~***September Mummies***~

Awww it'll be ok. Be brave! He'll learn so much. year one is ace. X
I've been awake since 6.45 desperately trying to get back go sleep but no luck.
I had some period pain in the night and had some jelly stuff this morning, but as I've said before I don't read into it as its happened loads now and never lead to anything.

Happy due date Ammdaz and hope wrk is ok Beesmall hope it's not too bad.

Bex, lots of labour vibes coming your way xx
Just waved ds off to first day of comp... trying to hold back tears. Oh thinks i need to get a grip grrrr.

I'm getting bad period pains and achy thighs and back. Siatica on my.left side is killing me. Just had an asda delivery and he refused to bring stuff in so had to struggle which hasn't helped.

Happy due date Ammdaz and good luck to ur ds first day tomorrow xx

Bex and Hayley keeping a lookout for ur labour thread :-) xx
That horrible Asda man! Some people are such jobs worths - hope you're OK.

Sending lots of labour thoughts to you both Bex and Ammdaz, us September Mums need to start popping soon. Hope we kick off with 2 today.

My Daughter doesn't start reception class until next Tuesday, hoping bump decides to make an appearance this week/weekend but I doubt it. Boooo! X
I can't believe the ASDA man! You should complain! It's supposed to part of their service bringing the food in.

Happy due date Ammdaz! It's mine tomorrow but having had no "signs" I'm certain nothing is going to happen :( I'm just quite uncomfortable.

Good luck umbongo! Is it your second sweep on Friday?
Yes,second sweep on Friday. Have finished nursery this morning, plus some bits and pieces for labour. So maybe I'm not ready and that's why nothing is happening! On a mission to get it all done now.
Making brownies and soup later. Just had tea and toast.

Thanks for all the labour wishes girls. It WILL happen. I believe! Xx
As for the asda man....seeing you pregnant and still refusing? Definitely complain!! Ocado virtually put the shopping away for my mum! Xx
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We had our washing machine delivred and the man moaned the whole way through even thoni was clearly preg. Some people just dont care xx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Mornings girls! I don't want to rub this in, but I had the BEST nights sleep last night! If it wasn't for Sammy attacking the other cat at 5am and her being such a drama queen and making so much fuss, I'd of slept right through!! No more signs for me though, apart from my discharge going totally OTT at the moment!!!

Keep the positive attitude Bex, it WILL happen!!

Happy due date Amy :-) maybe if not today, then Saturday would be better?!

Asda man is rubbish. OH occasionally does the Iceland deliveries, and whilst they're not supposed to take it past the door, if someone asks he always will. Different rules I suppose for different companies! Even so.

I'm off to go make brownies now too, I'm so excited to eat them, haha!!!
Yay for the good sleep Kim! I usually do ok and getaway with one toilet trip so can't really complain in general.

I have the urge to scrub and cleaned and tidy....i just wish our damn hoover wasn't so heavy and strong. It's so hard to use for me! I'd also like to mow the lawn!!! Xx
I know he dumped the crates on my front step and told me i could either take shopping out there or carry the crate into my kitchen. Asked if he could carry it in for me he replied sorry love not allowed. Last delivery guy thougb brought my.stuff in helped unpack to. Some miserable sods. Xx
Grr to the asda man! You'd think they would try and help out a pregnant lady!

In some ways Saturday would be better Kim, although that seems like such a long time away! Glad you had a good night although I am a little jealous! I haven't slept through for weeks, I think I was up 4 times for the loo before midnight last night!

Loving the sound of all these chocolate brownies! I haven't made them for a while but they never last long when I do! I did make chocolate fondants the other day and still have two in the freezer, wonder how long they will last ;-)


My kitchen smells like chocolate heaven. You should make some Amy - I reckon the smell alone might entice these babies out haha!!! X
My kitchen smells like chocolate heaven. You should make some Amy - I reckon the smell alone might entice these babies out haha!!! X

Ooh now there's a thought! If my little madam hasn't arrived by tomorrow I may well have to get baking to occupy myself and test your theory! Xxx
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Hey guys. Hope all ok today. Brownies sound amazing you are all cooking.

Quick question have you got swollen feet in this heat? My feet have been swollen for while and they don't go down after sitting with them up and are swollen in mornings after bed too which worries me. I keep feeling dizzy too but don't know if its me being paranoid and just a symptom of being heavily pregnant in this heat! I get really paranoid as my mum had pre eclampsia with me and my sister so higher risk but blood pressure was lowest its ever been at consultant appt last wed... Xxx
Could you pop into a chemist and get it checked bubbles? Just to make sure. I have a bp monitor at home so I check it every now and again if I get a headache. Best to be careful as it can come on suddenly.
My hands tend to swell when they're hot. Yuck. Xx
My feet are a bit swollen bubbles but not too bad. I'd always say though if you're at all concerned get yourself checked out, always better to be safe than sorry xxx
Give your midwife a call possibly bubbles - all swelling should be checked out by a professional really - though the lack of high blood pressure is a positive :-)

I ate too much brownies and now I feel sick :-(
You're lucky if you can just call mw, Mine is only in on a Thursday so just have to call hospital any other time. Luckily never had to as yet! Funny how some are far more accessible than others.

In other news text from my bro has made me cry, and he only asked how I am. :'( Reminds me we'll be missing the wedding unless there's a miracle speedy, easy birth sometime soon.


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