~***September Mummies***~

Ohh Michelle that's a bit sucky - naughty baby!!!! Might be one of these quick ones that just engages over night or in labour though. Ill cross my fingers that's it! Don't be too disappointed - they've told you next appt your booking induction... That's literally the very end, so very near!!!

Love the boots Hayley :-) gonna need to dog mine out soon when the flip flops will no longer do!!! All these dark nights now make it feel so much less summery.

Legs crossed for a few days now Amy, keep the little lady in till the weekend ;-) I never believe stupid psychic predictions - I think people just get lucky when they're right!!!

I'm having an awful night. I've just cried at hubby when he got in from work because he left his plate in the living room last night. He literally does zero house work if he's working because I'm off all day so can do it. Arse. Gonna go have a bath I think and calm myself down!! The animals are all winding me up big time too - there's a cat derby going on and the dog has taken to sitting on Jim's chair and crying at me when I eat if Jim's at work.
Yeah tomorrow would be a little inconvenient Hayley! But I suppose as long as I get to drop ds off it wouldn't be too bad and imagine if he came home from his first day at school to be told he's got a new baby sister! Nice boots by the way! I need a new pair for the winter.

Sunshine, I went into labour the day after my due date with DS and he was born the following morning. So if this one does the same then I really will be starting off tomorrow!

So exciting about Seonaid! Although I am a tad jealous, can't believe how many sneaky little queue jumpers we've been getting!

Bex my boobs have been sore again the last couple of days too. Are we finally having a sign?!!

:( I've been to see the midwife today. All checks ok - except the head is floating free! Not even a tiny bit engaged! I'm a bit disappointed, but I know it can change. Next appointment booked for Friday 13th for a sweep. If the head is fully engaged! Will also book in for an induction on anotyer day. Hopefully baby will come before all this. I'll start charging rent soon :)

Don't be sad, squiggle was only on the edge of the pelvis, 1/5 engaged at a push, at 39 weeks. Mind you maybe I'm not a good example!! Haha but was 3/5 at 40 weeks and she said that's about what they'd expect up til labour,not always fully engaged first. They did my sweep with head 3/5.
Oh no Kim sounds like a lovely hormone surge going on there, I cried at hubby cause he got in from work and didn't talk to me haha. Hope you feel better after your bath.
I'm so excited about my feet going back to a normal size. I've already asked for some new sketchers for my birthday off my dad :-) as the boots won't be worn yet I won't be too upset I can't wear them straight away.

I can't wait for winter, this summer has been awful for lots of reasons but winter is my season and I can't wait :-) xx
It's not a "nice" hormone surge!! I'm being such a cow!! Hubby is currently cleaning whilst I have a bath - despite having just got home from a 9 hour crappy day at work! I put some music on and our first dance song came on which made me cry more!!!
Oh no Kim....Haha you sound like me, making hubby feel guilty enough to clean after a mini breakdown from me. I've done that several times!!!
Hopefully good moods can be significant too as I'm in one.

Ammdaz,fx the boobs are a sign!! Though can still see several of you beating me!!! Xxx
Heartburn really got me tonight ;/ taken everythig I can prob more than I should. Tabkets, tums and now gaviscon. Its horrid ;/ just feel like im gunna puke any min and my throat is buring from the acid. plus I have a very very wriggly baby! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
You can take some ranitadine if its really bad. I take one every night before bed. Really helps me. Today is my due date. I really thought that he would be here by now! Going for my sweep at 2:30 so hopefully that will get things moving. Stupid due dates! X
You can take some ranitadine if its really bad. I take one every night before bed. Really helps me. Today is my due date. I really thought that he would be here by now! Going for my sweep at 2:30 so hopefully that will get things moving. Stupid due dates! X

Thanks hun ranitadine were the tablets I took lol didn't work :/ had such a bad sleep. Luckily o at nursery so once ive droppes him, and after a quick nip into tesco express il.be coming home to sleep! !!!

Congrats in due date !! Xx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Ah no sorry! The only other thing that works for me and is a yummy is love heart sweets! U have to eat like a whole pack but they are good and you get to eat sweeties. Thanks Hun. I want him today lol!! X
Ah, happy due date due date buddy! You're lucky getting a sweep eh! Hope it goes well :)
It's a bit odd finally being the date everyone's been waiting for. I have to text immediate family who are getting stressed checking their phone all the time. Have had quite a few "any signs" texts. The answer is a resounding NO. I know baby will come when s/he's ready, I just need to be patient! I'm going to take a leaf from umbongo's book and keep busy.

My whole body feels stiff this morning, must've slept awkwardly. Curry did nothing but make me need the toilet a lot!

So tired, hope I can go back to sleep.

Hope everyone else is ok this morning xx
Morning ladies :-)

Well thankfully I had a much better nights sleep last night! So I'm feeling more positive this morning even though I'm officially overdue!

Happy due date Amy :-)

Sorry to near about the heartburn constantstar. Hope you manage to get some rest during the day.

Morning!! Feeling fairly bright even though I'd hoped for some action last night, it feels closer than it did for some reason. Only 2 days till my sweep at least!
Happy due date Amy. You never know, baby might be on time!

So I'm not officially overdue on my own anymore? Hopefully none of us will be for long!

I slept really well, with one wee break, although that was unfeasibly painful as my pelvis and sciatica are really bad. I'm hoping with the stabbing pains in the bladder yesterday this means head is now fully engaged. Fx. Feels different, but not like some describe. Who knows.

Might have a real chilled day today, although have some sewing to do first as I am making reusable wipes from flannels :-)

Nope you're not on your own anymore bex! Although our club is still pretty exclusive! Xxx
Think you'll have at least 1, possibly 2, in your exclusive club tomorrow :)
Hahah happy ur date to you mrs E. hopefully today is the day for one of us! But I have a feeling we will be in the over club! Everyone is texting me asking if he is here or I have signs. *******s! Haha. I'm going to do some nesting makin meatballs and pasta for tea and doing washing in between the sweep. Have to wait in for a delivery aswell. Between 07:30 and 5:30. Great! Xx
Happy due date girls!

Amy - hope your little ones first day goes well :-)

I woke up at 4.30am and HAD to check in to see if you had a labour thread Bex, not sure why. I was disappointed! Tonight though!?

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