~***September Mummies***~

Same here :-( I woke up in agony. The front of my pelvis is so sore. It took me ages to get to the toilet when I woke up. Hoping its just baby engaging. Been sitting on my ball but when I get off that its so painful too. Not really sure what's best to do, keep moving around and go for a walk or rest it. Going to mums for a roast dinner in an hour so that'll cheer me up! x
baby must have engaged more, you cant miss that feeling when they move right down, could be anytime now. my discharge went crazy watery and really over the top the day before i went into labour last time

bee i get that when i first get up or get off my ball now too, its babys head in your pelvis and takes a min to stretch out so its comfy again in new position, will get worse as the head gets lower im afraid
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I woke myself up being sick last night. Only a little bit and was still in my mouth... But yuck!!

Did you call hosp last night Hayley?? Hope pains subside. Sounds like baby engaging, I feel like I must have a massive pelvis because mines almost fully there and I can't notice?!

I did notice a BH this morning, wave starting from the top, I've never noticed in that way before! Only the once though, haha.

Having a bad day today :-( our new car is now broken. It needed a new part, which replacing has highlighted further faults. Which could be v expensive. I'm so lucky my brother is a mechanic and doing all the work, but I'm still majorly stressed about the cost of it all. I have exam results on Friday too of my final exam, determines whether I'm a qualified accountant or not. Think I've failed so there's this horrible depressive thought in the back of my head all the time :-(
aww poor tigger, i got so sick of feeling sicky and heartburny i have bummed a couple of omeprazole off my mum lol, dont need a whole course of them and i had them after 35 weeks last preg so i know theyre ok in this stage of pregnancy
Oh crap about the car Tigger!!! That's a nightmare. I hate them!!!! Good luck with the results, I bet you haven't failed!!!

Hope everyone is having a good day. My nephew was well cute and not too manic. I just feel down in the dumps now. Dunno why!! Just hormones I guess. Cba to do anything but bored out my mind! X
I woke myself up being sick last night. Only a little bit and was still in my mouth... But yuck!!

Did you call hosp last night Hayley?? Hope pains subside. Sounds like baby engaging, I feel like I must have a massive pelvis because mines almost fully there and I can't notice?!

I did notice a BH this morning, wave starting from the top, I've never noticed in that way before! Only the once though, haha.

Having a bad day today :-( our new car is now broken. It needed a new part, which replacing has highlighted further faults. Which could be v expensive. I'm so lucky my brother is a mechanic and doing all the work, but I'm still majorly stressed about the cost of it all. I have exam results on Friday too of my final exam, determines whether I'm a qualified accountant or not. Think I've failed so there's this horrible depressive thought in the back of my head all the time :-(

We too are having a shit time with cars.... my car died a few weeks ago... the rear brake pad and disc need replacing... but we don't have the money for it...

Then today hubby has gone to the cinema with his son and i'm meant to be relaxing... but he calls me on the way to stay he stopped to put air in his tyres because the car bleeps to say air pressure is low.. only to discover that there's a nail in his tyre.... ffin great... he doesn't get paid for another couple of weeks.... i don't have the money for it... his road tax is due at the end of the week too... so that's £250 odd quid for a tyre we'll need to get as we can't not have a car...
Get part worn tyres as they're much cheaper. We never buy new ones. Cars are money pits!!
Get part worn tyres as they're much cheaper. We never buy new ones. Cars are money pits!!

No way hubby will buy part worn for his... i do for mine... but his is a performance car.. it's an Audi S4... damn supercharged vehicle.... so safety wise it's probably better getting new...

I agree though... cars are huge money pits.... can't afford to have them can't afford to not have them xx
Pah, Performance car. We only ever have secondhand ones so don't know anything about posh cars :-P
Our campervan (bongo ) is on a SORN for the foreseeable future as it's a grand to fix it. Boooooooooooooooooooo!
F-ing cars!
Cars are the worst thing ever. You've just reminded me I have to tax the new one this week... Boo!! No point in doing a SORN on the other (despite 10 months left on it!) because tax will help it sell.. When we eventually get it fixed :-/ if my parents didn't live so close and allow us use of their cats we'd be a bit stuffed right now.

On a positive note - Thomas, my nephew, is due to come home Wednesday after a small hernia op on Tuesday :-D
Oh gutted about the cars girls, they really are a nightmare! We have ours on higher purchase so it goes straight back to the shop if anything ever happens to it. Not even a year old yet tho so fingers crossed all will be ok.

Didn't ring the hospital no as didn't get home till 11.30pm and she was moving before I went to sleep so seemed ok.

Great news on Thomas :) little man sounds like he's doing great.

I've been in bed most of the afternoon trying to catch up on some sleep but hardly got anywhere.

I read today that women can feel quite depressed at this point in pregnancy due to the pain and lack of sleep and just the general waiting for the event etc. I wouldn't say I feel depressed but I'm very tearful of late and do feel reeeeeally fed up but that's for me is mainly due to the fact I'm never comfy and have hardly any sleep. Hopefully only 2 more weeks now fingers crossed xx
Pah, Performance car. We only ever have secondhand ones so don't know anything about posh cars :-P
Our campervan (bongo ) is on a SORN for the foreseeable future as it's a grand to fix it. Boooooooooooooooooooo!
F-ing cars!

Yeah i know all our other cars have been second hand this was the first ever new car as hubby got a nice inheritance..... only problem is bits cost more lol... xx yeah my camper is sorn'd too needs new gear box :( xx
That's great news about little Thomas :-)

Nice car Seonaid ;-) my OH is very much into his performance cars and its rubbed off on me a bit! But they are so expensive to maintain and don't even get me started on the fuel costs!

Hayley I can understand that about women feeling depressed at this stage. I'm not feeling depressed but like you I've been having a few tearful moments and it does get hard with the tiredness and general discomfort. I'm not very good at resting so I hate that I can't just carry on with things like normal without getting worn out! Plus the anticipation of what's coming can be quite overwhelming, especially when you don't even know exactly when it's going to happen.

I've just had a bath because I'm achy after walking around a tractor show all day with DS but I think I had it a bit too warm because now I am cooking! Can't cool down, argh! Xxx
Yeah that's what I'm like, hate knowing I've got things to do but not being able to get on with it. I think I'm just having a few off days and I'm hoping I'll pick up again soon.

Think my piles r back nooooo..thought I wasnt gunna get them then bam. Painful :(

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Think my piles r back nooooo..thought I wasnt gunna get them then bam. Painful :(

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13

I have sore bum too :-( Waaaah!

Hope you feel chirpier tomorrow Haylian. I've had a bit of a down day. Determined to be brighter tomorrow xx
1st September mummy gone early with NikNak1!! It's starting...!!

I've been awake since 4.30 and really can't sleep... Boo!! :-(
Arghhh its nearly our month for deliveries and seeing niknak has had her baby just made me very very excited!!

We are all going to be mums in a matter of weeks!! This is insane
Congratulations to Niknak!! I think a few of the August ladies might be about to pop. Not me ...yet. I'm going to let them get on with it and get my study done this week :-D x

Horrible headache this morning :-( xx

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