Maybe you're close to labour day Seonaid? They say you can be ill before it starts. Another lovey way our body prepares, gets rid of all the crappy stuff but takes all your energy too. Hope you feel better soon.
You got Bio oil Beesmall? That always helps me, I've had a few days like that and it seems to soothe it, especially if I put it on straight out of shower.
Kim I hope you've had a good rest this afternoon after your small episode today.
I've still got the lower back pains coming and going but doubt it means anything now xx
Oh no that makes it so much worse when everyone around you start to pop.
I'm same though I'm taking nothing as a sign cause I just don't want to get my hopes up. I'm just really bored of waiting now, want to meet herx
Uuuummmmm try being 40+3 with zero signs!! Then you can moan seonaid!!![]()
Ohh the September thread has taken a turn for the worst this afternoon! All these complaints!
Hope things are ok tabbi, sounds pretty ridiculous they're not imminently doing something, especially considering this is your 3rd! At least you know what to look out for I suppose, but even so.
Seonaid, I do feel for you. Being pregnant is manageable when you have nothing else to contend with but otherwise! Hope it lets up soon!
I've had some lovely snuggles with my doggy for a few hours and feel a million times better! Had a sore throat the past few days though that's still here and irritating me. Few odd phases of period pain again but nothing significant!