~***September Mummies***~

Kim, that is beautiful. What a lovely treasure to keep xxx
Ah that's such a lovely idea and how nice :-)

I feel your pain constantstar, I've had horrendous heartburn, luckily not over the last couple of night but I think that's cause the baby has moved right down now which has given some relief thank goodness.

Hope everyone is ok today xx
Morning everyone!

Tigger, that is something I would be passing down in the family it is so nice! Its got a real story behind it too which makes it even more special.

Haylian BIG CONGRATS to your OH on his job! I work in the same office with my hubby but different departments - actually different floors and I know I would feel quite lost if I couldnt pop up for a cuddle after lunch BUT I am sure your OH deserves this promotion (otherwise he wouldnt get it!) and means the weekends will be even more special!

Yesterday I over did the nesting and cleaned the flat totally. Today I am really suffering, everything aches and I was awake at 3am feeling sick. Today will be a day spent on the sofa. Might get something wicked in to eat and just watch the goggle box!
morning ladies. thats beautiful tigger, i have a blanket i made for alyssa that the center square was crocheted by my nan. i got given a bag of wool and stuff when i got preg and there were a few squares in there that she had started as she was making a cardi when she died i guess so i used one to start a blanket for alyssa, its very special to me so i know how that will feel for you. congrats to Haylians OH thats brilliant tho im sure you will miss him loads, just think you will have tonnes more to talk about since he will miss all the gossip from your work

im feeling really sore today, think dtd this morning bruised me lol and baby decided to move down or something, had a bit of bleeding afterward and it stings when i pee now so hubby was a bit too rough i think haha. tho we did try and do missionary to start with and had a slip accident so i think that accounts for the pain
What a gorgeous blanket! Certainly something to treasure. My sis gave me some knitted clothes made by my deceased nanny from when she knitted then for her children and they just have that extra special something :) xx
Thanks girls, can't wait to see baby wrapped in it :-) gonna sort my hospital bag out today, once I've got over my stupid emotionalness! I've been crying all morning over nothing really. Just spoke to the pet insurance people who were really nice to me and very helpful so that's cheered me up!

I missed your post about hubby Hayley, sounds like ace news :-) things will be so different anyway by the time you go back you won't notice too much hopefully.

This is gonna be a realllllly hard few weeks emotions wise!!!
My sister is crocheting s beautiful purple and white blanket for me and my mum has been in full on grannie knit mode lol... wee cardigans booties hats and a blanket lol. .. she gave me the shawl I had as a baby as well its lovely xx
That was so thoughtful of your grt nan hun talk about thinking ahead xx

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Thanks for all the messages on hubby's job girls :-)

I've resorted to watching legally blonde today haha fell asleep tho so missed a lot of it. I always feel rubbish after a nap now so wish I'd not bothered.

I too am packing my hospital bag today, just need my nighties from my mums neighbour, she's added buttons down the front for me which is fab and she's done a great job. I have 4 buttoned nighties now for when Violet arrives so plenty to keep me going. Just hope I'm successful with bf now.

WOW am I getting some amazing BH today. Had them for the last 3 hours now off and on. They get much better when I walk but thanks to me over nesting yesterday I am too knackered and sore to walk much! hihi, lazy mum2B.

Keep thining this is gooooooooooddddd practise! :lol:
Yes mine keeps having a good practice too :-) they say you'll know when it's the real deal but I personally think I will be in denial haha xx
Feeling really blughh dunno why. Tommo is fully cooked day tho! yay! Im treating myself to a hair cut tomo. Its soo long, I haven't had it cut in ages and where ive slowly gone from brown to blonde the ends r breaking off. The longest part of my hair is down my back past bra line, and the front is a little layered. Im hoping they can do a longer version of this pic with a few layers in the back . I nnow yhey have to cut a few inxhes off due to condition but if they can do this but lonher il be well happy ;)
So today ive highlighted my hair and put a little.fake tan to try cheer myself up. Xxx

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13


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That's a lovely cut I'm sure it'll look lovely and hopefully cheer you up a bit.
I feel like a big ugly bloated heffer today. Keep catching glances of myself in the mirror and could just cry.

I know I'm being silly but got a feeling more and more that these last few weeks are going to be hard xx
I went round to a friends house that I met at NCT class this morning, her baby is 4 days old and he was sooo tiny and perfect. I'm so excited now, can't wait for it to be my turn!! I was hoping that it might trigger labour but no such luck. I'm not even full term for a few days but I want my baby NOW!!
It's all good 5element, you need the rest anyway. I've done bugger all today! Except Hoover up some fish food that the stupid dog sprinkled EVERYWHERE whilst "snacking" on it. Yuck.

I like the hair style constantstar, hope they manage it for you. It's such a nice treat getting your hair done :-)

Hayley - they probably will be hard, but helps you prepare mentally. The more fed up of being pregnant you are, the better you'll feel about being in labour (and all the horrors that come with that) because it'll be a means to an end! I'm not quite there yet, being pregnant isn't too bad and I'm not too uncomfortable with it. Another 3 weeks and I might be thinking totally differently ;-)
4 DAYS OLD! SO CUTE!! It is so fascinating to think that just 4 days before that wee mite was all tucked up in mums tum! It never ceases to amaze me!

I agree with you Haylian, the last few weeks are going to be hard work. Hate it that the sickness is back abit. :-( I just want to have some energy and most of all FEEL MY FEET AGAIN!!!!!!!

Hmm, thanks for the idea Constantstar - a new hair cut sounds like a good idea! Have fun getting yours done!!!
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Yeah I'll defo be happy to see labour when it arrives. I always feel like I'm bring ungrateful when I complain but I'm not at all I just feel like I've had every bad pregnancy symptom going and none of the good ones. The best thing about it is feeling /watching her move about.

I'm having my hair done on Saturday, it's soooo thick and growing at super speed and loads darker than it ever has been before :-( see something else I'm complaining about! Ooooh I'm getting myself mad now lol

Awake with heartburn again! Even bought gaviscon. Its helped but still there ;/. Ive got my son wedged in between me and oh as some stupid persons car alarm wouldnt stop going off. ( those ones with the four different sounds in repeat) outside his bedroom and was scaring him . He fine now.
Its currently pouring im listening to the rain too. Quite soothing.

And today is...

Fully cooked day!! Yay!! 37 weeks!!! Come on baby! U can start making ur move now!!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Congratulations on fully cooked!!

Does the gaviscon actually work constantstar? I've found Rennies so much better, but my heartburn isn't quite as chronic as others seem to have it!

Boo to car alarms. I'm lucky we live down a lane off the street, and it's such a quiet area anyway. The dogs are the biggest noise complaint!!!

Getting annoyed with my wake up times. It's always 5-6am, and can't get back to sleep after :-( I wasn't doing this when I was working!!!
:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:Yay congrats on fully cooked day constantstar.

I've been awake since 6 coughing and spluttering, started to wretch so I'm sat on sofa now having a sob as I'm full of cold and feel very sorry for myself. X
No idea why al those crying faces are in there haha

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