~***September Mummies***~

Aww well done to ur husband tho what an amazing opportunity for him.

I was up aallll nught with heartburn again hmmphh. .

On another note is anyone exceptionally thirsty. Im drinking pint glasses of drink. Water is ok but its tending to be things kike icr cold orange or ice cold berry juice. Ive had 2 huge glasses of orange juice and 1 berry juice and a cup of tea already and I want more ;/ x

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Yeah it's a great opportunity I'm so proud of him.

I had extreme thirst in Tri 1 and now I sometimes feel so thirsty that I'm desperate to drink but then when I do I hardly have anything ha. You had anything salty that might be contributing? X
Ahh well done to your hubby. Id say try to focus in the positives but I totally understand your crazy emotions/hormones so all I'll say is just cry it out! Haha
I am literally thirsty ALL the time in this last tri. Like I could just sit and drink 24/7 but I have to stop myself otherwise I would be peeing all day. I can't get enough. I've stopped drinking fruit juice as the heart burn I get off it is unreal. I love cordial tho so been chugging that like a trooper! I'm hoping that when my waters I wil lose about a stone of sheer fluid ha! X
At our NCT class the teacher was telling us about a study where pregnant ladies ate 6 dates a day for the last 4 weeks before due date and it made labour significantly easier. Anyway it was a small study and may be complete rubbish but I decided I'd try it out. Day 1 today and its not going so well....there is no way I can eat 6 whole dates a day!! It's like eating a cockroach haha back to the drawing board...
Talking of cakes....

This week I was meant to be in Yorkshire with my mum and nanny to see family but due to low lying placenta still at scan last week consultant told me not to go :( Anyway my nanny still went and got this handmade cake for me to cheer me up! It is so gorgeous, wish she hadn't spent so much.

Now thinking of using it at baby shower but thats not till week saturday, anyone know anything about freezing cakes?! My mum froze some of my wedding cake and that turned out ok but there wasn't figures on it so could wrap up tight...



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Ah that is so cute! What a gorgeous cake. The cake itself would be fine to be frozen but not sure all the fondant creatures etc would survive. Try googling it x
I'm going to try pregnancy yoga tonight, has anyone been before? It's supposed to be good for hip and pelvic pain and swelling etc so I'm going to give it a try! X
Ah that cake is fab!

I've just spent the afternoon with my best friend and her baby :-) do new babies start labour off haha I've had awful period pain for the last 1.5 hours, one of them had me bent over, yikes! Hopefully she's just having another practice and it'll settle back down xx
I have read somewhere newborns can help start it off I'm sure! Exciting!! Xx
Newborns can help. They set hormones off that can lead to contractions ;-)

Went shopping today with my mummy, bought myself 3 sets of pyjamas/nighties from primark, so hospital bag can now be completed tomorrow!!

Been getting shooting pains in my boobs a lot lately, spoke to my mum about it and she said that they could be my let down (not leaking unless I squeeze a bit though!) and probably accompanied by BH.

I had kids point and stare at me today... Very odd feeling!!!!
Newborns can help. They set hormones off that can lead to contractions ;-)

Went shopping today with my mummy, bought myself 3 sets of pyjamas/nighties from primark, so hospital bag can now be completed tomorrow!!

Been getting shooting pains in my boobs a lot lately, spoke to my mum about it and she said that they could be my let down (not leaking unless I squeeze a bit though!) and probably accompanied by BH.

I had kids point and stare at me today... Very odd feeling!!!!

3 sets...you planning on moving in? I've only bought one. I just need maternity pads and cotton wool pads. Can you believe that Asda didn't have any today!

Why were the kids pointing and staring. Have you grown an extra head? :)

Really? I'm not sure what's going on now cause they're in my back and tops of my legs too. I'll just keep an eye on it.

My nighties are still with my mums neighbour so best get them back sharpish so I can do my hospital bag, hubby is even more anxious for me to get it done now haha.

Glad that you got your nighties/pj's I've heard a lot of people say they're good from there xx
So my most recent hormonal outburst.......

Me n my husband met at work, we've known each other nearly 8 years, together for 6 married for 3. We don't work too closely together but we are in the same office so I see him all day. We're not coupley at all at work it's all business really.

He's the most determined driven man I know and he's come so far over the last 3 years but any progression or step up has been taken away from him due to pay cuts and redundancies so he's been looking elsewhere for career opportunities. He was offered a job a while back but it was based in Leeds and wasn't financially viable as he'd need to travel on train everyday (about £220 a month) and it would also mean he'd be out of the house from 6am till 6pm everyday and with a new baby at home it just wasn't the right time. The company have literally promised him the earth in order to get him to go work for them, they've agreed to station him in the South Yorkshire office instead and reimburse him for any travel costs on the rare occasion he'd have to travel, offered him more money and basically said hee got him pegged for a step up in the next 6 months already. So he's of course taken the job and will get his offer letter tomorrow.

Well I've cried for like an hour, I'm so proud of him and he'll have a very well paid important job etc but I won't be working with him anymore, it's all I've know for our entire relationship and it makes me so sad to think he won't be there anymore. Of course I won't be there for the next 9 months anyway but to know he's leaving just makes me so sad. I know I'm being highly emotional about it all but I'll miss him so much :-) what a plonker I am lol.

Sorry it's a bit long winded that xx

You'll be fine. I used to work with my hubby. He was a member of my staff when we first started dating! :) We went away on holiday and when we came back I went to work another site for a few weeks. I never left! I do miss him, especially as he was a great dogsbody! :) on the plus side we have more to talk about and we rush home to see each other x
Mum advised 3 would be good - blood loss will be heavy so I might come through. Don't want to be walking around in blood stained pj's!! Plus, need some easy boob access ones for after too :-D

The size of my belly is bigger than an extra head. It's really odd being stared at because of it!

Hayley - think newborns will only start it off if your ready anyway. Might calm down if it wasn't gonna be your time anyway ;-) though it is a blue moon.....

Sooooo hot and bothered tonight :-(
I've packed 3 too, all from good old Primark! Ill be giving birth in one which will obviously get covered in blood, then another nightie to change into and also a pair of PJs cos not sure which I'll want on if I'm in hospital overnight and like you said, definitely the scope for some blood leakage...joy!
I got a bargain in Mothercare- a pair of feeding pj's reduced from £28 to £9, then M&S another pair of jammies but not feeding ones for £7 and a light dressing gown as my home one is an enormous pink towelling robe, that was £9. Have packed them all and m old feeding nightie I gave birth in 13 years ago lol - God only knows why I still have it! Its so huge you could set up camp in it and its navy so good for the messy part!
Trying to focus on the positives today - still no news from the specialist midwife, she basically said they may see me on thursday, they may not see me til next week :( Hate not knowing whats going to happen and want reassurence that my baby is ok. However I have had a lovely day with the girls sat out in the garden.
I used to work in the neonatal unit and noticed my daughter would go mad when I used to feed the little ones in there towards the end of my pregnancy - could have been coincidence but who knows?
Feeeling very grumpy with BAD heartburn :/ taken my daily allowance of tums ans just taken my last dose of zantac that I can have. Sitting here feeling miserable of always having a horrid taste in my mouth and waking up to almost being sick because of the acid in my throat. And got a lively sour taste that wont go no matter what I do. Grr. Sorry girlies. Its driving me crazy. Just wanna whole nights undisturbed sleep before baby here!! And wanna feel good. Not sickly! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
My great nan knitted me a shawl for baby. She died almost 4 years ago, but she knew she wouldn't be around for when I did have my first and every other grandchild (with kids) has had one made for them, so she did this for me and asked my nan to keep it by for me, so it's quite special, thought I'd share :-)


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