~***September Mummies***~

I'm lying on the sofa in my PJs eating popcorn and watching Bride Wars...and I feel so guilty!! Since when is it ok to do this on a Tuesday afternoon?!
Sitting on sofa eating garabaldo biscuits watching Jeremy Kyle! Im not much better haha!

On another note I fogot to book my whooping cough jab and have called surgery as u gotta have befo 38 weeks (thurs) and they have no spaces ;/ damn baby brain! ! Anyone else not had it??

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Got to enjoy such things while you can! :-) I'm editing my assignment. trying not to eat lots of oreos.
Since your heavily pregnant and "resting" before baby comes ;-)
Has taken me three hrs to do the ironing sitting down with the fan blasting on me lol but i feel i have achieved something today. My mum been over and helped Ds sort his room, it's spotless. So feel great about that and i managed to hoover a little. Think i may of overdone it though as i got a terrible pain in my belly button, like i've pulled something.

My boobs have seriously grown and were big before. my new maternity bras arived today for my.hospital bag... wow there big but know how big boobs get when the milk comes in lol

I think if my waters went in a shop and would just stand in the puddle and cry and wait for help lol x
meanwhile I swear my bump is getting higher....wrong way squiggle!!!
Ammadaz I was thinking the same thing, Saturday/Sunday would be good for me. Then it's a week at home with both kiddies before the school runs start. Fingers crossed, as was early with Ava so it could happen.

My boobs have gone up 2 cup sizes, it is nice but I think my arse has also grown in proportion so that's not so good!

Kylie in Corrie has the same pram as me! I saw it last night and was a little pissed off. I chose quite an outrageous one as I like to be different, now its on Corrie it will be everywhere. I hope labour doesn't always start as quickly/painfully the second time round. I've heard the second one is quicker, but that much quicker???


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Kylie in Corrie has the same pram as me! I saw it last night and was a little pissed off. I chose quite an outrageous one as I like to be different, now its on Corrie it will be everywhere. I hope labour doesn't always start as quickly/painfully the second time round. I've heard the second one is quicker, but that much quicker???

I have the cosatto in treet and nancy in hollyoaks has that! And then the other day she was driving a car exactly same as mine!! Xx
Grr I'm annoyed, just received my first payslip since leaving work and I'm pretty sure they've underpaid me :-( if anyone knows anything about wages and fancies reading my rant and giving me advice I've posted about it in pregnancy chat.

Other than that I've had a good chilled out day :-) OH is just cooking toad in the hole for dinner, it's not really the weather for it but I'm looking forward to it anyway!

Bex that is not good that your bump is going the wrong way! Get down squiggle, it's time to come out!

And Amy how annoying about the pram! It's really nice though!

Oh dear, I hope second labours don't start like they do in the soaps! That's a bit of a scary thought! I keep trying to remember how things started with DS but it feels like forever ago! I can't remember having the first contraction or what made me think this must be it. So I don't feel like I'm any the wiser this time round really!

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Hi Ladies!

Just wanted to drop by and say :wave:!! Another day done and we are all 1 day closer to our own induvidual Christmas Days!! Cant wait to see who is next!

Umbongo - I think little squiggle is gathering some momentum up to do a high dive down and out :lol:

Hahaha thanks! I hope so!!! I do wish she'd engage. I would feel a lot more positive then!
Yaaaahoooo I've finally finished working. .. 2 weeks before my due date xxx

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I know what you mean about the bump getting higher. For first time ever I had rib pain yesterday, my baby never gets in my ribs!!!

Wish I could help Ammdaz but sounds like too much of a complicated payroll issue for my more basic knowledge! I would've thought salaried you should get x no of weeks, not days. Query it with your boss though, if you feel you can, you'll learn something new if nothing else :-)

I've got a very bad tummy this evening. Only just made it to the loo in time! (Sorry, tmi!) just got hubby to go through mine and baby's hospital bags though and I'm happy we're all sorted - nearly forgot a dressing gown! Picked a short v thin satin one as I know ill get too hot anyway - I have nice pyjamas so I'm not too worried!!!
Thanks tigger, it is a bit complicated but I'm pretty sure she's done it wrong! I was expecting to get almost a normal months pay because I'm only actually on maternity leave for 6 days this month but its come out significantly less so I'm peeved! I've emailed my boss but she hasn't replied which is annoying me even more as I know she will have seen it! It's tricky because I actually get on well with my boss and consider her a friend so it's a bit difficult to question her but I'm not going to be cheated out of my money!!

Sorry to hear about your dodgy tummy, maybe it's a pre-labour clear out?? I know if it was me I'd be thinking it was a sign!

Seonaid that's great that you have finally finished. I take my hat off to you for managing to work so long, I was struggling by the time I finished at 35 weeks and that was only working two days a week!

Hi Tigger - I was speaking with my mw about "clear outs" as I have been having this off and on (more on than off!) for 2 weeks now. She said it has alot to do with the amount of bh you get as these contractions have an affect on the peristalsis, guess it makes sense?!?

How is everyone else doing today? XXX
I also think baby kicks my bowels a lot which can't help! Could feel it last night!! Lovely...
Better than constipation though. Bouncing and rolling on my ball always leads to me going to the toilet! So it does something useful.

I doubt it's any sign for labour! I joked with hubby it could be, he wasn't impressed! Bubs has to hang on till we at least have a car on the road, which could be today or tomorrow.

I successfully only woke up once for a wee last night! I can usually time it - 12.30, then 5am (then no more sleep) but I managed till 3am today so only had the one!!! Woohoo!!!

What's everyone up to today? OH has a day off so not sure what we'll do, company will be nice though. Woofle has agility training tonight so will go watch that too! Have my 38 week check tomorrow, mums making me go to the surgery so someone else does it, just to make sure everything's normal etc. my dads offered to drive me up if I don't feel I can! He also offered to come shopping with me on Monday incase I couldn't manage! :-)
Last night I felt like wee man was EVERYWHERE! For the first time he was also on the left side and I just dont know how lumps can appear up at the ribs and be pushed around in the pelvis at the same time. After all that action he ended up with hiccups which just makes me giggle! Those moments I treasure! :)
Last night I felt like wee man was EVERYWHERE! For the first time he was also on the left side and I just dont know how lumps can appear up at the ribs and be pushed around in the pelvis at the same time. After all that action he ended up with hiccups which just makes me giggle! Those moments I treasure! :)

I also have a very wriggly baby! I love it, definitely the best bit of being pregnant. I got up 5 times for a wee in the night and had loads of stabbing pains in my foof so think baby has engaged a little bit more. Hoping to go back to the usual 1 or 2 loo breaks tonight because I'm shattered!! Up early but going to have a mammoth afternoon nap, can't wait!!

Going to make lots of food for the freezer today. Did 2 sausage casseroles yesterday and today I'm going to make some minestrone soup, a curry, chicken casserole, some bolognaise and some chilli con carne. Not looking forward to the washing up...
Mine being very wriggly to. I love it even though it hurts a bit now lol. I'm getting stabbing pains in my foof as well but can also feel her up in my ribs. suppose they need all that space now.

Got hospital app this morning, then hopefully my dad will take ds and myself somewhere to get out of the house. I'm not allowed to drive anymore :-(

Really want to make some batch cooking but can't stand long enough. Might get oh to help on the weekend.

Still got stuff to get for hospital bad too... oops xx

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