~***September Mummies***~

My midwife wrote what she can feel above pelvis, so 4/5 would be 1/5 in pelvis rest above still. It's very confusing! They all do it different though so you have to ask to make sure :-)

Love the bumps constantstar! Impressive comparisons, you look only a little bigger in the second one.

Went doggy training tonight, my dog is being so depressed. Meant he behaved at least! We've got our last one before we give up next Thursday.

Mums starting to think about needing to have her phone on her all the time now just in case... Doesn't feel like its that time yet hehe!!

I know, I tried calling my husband for an hour yesterday and when I finally got through I said "just as well I'm not calling you to say my waters have broken" and he just laughed and said we have ages yet!! Haha he's expecting a baby on the 17th and not a moment sooner!

Mw wrote 4/5 in my notes too and considering it was free last week im presuming that means she can now feel 4/5 and 1/5 is engaged x
Yep when it says 4/5 on mine it also says palpable. . So she can feel 4/5 making baby 1/5 engaged. . Check ur notes xxx

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I'd be really mad at Sammy cat right now if he wasn't ill. Little shot has stolen my Rennies from the bedside table and I have horrible heartburn from my rhubarb crumble :-( naughty puss tat!!!
Hey everyone! What is everyone up to today? I have got my ante natal class, I only get one from 10am-3.30pm so quite a long haul. Hope they have good chairs for spd! Oh is not so looking forward to it, he asked if lunch was included! Haha. No darling it's the nhs! Xx
Wow that sounds like a long class! Ours were 4 x approx hour and a half, and the room was sooooo stuffy and hot. Couldn't of coped that long!! Hope it's interesting for you though :-)

Today I've for an exciting trip to tesco planned, along with a vet appt at 4 to find out the results of Sammy's tests today. I might do a bit of a clean in between and watch some (lots!) of tv. Might also recheck baby's hospital bag!
Im sitting eating a bacon, egg and cheese sarnie while watching judge judy then il be going back to sleep!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Mmmm I want a sandwich now!! I'm going to dye my roots, walk the dog and tidy my house. I can hardly contain my excitement. On a plus I'm going to my mams caravan later just me oh and the doggy! Goin to get my walk on get this baby out! Taking my hospital bags just incase as its a bit out the way in the countryside. Stayin for a few nights will e nice to get out of the house! Plus my kitchen is being painted while I'm away. So that will be nice to come home to! Hope you all have nice plans for the bank holiday! Xx
Ooh sounds like a long class that, hope they give you plenty of breaks to stretch your legs.
I'm still nursing my cold n cough, spoke to Dr this morning as I was sick quite a lot and wanted to check if there was anything I could take but be said no. He said my body was being sick as its keeping the baby safe and away from all the mucus etc which actually made me smile a bit haha at least my body is doing its job I suppose.
Bad news is no cough medicine etc that he'd be happy for me to take to help so just got to take paracetamol.

Fingers crossed for Sammy today Kim I really hope it's something that can be fixed and its just being stubborn.

Having our bee delivered today :-) so relieved cause our bed is so small and low that I can't sit on the side anymore and be comfy, it's like I'm squatting! Not nice at all. Our big king size divan should fix that :-) can't believe I'm this excited about a bed haha what has my life become lol xx
News beds ARE exciting!!! Sucks about the lack of medicine, you can still take some paracetamol if your feeling groggy though, might help you feel a bit "normal" for a few hours. Just think though, probably the last cold you'll get before you have a baby... Haha! I was saying to OH it's now max 27 days, because its policy to induce at 12 days over here (and given my "special status" as a local midwives daughter, ill obviously get preferential treatment and go in when I want... Yeah right!). 27 days is not very long!!!

Just waiting on a call from the vets at any time for them to let me know he's come round from his anaesthetic, and filled out all my bits of the insurance form - sooo pleased I'm not having to pay the £100's this is costing just to figure out why he walks with his head lopsided!!! I keep thinking if I'm so distraught about the cat going in for a low risk x ray, how am I gonna cope whenever baby needs anything?

Asked mum about my post natal care last night as she'd seemed a bit hesitant, and she said she would like to do it. So I asked if that meant doing the nasty heel pricks etc and making her grandchild scream and cry, and she said that's what she's hesitant about so might get someone else to do hehe!!
:mad:Just had a txt saying van has broke down so won't be delivered!! So annoying :-( I'm gutted now.

I see why your mum wouldn't want to do that Kim, it's bad enough having to watch never mind having to do it yourself. Some babies take it in their stride tho so might be fine and totally un phased :-) we can hope anyway haha x
Noooo!!!! Bad delivery driver!!! Tell then to just fix it and get on with it, haha! Found out why my deliveries were going missing... No numbers on house up the street so they were carding a house that noone lives in!!!! Idiot delivery drivers....
It's so annoying cause I was really looking forward to having a higher bed haha. Just had a txt from Argos too saying one of our other deliveries is delayed too! Omg bad luck or what!

No house numbers? I don't know why these companies ask for our contact details if they're not going to use them. What was stopping him from ringing you and saying he couldn't find the house number? Idiots
Hehehe, I just called him to let him know that Sammy has come round from his anaesthetic ok (though I don't know results until later on) and he said he thought I was calling to tell him I was in labour, cuz he's having one of those ridiculously manic days that that would just top it off!!!!
Haha imagine if you were! I can't wait to send that txt to hubby when it starts. I feel like he will be totally freaked out even though he knows its coming. I've dreamt twice now that I've given birth in the bath. Hope it means I'll get my water birth x
Not sure a text would be a safe way to communicate Hayley...?! I say this because I know my husband occasionally picks up my texts up to 8 hours after I've sent them! That would be highly inconvenient!!! X
Ah my hubby is quite good with texts, he's often in meetings too so can look at his phone and leave rather than ignoring my call and not knowing what's going on. Ha imagine if he missed it and rang me back hours later, I'd be like yeah I've had the baby you wanna meet her x
Hey tigger, sorry that sheepskin thread turned into some ungodly row... May have been partly my fault....
Hi Tigger,

Bit off topic but dont know if you saw the "extension" to the sheepskin thread you started! Made me a little sad and I have a bad consicious now that I seemed to have set off something like that - you only wanted to know how about sheepskins!! If you do decide to use it (after all that I would understand when you now say no!) I can quite happily give you some tips and offer my support but I would not judge anyone - everyone has to make their own experiences! I just want to support us ladies going through such a magical time!

Hope Sammy is now back on his toes and they have found out whats up!


P.s Thanks, had to get that off my chest!:oooo:

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