~***September Mummies***~

Awww tabbi you're v.talented xx they're great x

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Aww they look great! I crocheted a load of stuff when I found out I was pregnant but drawers are all full now! Haha. Sounds like your little one will have lots of different booties too, pair for every colour outfit :) xxx
Mines only having two she has a white glitter pair and purple glitter pair. if she is like my others she wont be in them long anyway. and they are quite simple to do takes 2 hours to make one x x x
Aww they look great! I crocheted a load of stuff when I found out I was pregnant but drawers are all full now! Haha. Sounds like your little one will have lots of different booties too, pair for every colour outfit :) xxx

Pick a colour pink or Lilac and will make you some...just give me a few days to do them x x x
As long as you don't mind a little lilac pair would be lovely. Only if you have the time though. Let me know if you do and ill pm you address. Thanks bump buddy! Hope you feeling a little bit better now and looking forward to your c section date when you can meet your little girl :) xxx
Still not looking forward to a section, but at least I know when to expect her. And i thought you'd say lilac so i have already started making you them hun. And your very welcome will let you know when I have finished them x x x
Ahh they're beautiful, my nannan keeps coming round with bags of knitted stuff from all her friends, I've no room for it all and they're all newborn so I know some of it will go to waste which is a shame :-(

1st day of September down ladies, come onnnn let's have some babies :-) xx
I'm not impressed. I don't think this is anything (hence my "not impressed") but woke up for a wee and now I can't sleep for period pains! I've given up lying down and am on my ball hoping this helps!! Baby best not tease me for weeks like this!!

My little sister is going on holiday in about an hour, for a week, she'd be sooooo mad if baby came today hehehe!!!
It could be it! Or it might not be. I'll be eager to see if this develops into anything! Just having my 2nd loo break of the night :/

Hope either something starts to happen or they subside so you can sleep.
Hiya every one I've been off here for the weekend. I hope every ones is ok. I'm jealous of everyone's signs. I've been loosing a bit I plug and feeling really sick. Hope it's a good sign! I'm up stupidly early cos I didn't want to get up in my scary post break in house alone. So got up with the OH. Back at the hospital again today cos of my stupid leg they still can't decide if I have a blood clot or not. 3 weeks this has gone on! Anyways.. 2 days until my due date! Really thought bambino would have arrived by now :-(. Don't think I will cope very well if I go over!!all you ladies are so good and patient compared to me hahah. I hope it's the start of things for you tigger! Xx
Morning ladies :-)

Tabbi those booties are gorgeous! I wish I could knit! My MIL has made LO quite a few little knitted cardigans and I think they look so sweet!

Ooh Kim, that sounds promising! Did it develop at all?

Amy that's ridiculous that they still haven't decided whats going on after 3 weeks. I'd kick up a bit of a stink if I were you! Oh and I am certainly not patient! It's my due date tomorrow and I also thought my LO would be here by now :-( I'm going to be a nightmare if I go over plus with DS starting school on Wednesday I'll be bored and won't know what to do with myself!

I've got the mw this morning. What do you think the chances are of her giving me a sweep the day before my due date??

Aww, hope your son enjoys his first day at school. Is he starting nursery or reception? I'm a reception teacher so it's weird not being there for all the tears this year!

I have the midwife this afternoon too. I think it'll just be a standard appointment though as they don't do sweeps till 41 weeks. Hoping baby is fully engaged!

Amy - terrible about your legs :( and I thought mine was bad. Hope it gets sorted! I'm unclear what I'll have to do about mine during labour and after the birth. My support tights frustrate me now! I just want my normal leg back.

Moan, moan.

Maternity leave starts officially today! And I can't get back to sleep.
I no it's driving me mad. It's like twice the size of my other leg and really sore I can't really bend it :-/. Insane. But I want to go to the birthing centre not the ward so I'm just like yeah it fine!

Awww I feel for you I'm really bored of waiting now. Plus I hate being in my house now so that makes it like 10 times worse. I have my midwife appointment on Wednesday when I'm due and I'm booked in for a sweep that day if he isn't here any way! Fingers crossed he will be. Lets keep our fingers crossed for due date babies!! Xx
We're due on the same day Amy :)
My husband declared that the baby won't be coming till sometime next week at the earliest. What?! I'm getting uncomfortable now. I haven't lost any plug (that I'm aware of) and apart from engaging pains I haven't had any other "signs" :/ I want to go for long walks but constantly need a wee and too uncomfortable.

Your leg sounds much worse than mine. I hope it gets sorted. Hope you get a sweep on Wednesday! Can't believe I'll have to wait a week.
Oooh waiting to see if Kim's pains were anything. I've had that 2 or 3 times and can't help but get excited then it's nothing. Grrr.

Squiggle was going nuts last night! A sign she's far too bloody happy in there! :-) It's good but no incentive to leave is there? Haha.

I hope your mw gives you a sweep ammdaz and hope the leg gets sorted Amy! Sounds nasty! I've been so lucky with swelling. The more over I go the higher the chances of cankles and stretch marks are though!

One thing I WON'T miss is turning over in bed.....YOWCH!!! x
P.s I hope you guys don't go overdue as it sucks but it's horrible being the only one!!
Completely agree about turning over in bed! It's a proper painful mission. I have been lucky with swelling and stretch marks too. Fingers crossed it continues for both of us.
He's starting reception MrsE. I'm so nervous! He says he's excited but I think he might be different on the day and I'm sure to be a blubbering mess!

Yes due date (or just before due date!) babies please! We had a little burst of activity before September started but now it looks like these September babies are keeping us waiting. I'm finding the not knowing the hardest thing, if I knew what day she was going to arrive I'd be ok waiting but as it is at the moment every day I'm wondering 'is today the day?' It's on my mind constantly and I'm just wandering around in limbo no matter how hard I try to keep busy! Xxx
Bex I can't believe you're the only one who's overdue! Have all the other August mummies really popped? I could well be joining you after tomorrow though so we can whinge together (hey I'm whinging already anyway!) xxx

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