~***September Mummies***~

Well my BHs tailed off too. Today I'm getting quite a lot of discomfort low down in pelvis and back and shooting pains down my legs so I'm wondering too if baby is engaging. It could just be that I've done too much this morning though, been tidying out the airing cupboard which was a complete tip and I finally learnt how to fold a fitted sheet!

Good luck to everyone with appointments today. I haven't got my next one until next Tuesday. I'll be 39 weeks then so hoping that will be my last one!!

Yes upgrading from double to king.

Ooh all these pains and engaging are making it all very real now :-) in a few weeks we'll have our babies! So exciting.
I can't wait for the first September labour thread, wonder who it will be???

Hope you get on ok at hospital appointments and midwife appointments today ladies, let us know how you get on.

lol ladies even i was getting aches and pains last night and having a rock solid tummy but i just assumed she was wriggling in or something
36 weeks tomorrow Tigger so prime time for baby to start engaging. I'm so sure I'm going to go overdue so trying not to read too much into these signs like you say!! x
lol ladies even i was getting aches and pains last night and having a rock solid tummy but i just assumed she was wriggling in or something

Eeeeek labour thread soon missus!
lol nah Netty i doubt it, loads of other ladies to go first and i feel perfectly fine most of the time haha. besides i have a scan on the 29th that i wanna see haha
Hello everyone hope ur appointments went well. I had my 36 week doc check. (Im 36 + 4 tho) Shes happy. Baby still head down but still free lol! Not engaged at all little bugger!
I also stupidly left my preg notes on my car as got son out at home! Luckily some nice person saw and left outside my flat door! I only realised 4 hours later! Omg! Lol baby brain!
So next appoints r 38 midwife, 40 consultant and 41 midwife! Hopefully she be here soon im getting tired now!! Only a couple of days till im fully cooked!! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
I'm having a crazy pregnant day. Like up and down happy and then crying and generally being a mental human. My poor dog doesn't no what's happening. Also does any one think pets can sense labour? My dog literally has not left my side all day. Even on her walk she just trotted along beside me which is a bit weird!! Also my stupid leg is really painfull i never hoight varicose veins would hurt so much!! Glad your appointment went well constantstar. My next one is on Wednesday ill be 38weeks. Hope my baby is engaged and ready to make an apperance. Xx
I reckon pets know and could be a sign!! X

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
My dog definitely knows I'm pregnant. I've always been so cynical about that kind of thing but I 100% believe that he knows. Normally he is so excited when I take him out and he pulls me all the way up the hill to get to the field (he knows he's being naughty, I tell him off etc but he does it every time) but in the last few months he walks alongside me, doesn't pull at all and constantly turns round to check on me. Then when we get to the field he used to run off and have a sniff etc and now he won't leave my side. The first time he did it I thought he was ill and was really worried!!
Yep animals definitely know. My cat knew I was pregnant before I did! Xxx
My animals are either all stupid, or just couldn't give a crap. The dogs more gentle but only because he's being shouted at more if he's not haha
Evening everyone anyone have any more tightenings tonight? Was last night a full moon I wonder?!
Had my consultant appointment today and scan, baby was head down which is good news but bad news was my fluid levels have increased even more, from 28cm 2 weeks ago to 32cm this week. Apparently that now means I am under the care of the fetal medicine unit as it can indicate a problem with baby. They have ruled out gestational diabetes which can cause polyhydramnios.
So now awaiting an appointment, have been allocated a specialist midwife which makes it a bit more scary. Wont be able to go on holiday with my girlies so feeling really quite sad about that :( Been trying to think possitivly but struggling at the moment/
Sorry to moan :(
Enjoyed my first day of maternity leave today...
Waited in (only a short while) for my nappies from Kiddiecare. Then had a snooze. Got up and went to the Post Office to pick up my Cheeky Wipes and Tens machine. Then I went out shopping for some bits and pieces for my hospital bag. I picked up some great bargains from TK Maxx. I picked up some bamboo wipes for £8, seen them online for £14. A car seat protector £5 cheaper, and a nursing cover £20 cheaper! Tonight was my last parent craft class. It was all about breastfeeding, I learnt a fair bit which was good. I didn't realise how small a baby stomach is! The classes have finished now...I'm not sure I know everything I need!
Tomorrow I've got the midwife, hopefully I'll find out if baby has started to engage. Less than 3 weeks now! Eek :) x
Oh EllieG not the greatest news but at least it's not diabetes and they're going to make sure you're monitored properly. Hopefully it's a precaution and all will be fine. Sorry you can't go away with the girls but probsvjy best you rest up.

I've been awake since 6 today got an awful tight chest and horrible dry tickly cough :-(

On a plus note I'm going to see my friends baby today, I'm so excited. My poor friend has really been through it and in hospital since Thursday so I'm so glad he's home and I get to go have new baby cuddles yay!!

Ellie.. so sorry u can't go away with ur girls but if it means u and baby are safe and well.. it's worth it. I hope everything will work out fine for u. It is good there watching u closely... take it easy if u can xxx

My hosp app yesterday didn't go as planned but there putting me down as urgent now. Was supposed to be going for my Echo and 24 hr monitor results but haven't even had either. Doctor was furious about it. so waiting to hear today about an app. Oh said baby be here by time they do anything. I did get a scan though so seen baby and she weighing 6 1/2 pounds so far. How do they know these things. Also have to go to anastetic (?) clinic.

Mw has also encouraged me to start trying to express at 36 weeks..so will be trying that.

Hope u all have a good day xx
Sounds like some of us ladies here need a chocolate cake booster as a cheer up - or our LO's in our arms!

We should try and not forget why we are doing all this and what a reward we get at the end. WONDERFUL!! Take care everyone!

Sounds like some of us ladies here need a chocolate cake booster as a cheer up - or our LO's in our arms!

We should try and not forget why we are doing all this and what a reward we get at the end. WONDERFUL!! Take care everyone!


Very true on all counts, I'd like my reward now haha or at least chocolate, something tells me it'll have to be chocolate for a few more weeks yet :-) xx
So my most recent hormonal outburst.......

Me n my husband met at work, we've known each other nearly 8 years, together for 6 married for 3. We don't work too closely together but we are in the same office so I see him all day. We're not coupley at all at work it's all business really.

He's the most determined driven man I know and he's come so far over the last 3 years but any progression or step up has been taken away from him due to pay cuts and redundancies so he's been looking elsewhere for career opportunities. He was offered a job a while back but it was based in Leeds and wasn't financially viable as he'd need to travel on train everyday (about £220 a month) and it would also mean he'd be out of the house from 6am till 6pm everyday and with a new baby at home it just wasn't the right time. The company have literally promised him the earth in order to get him to go work for them, they've agreed to station him in the South Yorkshire office instead and reimburse him for any travel costs on the rare occasion he'd have to travel, offered him more money and basically said hee got him pegged for a step up in the next 6 months already. So he's of course taken the job and will get his offer letter tomorrow.

Well I've cried for like an hour, I'm so proud of him and he'll have a very well paid important job etc but I won't be working with him anymore, it's all I've know for our entire relationship and it makes me so sad to think he won't be there anymore. Of course I won't be there for the next 9 months anyway but to know he's leaving just makes me so sad. I know I'm being highly emotional about it all but I'll miss him so much :-) what a plonker I am lol.

Sorry it's a bit long winded that xx

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