~***September Mummies***~

Hi everyone :wave:
I have not been member of your sept mummies thread before and was a late joiner to tri 3 after being around a bit in tri one but then. Being on the down low a bit!!
Wondered if I can join in?? :)

Due sept 14 th, team yellow, second pregnancy, DS is nearly 3!!
I'm about interloper minchin as official due date makes me August...bet I'm Sept though :-)
Hi Minchin :)
Hope everyone had a lovely bank holiday Monday?
Yes thanks. Big walk with step daughters as I was doing a plant survey and did a bit of study and dropped them home now so have the next 2/3 weeks to ourselves...until squiggle is here that is!!!
I hope you had a nice day mrsmisa. And everyone else xx
Bex I dreamt that you'd had your baby and it was all super quick and easy for you...hope it's a sign!!

Baby Bee is fully cooked today, wahoo!!
Awww thanks bee!! Sounds great :-).
Congratulations on fully cooked day!! Woop!!!
Yes thanks. Big walk with step daughters as I was doing a plant survey and did a bit of study and dropped them home now so have the next 2/3 weeks to ourselves...until squiggle is here that is!!!
I hope you had a nice day mrsmisa. And everyone else xx

Come on Squiggler in there - your mum has a special wedding on where she wants to introduce you to some people!

Hows everyone doing today? I am off to the horses for an hour today otherwise NOTHING on - yippeeee! Just enjoying the cool weather and getting sooooo excited about wee man coming in the not to distant future! XXX
Bex I dreamt that you'd had your baby and it was all super quick and easy for you...hope it's a sign!!

Baby Bee is fully cooked today, wahoo!!

Congratulations on being fully cooked! :-)
I'm off to a friend's for a cuppa and a chat this morning. I intend to nail my study today as, had the realisation that once it's done I'm free from study till Feb! Woo!
Morning :)
Yey for fully cooked beesmall :dance:

Owen up not too early at 6.30 were going to the park later and maybe town or library. Had a pretty good but busy weekend but oh took lO for a few hours here and there so had a little rest.

Good luck with study umbongo.
5element, will u be doing ur horse when lO arrives?
Congrats on fully cooked beesmall!

I did bugger all yesterday, it was so hot. And I couldn't even open one of the windows because the worlds biggest spider was sitting on it!!

How's maternity leave going Michelle? Are you bored yet, or do you just keep finding lots of very nice cake to eat?! (I've seen the pictures....!)

I'm bored with mine. I kind of, a little bit, wish I was still at work. On part days or something rather than this all or nothing stuff. (I can't believe I've actually said that!!!). I had my first "any signs" text yesterday which made me giggle!
I had a much better day yesterday, got a few extra hours sleep in the morning and the cough didn't wake me up thank goodness. It was my mums birthday so went for a nice meal with all the family but whatever I had kept me up with heartburn in the night :-( got nothing to do today though so will hopefully nap.

Had a dream last night that I went into labour and got to hospital to be told I was 8cm...... That'd be nice haha.
My grandad predicted yesterday that baby will be born on Sunday and he's never been wrong...... Apparently?? But time will tell. Feel really sick agin today so I'm really hoping that passes soon cause I can't go through the whole sickness thing again. I had lots of "not long now" last night Kim which made me laugh, just hope they're right :-)

Hope everyone is feeling good today. Xx
I had my first "any signs?!" Text yesterday too! I replied 'no, I'm not even sure what the signs are until they start' haha.

I'm going into school today (I'm a teacher) but I refuse to do anything! Just joining everyone for lunch. I have to go in next Monday for the INSET day as apparently you have to go in on the day your maternity leave commences?! So technically my maternity leave hasn't started yet! Luckily my 40 week midwife appointment is in the afternoon so I don't have to stay all day.

Hope this weather begins to cool down again. Don't want to be in hospital in this!

Have a lovely day everyone :) xx
Morning everyone

Happy fully cooked day Bee

Bex hope u get ur study finished today then u can relax

welcome to september mummies Michin

Not much planned for today... i'm not allowed to drive until baby has arrived now :-( mum coming over to help me clean the house coz i'm that pathetic at the moment.Sorry on a bit of a downer today... so frustrating not bei g able to do simple jobs around the house.

Anyway have a good day all xx
Hi everyone :wave:
I have not been member of your sept mummies thread before and was a late joiner to tri 3 after being around a bit in tri one but then. Being on the down low a bit!!
Wondered if I can join in?? :)

Due sept 14 th, team yellow, second pregnancy, DS is nearly 3!!

Welcome Hun :wave: I've added you to the front page.

I had a terrible nights sleep last night, just couldn't get comfy at all and I keep getting this numb/pins and needles feeling under my ribs where I think baby must be pressing. I'm in a bit of a dilemma because I kind of want baby to hold on until September so she's not the youngest in her year but I'm not sure how many more nights like last night I can take! Not that I get any choice in the matter anyway, she'll come when she wants not when I want her to!

Had the midwife this morning. Her actual words were 'wow, could this baby get any lower?!' Which is promising! I thought she must be engaged because of all the funny niggles and pains I've been getting low down but it's nice to have it confirmed! I had a trace of just about everything in my urine though but they didn't seem concerned. My bump is also only measuring 35cm but again mw wasn't worried. I was measuring 35cm at 37 weeks as well, I've always been a bit behind, and mw said she probably has grown but as she's engaged now that's making the measurement less.

We're having a lazy day today, OH is in bed this morning as he's on nights but when he gets up we're going to see my mum and dad and laze in the garden for a bit and DS can take his bike as they've got much more room than us.

Hope everyone else has a nice day :) xxx
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Ammdaz, sounds like a bit of a mixed bag there! You sound positive though? :-) enjoy your afternoon, hope little miss gives you a bit of a break and shifts for you! Only got 5 more days to get through till its September!!

Sorry to hear your still feeling crappy sunshine state - have you had any results back yet? We were only saying he other week about how mums do the best cleaning anyway, so silver lining and all that ;-) bit of chill out time should definitely give you some improvement though xx

I haven't got out of bed yet. Me and the woofle are having snuggles whilst watching gossip girl on Netflix!
Sorry u had a bad night Ammdaz... it so difficult to get comfortable at all anymore. Enjoy ur chilled out day.

Tigger getting results on 2nd sept. Although lady who did my Echo said nothing bad showed up. I have realised i have to just relax and not do alot but i got so much to get. My son starting big school a week today.. Think that stressing me out a bit.

Thank god for online shopping though xx
I slept so well last night, woke up at 6 when hubby went to work but managed to doze off again about 8ish and I've just woken up! Wahooo! It's amazing how much better sleep can make you feel. Hope it continues but I seriously doubt it.

Need to get some jobs done today but I'd really just like to stay in my PJs all day and be lazy.

Wonder who the next September mummy will be...
I bloody love kiddicare. Popped in to see their sale as end today and for £ 13.50 I got ds 2 pairs of jeans, a t shirt snd a pack of 5 nice socks. Got baby girk some cute booties. But to me that is a bargain! ! ;) xx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13

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