~***September Mummies***~

My feet feel so sore and tight ;/ so having a soak. My ds had to join me while hes watching justins house pmsl xx
mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13


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Hope your feet are feeling better after their soak.

I feel like a loser, I've just got absolutely giddy about the fact I'm having a Sunday dinner tomorrow haha!
I've wanted one alllll week but not had the time or on some days the energy to make it so hubby has agreed to make me one tomorrow. My mouth is watering at the thought..... I'm so sad lol xx
To let you know i'm now booked in for a c=section due to low lying placenta on 10th September. x x x
To let you know i'm now booked in for a c=section due to low lying placenta on 10th September. x x x

Ahhh that's my due date... xx At least you know now when you'll meet your lo x

It's funny as happy as I am about baby turning, it was slightly disappointing not to be walking out of the hospital on Thursday with an exact date i'd meet my baby xxx
The August mummies thread only has a couple of weeks left then it's us!!

It's 2am and I'm wide awake with ridiculous heartburn. I could cry because nothing is helping or making it any better. I'm at my brothers house for the weekend and I don't want to wake anyone but its so uncomfortable I just can't lie in bed.
CONGRATULATIONS to the first Sept Bubba!! Cant wait to see the piccies! :-)

Sounds like we all are stepping up with the hormones - it is such a comfort to see that I am not the only one who feels so out of sorts and funny. Helps OH too, poor chap!

Feet also seem to be a big topic. Yesterday for the first time I had a real CANKLES ALERT! Never seen my feet so big and on top of the carpal tunnel I was a cripple. OH was a sweetie and piled on ice packs and wet cold socks! :lol:

Goal for this week - clean flat once more. It looks like a bomb full of dust has hit it. But with a bowling ball wriggling around on my pelvis means it will take all week!!

Whats everyone else up to this week?:eh:
Nom nom to sunday dinner! I'm gonna cook beef today, cant wait. just hope its a bit better than last weeks... didn't make my best effort there!!

Nesting 5element?? I'm gonna clean today. I literally did sod all yesterday.

Hope the heartburn a eased enough for you to get some sleep beesmall? Worst thing when stuff like that happens in someone else's house. Mines easing off recently, but I always keep a pack of Rennies next to me just incase!!

Yay for a date tabbi!! I reckon you'll beat me, think ill be a couple of days after that. You've been very quiet recently, how've you been getting on??

Pretty sure baby dropped again last night - I've never had to pee so frequently!! Also a little miffed that both yesterday and now today, almost 5.39, and I'm WIDE awake. The kitty cats notice and come walk all over me demanding fuss. I love them, but they're pains in the bum.
Guess I am nesting :lol: YIPPEEE!!!

How is Sammy doing Tigger? Any difference? I seem to be waking up btw 4 or 5 every day now too. Then drop off again later. Ohhh a Sunday roast - not sure on the meat part (sorry veggie!) but some mashed spuds and peas with mint sauce nom nom. Think Umbongo's foodie thread has infected the Sept mums one!!!
Hey ladies, I'm invading!! August mummies is so quiet! Plus I could well be a,Sept mummy as I'm last on our list!

Glad to see the food talk, I'm roasting a chicken today. LUSH. Sorry 5element;-)

I saw the Nov mummies thread and freaked out! Although I'm wanting squiggle here, im also in disbelief it could happen anytime now!xxx
Haha umbongo, tempting fate a little aren't we?! Anyone's welcome though really ;-)

Sammy's doing much the same. Still falling over when he tries to jump on stuff etc. he had a steroid injection in his leg and I think that's the only bit that's improved, still desperate for his food all the time which is positive. We've got the vets again on Wednesday so ill see what they say. He loved her last time - she did all these horrible tests and he started purring and head butting like an idiot after!!

Just had doggie and then hubby woken up by my mums German shepherd going mad next door - for such a big dog he has the most pathetic bark! It's like a terrier yap!!

Waiting for hubby to wake up as I was promised eggy bread for breakfast (rather, I asked, he said he'd do it!!!), but I'm now tempted to just do it myself!
Yeah, it always seemed so far away that it would be OUR month but August is nearly over and UMBONGO YOU ONLY HAVE 12 DAYS TO GO!!!! OMG!!!!! Did you get your banana?! :-)
I didn't get my banana yet....I may wee the bed though so better get up in.a mo!! The stairs are well creaky though. The cats will get excited but I'll keep them downstairs, they sleep down there at night.
I don't feel like it's only 12 days till my due date. It's really weird! X
hihihi, are you sure you need the loo and it's not your waters Umbongo...............:whistle:
Sorry, couldnt resist!
Yeah, it's always the wee. So boring! Noooo plug or anything interesting. Ha
Eeek! I saw nov mummies thread too! Its getting closer. Well my hot curry seems to have jyst madr me need the loo lol not much else. Oh wanted some naughty time when he came in last night which I obliged lol but oh my god girls there is no comfortable way at all ;/ lol x

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Morning ladies, all this talk about food has made me starving! And I really want French toast and lots of fruit. I can't make it though cause it always ends up a soggy mess haha.

Gonna put my chicken in soon :-) just had a bit of a tidy up and now I'm shattered, can't wait to get my body back! Not that it was great to start off with but to move freely again will be nice :-) xx
I miss my old body, baby believe I complained so much, I looked amazing compared to now!!! :-D

Just had my roast chicken. Lush!!!!!

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