's ok x
Omg Tabbi has had the baby! That midwife who was so blazay about it will have a lot to answer for now. Sounds a but scary for her so I hope she's ok x

WTF!!!!!! how the hell... wow... i'm gobsmacked xx yeah that MW has a lot to answer to.. x
That mw was so crap it's scary!!! So glad baby is ok. Fancy her beating us all, bless her xxx
Some midwives are just awful. You wonder how they manage to even qualify!!! X
When I got te text I just thought about how dismissive everyone was, but all turned out ok. Her Oh has sent me a photo but ill let her put it up on here when she can and announce it all properly :) she is gorgeous and such a beautiful name! Will keep you guys updated if I hear when she is out of theatre. Xx
Thanks. I was really scared when I saw your first post. Lucky they got it all sorted so quickly. Must have been scary. It is a beautiful name! Xxx
Yeah I started to worry for her. So glad all is ok and just got text from oh to say she is out of theatre and doing ok. Have updated the thread. Hope you aren't too angry she jumped queue umbongo!! Xx
I'm fuming :-P haha. I'm just glad they're both ok, tabby is so lovely. It's just sod's law the one baby we didn't want to come early has!! They are so naughty! Xxx
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I was telling my oh all about it at dinner, before i got any text, and saying exact same thing. At least she doesn't have another 9 days worrying about having the section but must have been so scary! She is very brave.

Fingers crossed for all our sakes you are next :) I'm sure your little trouble maker will make an appearance soon. Xx
Ugh I'm wide awake, am I the only one??

Can't believe about tabbi bless her, must've been so scary. She knew something wasn't right, so awful that the mw didn't listen to her. Such a relief it turned out ok in the end though.

I suppose since its past midnight it is officially my due date now. Not that it means a thing really! I have a bit of back ache but that's about it, and I'm pretty sure that's just because I can't get comfy in bed. I really need to get some more sleep, last day of DS's summer hols tomorrow, well today actually, so I don't want to be like a zombie!

Well I'm awake early and not feeling sad just peed off that the only pains I''ve had since last weds night's exciting ones are spd, sciatica and trapped wind! Come on body! Give me something here!!!!
I slept so badly and have to be at work in an hour :-( it's only an inset day but I'd much rather be at home!

Had the worst indigestion all night and couldn't get comfy and then woke up with pins and needles in one arm about 5am that still hasn't properly gone.

How are we all feeling today? Anyone got any signs?

Excited to hear more details from Tabbi and hope she's ok x
I'm feeling distinctly moody. Roll on my sweep on Friday. Bored of zero signs now!! I hope work isn't too bad beesmall x
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Well I eventually managed to get back to sleep for an hour or two but I've woken up a sweaty mess! No pains, no plug, nothing at all going on here! Xxx
Boring!!! Fx we both pop today ammdaz, today is my proposed due date based on my natural cycle length.
I've got my fingers crossed for both of us bex xxx
I'm wide awake & in a crappy mood thanks to lack of sleep & the husband, luckily for him it's Child Benefit day so I'm going into town with my nan to pick up some Christmas presents for DS after I've taken my baby for his his first day in Year 1 :cry: I've been looking forward to this day for the past week, but now that it's here I don't want him to go!

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