~***September Mummies***~

Glad he got on ok at school sunshine fingers crossed he's zonked by 7 :-)

No there's no where near enough action going on with September mummy's :-( come on baby's we want to meet you x
No mucus here either! In fact still zero signs :-(

Bex I have a strong feeling you won't be so lonely in the overdue club tomorrow, pretty sure I'm going to be joining you!

Glad your DS got on ok at school Sunshine. I've just done my DS's lunch box for tomorrow and I had to fight back the tears! I'm going to be a mess in the morning!

My friend just got told she is 3/5 engaged and isn't even excited! I can't wait till appt on Thursday to see if I'm engaged at all.

Went to my parents who have a blood pressure monitor and was fine. Heart rate was 100 but then took some deep breaths calmed myself down and took it five minutes later and was 85 which is normal for me being pregnant so felt better. Got health visitor out tomorrow and midwife Thursday so will mention the swelling but i can still fit into my shoes no problems so think its in head alot. Xx
My dad thinks he's a bit psychic (calls it ESP - extra sensory perception) and has told me he had a flash today that told him I'd have the baby at 2.30 on Saturday! Hahaha. He's hardly ever right about these things (unless he's telling us AFTER its happened that that's what he thought!!!)
:( I've been to see the midwife today. All checks ok - except the head is floating free! Not even a tiny bit engaged! I'm a bit disappointed, but I know it can change. Next appointment booked for Friday 13th for a sweep. If the head is fully engaged! Will also book in for an induction on anotyer day. Hopefully baby will come before all this. I'll start charging rent soon :)
No mucus here either :(
Had bad bh all night last night but went away this morning so nothing to report here

there must be a September baby this week there just must be!
Funny you should say that actually Kim. The other day my mum and dads friend told me he thought the baby was coming tomorrow. I didn't think much of it until mum told me today that him and his son are supposedly a bit psychic and this guy had gone home and asked his son (who I've never met and doesn't know me) when he thought my baby would arrive and he also said Wednesday without knowing his dad had said the same. So we shall see! I've got backache tonight but that's nothing new for me really. Xxx
Wahoo another September mummy in labour!! Come on Mini mac!!
Wowsers,go Seonaid! I'm not really sick with jealousy.... ;-) Best of luck to her.

I actually feel a strange sense of peace this afternoon. All will be well I think. Must be these BHs,they're cheering me right up, causing endorphins. And the brownies are now helping too!
Oh no not tomorrow Ammdaz that would be most inconvenient. Be interesting if it was tho :)

I've been fed up tonight so I've ordered myself some nice boots for the winter, may as well do it while I've got money in the bank cause it'll stop soon :-(

Excellent news for Seonaid hope it's quick for her xx
I've learnt you shouldn't bounce on birthing balls after a big curry :/
Great news about Seonaid... lets hope this is the baby boom.

I've not felt great this evening. Been sick don't know if it was to do with the siatica or heartburn or both... Blurgh. I just feel all heavy like my body doesn't want to hold me up lol

Amy was ur ds on time ?

I'm sending labour vibes to u all xxx
I stopped before anything happened haha. Oh and umbongo, I too just seem to be getting trapped wind.

I'm on constant knicker watch for some snot or something. Haha.
Oh no not tomorrow Ammdaz that would be most inconvenient. Be interesting if it was tho :)

I've been fed up tonight so I've ordered myself some nice boots for the winter, may as well do it while I've got money in the bank cause it'll stop soon :-(

Excellent news for Seonaid hope it's quick for her xx

I love boots!! What are they like? I'll never afford anything new ever again! I have to get my boots from ebay.
I love boots too :-) here they are


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I hope this is the baby boom we've all been waiting for, loving your BH Bex x
Meanwhile my boobs really hurt!!! Ouch!! They haven't hurt for months!!

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