~***September Mummies***~

Ohhhh dear!! Who knew an innocent question could lead to all that?! I don't think anyone really said anything out of order, 5element made quite a good point and this woman seemed to be attacking it! I made an attempt to get it back on track but failed...

Good news with Sammy is.... They can find nothing wrong. We've got super duper antibiotics for the next 5 days, incase it's still an inner ear infection, but his blood test was totally normal. If they don't work next step is MRI. Very expensive but luckily covered by insurance, risks are very minimal, but the major consideration is that the nearest place that does it is Newport - over a 2 hour drive. Wouldn't be a problem if baby wasn't due any day now!!!! Think we'll do it if the antibiotics don't work, I wouldn't want to not do everything for him. He's suffering now from the anaesthetic, can't stand up straight or walk properly at all bless him, super dopey!! Hopefully he'll be better tomorrow. Nice fish dinner for him for tea!!!
awwwww poor Sammy! Give him lots of cuddles Hopefully the antibiotics will sort it out. You don;t want to be two hours from home ideally! xx
Poor Sammy, but great that they couldn't find anything. Fingers crossed the super duper anti d's will help x
Aww poor sammy :-( hope he gets sorted very soon.

It's my brother's 21st tomorrow so we're at my parents for a BBQ, well it's supposed to be a BBQ but its also supposed to rain all day so could be a bit of a disaster!

On Sunday OH is back at work. He's been off for nearly two weeks so we could spend some time together just the three of us before LO arrives and DS starts school. I'm really dreading him going back, I'm usually fine when he's working but I think I must be feeling a bit vulnerable at the moment because I just want him to stay at home!

Terrible nights sleep. Got up soooo many times.for wee. My bump had so many braxton hicks last night and was so sore all night :/ to top it off ds was up at 5am. Yawwnnnnnn.
Tmi does anyone get discharge that sometimes u think a) ive peed myself a little, b) thatss lot of discharge c) waters gone ?
im sure it's a) because she been a pain all night pressing on my stomach . Oh the joys xx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Ohh dear constantstar, sounds rubbish. About the discharge, I get it sometimes where I feel like maybe I've bled or something is definitely going on. I always wear a liner though, so it never comes through that, and I can tell whether its discharge or not. Mine goes through stages if being very heavy!

Had a lovely lie in till 9am today, haven't done that in a long long time. Hubby took the dog in the living room and let me sleep and is now making me breakfast in bed :-) I love him! Sammy can walk properly again so the effects of anaesthetic have fully worn off!!
Oh dear constantstar that sounds rubbish :-( I sometimes get really bad discharge then nothing, it's defo getting worse now tho and sometimes when I stand up I do feel it a bit but I also wear a liner everyday now and it never gets through that.

Do you think I should call the hospital? Baby has pretty much stopped moving when I'm laid down. As soon as I sit up she moves as normal and is fine during the day but when I go to bed she stops. I know movements change etc but not sure if its just her new pattern or if its something to worry about? What would you do? X
If you don't feel comfortable with it Hayley, call them and explain and see what they say. My baby hasn't been overly active the entire pregnancy so I don't really get the same panic, but I've been up once for a tracing at 29 weeks, really put my mind at ease.

They're there all day every day and the midwives jobs are to reassure and look after pregnant women/new mums, so they're not gonna feel annoyed or put out at all that your "bothering" them! It's what they are employed to do :-) xx
I think I'll ring them tonight, it's hard to not worry when she's so quiet during the night or when I'm laid down but so strange how she's fine when I sit up. Got lots to do today and tonight so will probably ring when I'm all done just incase they want me to go up. It's making me not want to go to bed though now cause I don't like it haha.

Glad the anaesthetic has worn off for Sammy now, really hoping the new tabs work xx
Hey Haylian, I was thinking this about squiggle. Lying down used to guarantee movement and now it rarely does, it's odd. Had a few wriggles last night but nuch less than usual. But sat up seems ok. Let me know if you call and what they say! Got a foot up near my ribs as we speak! So much for moving down! X
I'm glad it's not just me. I'll more than likely call them tonight but won't be till 9ish I would imagine. I wonder what they'll say? I find it quite strange. Getting a good kicking now so she's obviously ok xx
maybe there's just less room when we lie down or something. Don't know. x
or maybe our babies are so good they sleep when we do. haha.
I used to always get kicks when I lay down and I very rarely do now. It's much more likely when I'm sitting up and squashing him/her I think. If you're not happy about it though I'd definitely call them, it's better to be safe than sorry hun x
Me too. I get much more sat down. Last night I lay down to stop baby wriggling as I was worried I was squishing them too much. I had to eat my pizza in bed :) I agree if you are worried give them a call x
My little girl doesn't move as much when I'm laying down now either. This morning in bed I was even poking her to try and get her to move and she was having none of it! She still wriggles loads at other times though. I did wonder whether she's actually learning to sleep at night but think that's just wishful thinking lol! Xxx
Bex - less than a week to go today! :) x

I know...6 days til due date seems mad! I was sure I'd have my assignment done by now. Oops. ;-)

Just having a lie down after a walk round town and lunch out. I'm knackered out!

It doesn't feel real that I can have a baby so soon! Ahhh. My mum said earlier she wouldn't be surprised if I was calling her to say I was going into labour within the week (not sure why she said that) but it really freaked me out! I can't believe it could happen at any time...having a baby isn't in my plans for this week haha.

Determined to rest this week, all I've planned is lunch out with friends on Monday then meet up with my NCT group/babies on Thursday. The rest of the week I need to get some jobs done and nap lots!
Omg literally woke up this morning and I can barely walk! Literally feel like I have a head between my legs! My groin and pelvis are soooo painful and TMI ALERT my discharge is crazy, there's so much of it :-(
Feel terrible today, and this bloody cough is driving me nuts now!

Hope everyone else is having a better day than me haha xx

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