~***September Mummies***~

Congratulations NikNak! Can't believe September mummies are having babies, so exciting. I think I'm in complete denial about having a baby, I don't feel like it'll be me for ages but potentially it could be any time which is so scary! Going to unpack and repack my hospital bag later to check that I've got everything
Good plan beesmall... I've been meaning to do that all weekend!!

I know I'm probably very much in the minority with this, but I'm not even at the stage I'm willing baby out, or bothered about being pregnant etc. I was totally obsessed by the end of ttc, watching for all sorts of signs that I'd ovulated, then all sorts of signs I could be pregnant... It's all I could think about, so I expected pregnancy to end the same way! I think as this baby is so chilled out and relaxed, it's given me a bit of that!!!
Me neither Tigger. I'm happy and baby's happy. I think s/he will come on my birthday (11th). Although I am a little obsessed with it being a September baby! It's exciting watching the labour threads pop up!
Yeah I'm quite similar. I really don't believe there's anything you can do to make babies arrive quicker, they'll come when they're ready. Like I said, it's almost like I'm in denial and its not real. Such an odd feeling!
Woo hoo September mummies will be popping up everywhere now. Can't believe by the end of the week it will be our month. I'm glad for those of you that are still coping really well with pregnancy etc, I'm gutted to be willing my baby out cause I really wanted to just be happy to let it be whenever. Not had the best of times during though so I'm just happy baby is doing well. The more time passes tho the more I think she'll come on my birthday tho (17th) which will be 9 days late! Not sure I'd last that long haha.

I managed a good few hours sleep last night which was nice and only got up at 10.30 :-) so feeling a bit better today xx
Omg the newest addition to Tri 3 is due 25th November, which means next week there will be December mummies in here! Crazy days xx
I'd be happy for baby to come whenever if I didn't have my bro's wedding, which is a once off thing that I'll be gutted to miss as, we're a close family. More than a week late and it's game over. I'm sure I'll be too busy with baby to be really upset but it will be horrible :-(
Ah that will be a shame Bex :( lots of labour vibes coming your way then. I'm sure squiggle will want to make sure she gets to her first wedding x
Fx. I guess if I miss it I miss it. There's nothing we can do!!
Is the wedding close to you Bex or a long way away? What date is it? That's so frustrating that they're so close together :-(
Hi Ladies!!

Hope everyone is doing well - and that Bex is going to pop tonight so she doesnt miss her bro's wedding! LOTS OF LABOUR THOUGHTS YOUR WAY HUN!

Haylian - hows the cold?

Tigger - hows Sammy doing?

Constantstar - hope your feeling better too!

I havent been on here for a few days - we had our 17 years anniversary on the weekend :lol: and I thought ooohhhh, is there any Sept labour threads yet?!?! Feels sooooooo scary that it is so nearly our month!!! What is everyone going to do afterwards? I know we are going to be absolutely besotted with our LO but is that it then? XXX
Is the wedding close to you Bex or a long way away? What date is it? That's so frustrating that they're so close together :-(

No it's down in London, planning on staying in my parents house in Reading as it'll be easier than a hotel. Will ne with step daughters too! So no way we can do it unless squiggle has been here for at least a week... And that's assuming we're both well of course! Eek. It's on 14th Sept.
Ah that's rubbish and you're right, a week would be the very minimum!! Hurry up squiggle, your mummy and daddy have places to be!! X
I swear she or he is way too comfy in there! A right wriggler these past couple of days. X
My LO has been a right wriggler lately too which makes me think she's in no hurry to come out!

Can't believe we've had two September babies born these last couple of days! I wonder who will be next??

My hubby says that baby is stretching getting ready for an exit. Im not convinced! :-) x
I was gonna say, a wiggly baby might mean one about to make its exit...!!! X
Haha well you never know! I'm still hoping that getting my study done will lift a weight and psychologically I'll be ready!! Xx
hey ladies i spent today babysitting for my friend, had her 2.5 yr old daughter, her and alyssa are pretty much on a level development wise so it was fun having the 2 of them playing and running around all day
Hello all ;) hope ur all ok! I ended up sleeping about 3 hours, dashed to sainsbury as woke up with horrible bum pain( due to piles tmi sorry)! Then came back and slept another 3 hours! Thank god my ds was with his nanny today. Im still tired now! ! Even afer a 6 hour nap! Prob should be taking those iron tabs I was perscribed about 10 weeks ago too oops! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13

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