~***September Mummies***~

Ah mrs e that's pants you have to wait and extra week for yours! They offered me to book it in for my 40 week appointment at 38 weeks. So I was like I won't need it he will be here but let's just incase! Ahhahaha. That's what I get for being cocky! I'm propa gonna go right over and drive myself insane. I think your doing so well unbongo!! I would be utterly fed up. I no I'm trying to walk lots but it's so hard when my leg is fat and I barley fit in any shoes! Pregnancy is so not glamorous. I'm ready for it to be over now please I just want my baby to cuddle!! X
The not knowing is definitely the problem. Even if it was in 2 weeks time, if I knew it would be fine!!

Seems I am only overdue one, never heard much from purplebeauty21 lately so not sure about her and a few spaces on the list from people who rarely post, but looks like it's just me! Bloody typical. As the only one who actually needed to be on time!! Ho hum xx
Yes, I feel the same. And because I don't really know what I'm waiting for. Everyone says I'll know but what if I disregard it? Haha. Getting very nervous too! Wonder who's going to be first - could be Tigger!

Aww, it can be quite daunting to them but as soon as they realise they can play all day with new or old friends it's fine. It's usually the parents we have to console more. I ring parents who've found it hard at lunch time sometimes to reassure them. The children are always fine :) I guess I'll know what it feels like as a parent in 5 years! (Weird!)
My only fear is getting to 3 weeks over and nothing still happening. I can't refuse an induction.forever. my mum never went into labour with me, even with an induction! Then had 2 planned c sections. X
Tigger has gone very quiet... Wonder if she's gone back to sleep or if something is happening?? I might be slightly jealous if she starts queue-jumping!!

MrsE he knows quite a lot of his classmates as he went to nursery with them so that reassures me! He got upset on one of his taster days a few weeks back when we left him but the school phoned me about half an hour later to say he was fine and had stopped crying almost straight away little monkey!

Oh bex I couldn't imagine going two weeks over let alone three! But I don't think what our mums experience has much influence on our labour experiences - my mum was at least one week early with all of us but I was two days over with ds and obviously still waiting on this one!

Good to know about your mum hun. I guess it's just the only guide I have, seems it's nonsense though. Fx anyway!!

Good luck with you two and your LOs starting school, bless!! I hated starting playgroup and balled my eyes out everytime for weeks but was fine at school. I do remember being told off for poking my tongue out on thr first day, I was just showing that I could curl my tongue!, I felt quite aggrieved! Can't believe it's so clear, it was 31 years ago!!!
It's ok I just went to sleep :-) couple of paracetamol and I was able to sleep and I've woken up to nothing - I think it's gonna be a bit of a tease for a while haha!! Though (tmi) my 3am poop did make me think "ooo??" Still no!!!

I want to still be asleep but the cat has woken me up - boo. Hope today and tomorrow a couple of you go - due date baby's are so rare though it really is a false hope date!! Another baby boom by the end of the week would be good!!

A baby boom would only be good if I'm involved! :-P

Shame it wasn't anything Kim, but always good to know the body is practising a bit! X
We're taking the dog to the beach later, hopefully a nice log walk will stir something up!!! It'd be nicer if my body didn't do practises when I'd much rather be having sleep hehe!!

If there is a baby boom I'm sure it'll include you too! Positive thoughts! Xx
My squiggle prediction is next Saturday, anything before is a bonus! :-)
Ooh I got giddy for a minute then Kim :-)
I too was awake with period pains but as per usual resulted in nothing.
The waiting is defo the worst now, I didn't think it would bother me and if I'd not had so many niggles then I doubt I'd even give it a 2nd thought but I'm just so inpatient now and want her here already, enough practising! :-)

Friday night would be convenient, I have a nail apt on Friday so would be nice to get that done haha.

Hope it's the start of something for u Tigger xx

Ammdaz good.luck to ur ds for wed. I thought i was coping with my ds going to comp but it's happening tomorrow and i've woken up stressed and nervous for him. So used to taking him to school and being able to see his teacher but he will be havong a taxi everyday now due to his autism ( he could never catch a bus on his own ) so can't even take him. Struggling to let him grow up i think. Bad mummy

Bex u will be in the next baby boom. Squiggle can't stay in there forever xx
Ahhh Hayley irritating right?! My mum text me this morning saying she thinks this child is gonna come sooner than she's been saying! Hubby said from Wednesday is fine because he has a lot on at work till then haha! I think that's pushing your luck by telling baby when is ok... Sod's law and all that... I hope this nail appointment is cancellable!!!

Aww all these children starting new schools, must be v scary. Exciting too though right? Your babies are getting big!!
There's gonna be a massive boom soon! Managed to dtd last night but not resulted in anything...
we dtd everyday and it's a whole heap of nothing. Still, it's fun to do whilst i still can! It may be a while otherwise! x
Haha yes I can cancel it, secretly I'm hoping that because I have an appointment she'll be awkward and come before I get the chance to go, id rather meet her then get my nails done :-) but if not then at least I have nice new basis for the birth. Might treat myself to an eyebrow and eyelash tint too do I don't hate my pics. As I'm fair I have white eyebrows and lashes and if I don't put colour on them I look like I have no features at all haha I hate it x
haha my photos will be non shareable for sure! i will look horrendous, They will NOT be for public consumption ! :-)
No mine neither Bex, I've told hubby that I do want pictures as I know I'll want to look back on them but they will be for our eyes only :-) x

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