~***September Mummies***~

Oh God me too, you never know what might accidentally find its way onto a video ha.

Bed gate drama continues.... Trying to get my refund now. They claim I've refused the delivery as I ordered the wrong part so I've got to arrange a re delivery. Errrrm NO the drivers couldn't get it up the stairs so had no choice but to send it back. I can see me having to wait a long time for a refund. The bed we now have seen isn't available till 17th September which is my birthday so would be nice to get it but waiting another 2+ weeks :-( I've had to laugh at it now cause it was making me so angry and that's just not good for me. Just glad that we still have a bed even though its rubbish,small and crap. X
That is unbelievable Hayley! What a load of cowboys!!! So you arrange re delivery and then what? They do the same thing again?!

I was reading on one of my pregnancy apps that all but one study show sex to have little or no impact! I always thought it was the only one that worked. And this app said prostaglandins are more easily absorbed through the gut than vagina - I'm not telling hubby that one haha!

Just got back from our stroll on the beach. I'm tired, sandy and pain free! But I do have a very happy doggle!
I know that's what I've said! It's beyond a joke it really is. I've now emailed the company and told them I want confirmation that I've not had delivery so I can get a refund. It's too much money to have to wait too long.

I read the same thing Kim, hubby would just love that piece of info ;-) loads of people pretty much say that nothing works and they're all myths, if I was to go by any of them it would be the long walks cause that always gives me pain. But even that could prove to be coincidence. I don't think there's anything you can do to bring on labour to be honest, just got to be patient, not my strong point.

yeah, I've tried it all. Nothing seems to work. Apart from the BJs....maybe I'll give it a go......joy! haha

The bed saga you have had Hayley is insane!!!

Kim, I am VERY jealous of a beach walk I adore the beach. Stupid, stinking midlands!! can't wait to move to the coast one day. I never intended to live here that's for sure! The walk by the river near me is nice, but it's no beach!

We live 500meters from the beach I love it.... no sand though its all pebbles down here xx but its good enough to stop me from missing Scotland xx

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you are so lucky too Seonaid! I was born in Devon, I'm a seaside girl, living here is about as far from the sea as you can get! :-(
I like the seaside, can't wait to take baby. Hopefully we'll get a visit to Scarborough in this year before it gets too cold it's only 1.5 hrs away so should be do-able.

Devon is so lovely, I'm not surprised you miss it. You plan on moving back? X
One day i hope. If hubby's daughters didn't live north of us I'd live closer to the beach in a shot. But that's not an option until they get much older!
Ah yeah that could be a problem with them being so far away :-(

I've finally had a successful delivery, my recliner has been delivered, they've left in smack bang in the middle of the room but at least I've had something delivered, yay!!
Ah midwifr went well. Baby is 3/5ths engaged finally woohoo. I have carpal tunnel syndrome in my hands tho ;/ prob go soon after baby is born apparently xx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
My cousin had that and it literally went about 2 days after so hopefully yours will do the same.
Excellent that baby is engaging :-) not long now for us all woo hoo x
Well my mw appt was a bit of a mixed bag! She said baby is well down but didnt say how many fifths. I'm measuring 38cm whereas 6 days ago I was measuring 35cm! So either baby has had a massive growth spurt or my mw isn't very accurate at measuring! Mw thinks baby is back to back :-( so more ball bouncing needed! Didnt get a sweep but will be offered one next Monday if she's not here by then and will also get an induction date if I need it, fingers crossed I won't! Getting lots of Braxton hicks this afternoon so no change there! Wishing for pain! Xxx
I'm hoping for you Amy! Was actually talking to my mum about back to back baby's the other day and she said its really nothing to worry about at the stage because they sort of corkscrew in labour. Also, with 2nd baby's they can pop in and out of the pelvis can't they? With it being SO much more roomy for them ;-) haha!

I'm getting my bum moving now and doing the shopping, with a jam doughnut treat for myself for doing it !!
Thanks Kim! That's good to know about back to back babies. I was just talking to MIL about it and she said OH was in the right position until the end then he turned to back to back when she was in labour! So hopefully this baby will do the opposite!

Mmm jam doughnut, I could just eat one of those!

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I've realized just how OCD I am when it comes to laundry :shock: I can't just do lights & darks :lol: I've got little piles of almost every colour :blush: problem is none of them are a full laundry load! To be fair though most of them are just being washed to freshen them ready for baby (things after DS) & to sell. Keep getting really bad period pains & backache & the smell of coffee is suddenly orgasmic but not the taste, this child is playing mind games O.o
I've just got back from shopping and feel like a sweaty mess! I felt faint walking round Iceland (where hubby works) so he was trying to get me to go sit for 10 minutes!!
Sounds like all midwife appointments are going well, can't wait for mine on Friday to see exactly what is going on. I've had period pains and backache today too Doodles, day 4! Also had a touch of the poopies, not too bad but noticeable. Not sure if I should count it as a sign with zero pain.
I've heard that 2nd babies can turn during labour so you should be fine Ammdaz. My friend had the midwife on Friday and wasn't engaged but had baby on Sunday with her 2nd. X
Had my midwife appointment. Baby is all in my pelvis, head and shoulders! She didn't say the words "fully engaged" but surely! I'm still measuring 37cm. Everything else is normal. Stretch and sweep booked in for next Monday. Hmm!
Well, a day of no contraction like pains, just backache! (At the top). Boo! Just have an upset tummy and get that so much lately I can't see it's a sign! All very boring. Ooooh well! I would just like a few pains, would keep me going ;-)

All the mw appts sound good ladies. X
Feeling really niffed right now, due to my complications I have been told ring my midwife if I have any concerns regarding baby just rang to ask for some advice and she has told me go up to the hospital but ring first... for the past 10 minutes no-one has answered the phone.
The pains in my back are getting worse as is the pressure pushing down, the midwife seems to think I might end up with an emergency section because of this as she thinks i am in early labour...Wish they'd answer the phone so i can see what to do x x x

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